


7 Super Powerful Teas for Weight Loss

Turn afternoon tea into your most intimate ally!

Image by Eva on Adobe Stock.

No one is unaware of tea. This is an ancient drink that goes back to times we don’t even know. In addition to being rich in several benefits for our health, it also can speed up metabolism, reduce appetite, burn fat, and detoxify the body.

Did you know that it is possible to lose weight just by introducing Tea into your daily routine?

It is true. In this article, I will introduce you to seven super powerful weight loss teas that will change your life. Come with me!

1. Green Tea

Who has never had green tea to combat a cold? When I was younger, my mom always made one for me when I felt bad. And now I know that it is also a strong ally for those who want to lose weight.

Green tea is one of the most consumed in the world, and for good reason. It is full of anti-oxidants called catechins, which somehow increase metabolism and fat burning in our body, especially in the abdominal region, where we have a lot of problems with the issue of a round belly.

In addition to all these really cool properties that green tea has, it also contains caffeine in its composition. This is really cool, as it helps stimulate the central nervous system and improve both your physical and mental performance.

But what should you do to make the most of all the benefits of green tea? Well, if you want to lose weight, experts recommend that you should consume at least four to five cups of tea every day, preferably before meals and physical exercise.

This is a great way for you who don’t like strict diets and want to start taking it easy, but focusing on losing weight. I recommend and approve.

2. Hibiscus Tea

My mother always said that the more bitter the Tea, the more powerful it is. And that’s how hibiscus tea works. It’s as sour as the bitterest thing you’ve ever drunk, but it’s definitely an excellent ally for those who want to lose weight.

Why that? This tea has diuretic properties, which combat fluid retention and swelling in the body. It is also great for regulating cholesterol and blood glucose levels, as well as preventing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

What’s more, hibiscus tea also contains flavonoids, which are said to inhibit the formation of fat cells in the body. Which is really, really impressive.

And for you to enjoy the best benefits of this tea, experts recommend consuming it for three to four days every day between meals.

Can you overcome this challenge?

3. Ginger tea

I love ginger tea because while it is spicy it is also tasty.

In fact, its yellowish color may be a little strange, but ginger is a great ally for those who want to lose weight because it has unique thermogenic properties that increase metabolism and burn calories.

It is also great when it comes to digestion, reducing appetite, and fighting inflammation. On top of all this, ginger tea also contains some substances that stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates our mood and well-being.

Cool, right? I love that!

To make the most of its benefits, it is recommended to consume two to three cups of tea every day. Mainly before and after meals.

I’m rooting for you!

4. Cinnamon tea

No, you will not make tea from your own cinnamon. Jokes aside, cinnamon tea is made from the bark of the Cinnamomum Verum tree, which has Asian origins but was widely spread to different places around the world.

The characteristics that stand out most about this tea are its sweet, aromatic flavor and its brown color. Cinnamon tea is also an excellent ally for those who want to lose weight, as it has benefits that improve glucose and insulin metabolism in the body, which prevents the accumulation of fat and increases hunger.

This is interesting.

Another phenomenal feature of this tea is that it also helps increase satiety, control cholesterol, and best of all, prevent premature aging.

Imagine reaching 40 made up of 20. Cool, right? I’m going to put it on my menu today, lol.

As this is a tea that can be a little stronger, it is recommended to drink a maximum of two cups a day, before meals or as a dessert.

I hope you’re enjoying it.

5. Rooibos tea

When you drink this tea, you will feel as if you are drinking directly from the cup of life.

Like this?

This Tea has a slightly sweet flavor and a reddish color. It also has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals and protect cells from oxidative stress. In short, it helps you regulate stress hormones and leaves you feeling good about life.

Furthermore, Rooibos tea contains polyphenols that modulate the intestinal microbiota, favoring the balance between good and bad bacteria. And the best way to take advantage of this is by consuming three to four cups a day, whenever you feel is best.

6. Mate tea

Unlike the previous tea, this one has a bitter taste and an olive-green color. It’s like enjoying the taste of the bitterest bush you know. But don’t be fooled if you think it’s not your ally, as in addition to helping you lose weight, it also has stimulating properties that increase your energy and physical and mental disposition.

Experts recommend that you should consume four to five cups of this tea every day, preferably in the morning or afternoon.

7. White tea

This tea is wonderful. In addition to the purpose of losing weight, it also has properties that prevent cellular aging and chronic diseases.

The coolest thing is that it has a delicate, floral flavor, as well as a straw-yellow color.

And the craziest: It also helps inhibit pancreatic lipase, an enzyme responsible for digesting fat in the intestine.

The best way to enjoy the benefits of white tea for weight loss is to consume 2 to 3 cups a day, between meals or before exercising.

Can you do that?

Final Thoughts

If you add so many teas like this to your routine, I’m sure you’ll soon become a great sommelier of this drink, lol.

But seriously, using tea in your diet is very good and it works. We don’t need to go on strict diets when we have the necessary knowledge — A good meal and a good tea are enough to change our lives.

But don’t forget to do some physical exercise too. They are great for increasing the speed at which you lose weight.

Let me know if you enjoyed hearing about this 🙂

Thanks for reading. Have a great day!

See too:

Healthy Lifestyle
Self Care
Weight Loss
Love Yourself
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