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The website provides seven templates for writing effective website copy tailored to different types of products and services, emphasizing the importance of understanding customer awareness levels and creating compelling offers.


The content discusses the challenges of writing website copy and offers solutions through seven distinct website copy templates. These templates cater to various offerings, including core products or services, lead magnets, physical products, homepages, product pages, and pricing pages. The author reflects on personal experiences of initial failure in copywriting and the subsequent realization that strategic copy, informed by customer awareness levels and a strong offer, is crucial for attracting leads and clients. The article also references additional resources to aid in crafting high-converting landing pages and understanding the stages of buyer awareness, as well as the importance of a unique selling point (USP). The author encourages readers to engage with the provided templates and offers a cost-effective AI service as a tool for improving website copy.


  • Writing website copy from scratch without experience is likely to result in failure.
  • The copy on a website is more critical than its design for converting visitors into clients.
  • Using templates for website copy does not necessarily lead to generic content; personalization is key.
  • Understanding and addressing different customer awareness levels is vital for effective marketing.
  • A strong offer that clearly communicates who you help, what they want, and how you provide it is essential for business success.
  • Visual elements and customer testimonials are important for building trust and credibility on product pages.
  • The author believes that the provided templates and additional resources will significantly help readers improve their website copy.
  • The author promotes an AI service as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus for assistance with landing page creation.

7 Simple Website Copy Templates

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Writing copy for your website is hard.

I remember listening to a ton of podcasts when I started freelancing. One episode was all about the importance of having a website. The big clients wouldn’t take me seriously if I didn’t have one. I’d never written website copy before, but I figured it couldn’t be that difficult.

Just tell people about me and what I do. I spent a few hours doing that and making it look as slick as I could.

Honestly, the end result was awful.

Anyone who stumbled upon those early versions of my site would run the other way.

I Googled “how to make a website” and learned what I could on the technical side, but never thought much about the wording. I knew how to string a sentence together and check for missing commas with Grammarly, so I could manage on my own.

Big mistake!

The wording, or copy, on the page was the most important thing. Especially since I was writing was the main service.

I went at it on my own and the website copy I wrote didn’t work at all.

Zero leads ❌ Zero new clients ❌

What I should’ve done is looked at websites that were working. I should’ve found other freelance writers who were ahead of me and figured out why their websites were generating leads and clients.

Writing website copy from scratch with no experience is a recipe for failure.

While no magic copy formula can guarantee success, there are proven principles you can follow, and elements to include that greatly increase your chances of success.

Marketers have also spent tons of time and money testing different website copy to figure out what works best.

I also want to note that using a template to write your website copy doesn’t mean it’ll be boring or generic. You still need to write about your products, your services, and your target customers. 100 people could use the same template and the copy would be different every time.

I’m sharing 7 website copy templates that I created. After spending 100s of hours studying and reviewing website pages last year, I knew this would be a helpful resource to people in my shoes a few years ago — trying to write decent website copy without much (if any) experience.

Some templates are better for specific website pages, and others can be used for a variety of page types and niches.

1. Core Offer Page Template

This first template is for your main product or service. You’ll highlight how your offer is unique and better than your competitors, and build trust with reviews and testimonials.

Template #1 - Created in Miro

2. Lead magnet / Low-Ticket Offer Template

This template is perfect for a free lead magnet or low-ticket (under $30) offer. Make sure to emphasize the benefits of your product, and why they’re important to your ideal customer.

Template #2 - Created in Miro

3. Physical Product Page Template

This copy template is ideal for a physical product you’re selling. Including plenty of real images from your customers is key to building trust on this page.

Template #3 - Created in Miro

4. Homepage / Core Offer Page

This template can be used for your homepage or your core offer — the main thing you’re selling. It’s focused on the reader’s problem, which works best for an unaware or problem aware audience.

Template #4 - Created in Miro

5. Homepage / Core Offer Page Template

This template can also be used for your homepage. It’s designed for your core offer — a product or service you’re selling. This template is better for a solution or product aware audience.

Template #5 - Created in Miro

6. Product Page Template

This product page template can be used for a physical or digital product or course. Video reviews and user generated content is key to building trust. If you don’t have those yet, make it a priority to get them.

Template #6 - Created in Miro

7. Pricing Page Template

The last template is for your pricing page. This works best if you’re offering different levels of service, or different subscription plans.

Template #7 - Created in Miro

I know these templates will help you write brilliant website copy, but I want to share a few more resources that will help you fill in the templates.

The copy and visuals on your landing page are important, but not everything. Getting the right audience to your page, and making the right offer are 5x more important.

The #1 thing you need to understand about getting the right audience to your landing page is awareness levels.

These two articles will help you understand and reach people in different awareness levels.

The next piece of the puzzle is creating and communicating a strong offer.

Your offer is what your customers get when they buy your product or service. On your website, your offer will explain:

  • Who you help
  • What they want
  • How you get them there

This article will help you create a winning offer:

The last thing I’ll share is your USP (unique selling point). This is a point on many of the landing pages, and something most people don’t understand.

A USP is something you do well, your customers value, and your competitors ignore.

I hope these tips and copy templates help you create even better website pages. Leave a comment if you have any questions!

ps. I just launched Landing Page Blueprint to help you learn and implement the keys to creating high-converting landing pages for your business and clients. It includes the essentials from my course, for 1/10th the price.

Find out more here:

Landing Pages
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