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The website content presents an introspective journey through a series of seven thought-provoking questions inspired by Manoj Chenthamarakshan's book "55 Questions to Ask Yourself," aiming to guide individuals towards self-discovery and personal growth.


The article on the website delves into the transformative power of self-inquiry by introducing seven pivotal questions based on Manoj Chenthamarakshan's work. It frames these questions against the backdrop of two compelling life stories: Sharon Tate, a symbol of life's fragility, and Biddy Mason, an exemplar of resilience and success against all odds. Each question is designed to provoke deep reflection on one's identity, relationships, fears, control, gratitude, and legacy, encouraging readers to live authentically and purposefully. The narrative emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of a meaningful life aligned with one's core values and aspirations.


  • The author believes that self-reflection is crucial for personal development and that the questions posed in the book serve as a guide for this process.
  • Reflecting on the life of Sharon Tate, the article suggests that we should be mindful of our life's trajectory and strive to align our actions with our true selves.
  • Biddy Mason's story is presented as an inspiration to overcome fear of failure and to persevere in the pursuit of one's dreams.
  • The article echoes the sentiment that our time is precious and should not be wasted living someone else's life, advocating for authenticity and personal agency.
  • It is implied that the company we keep has a significant impact on our personal growth and that we should be selective about our relationships.
  • The author advises readers to consider the perspective they would offer to others in their situation, hinting that this can provide clarity and guidance for one's own decisions.
  • The importance of distinguishing between what we can and cannot control is highlighted, with the suggestion that focusing on the controllable can lead to more positive outcomes.
  • Gratitude is proposed as a practice that can enhance contentment and foster a positive outlook on life.
  • The article challenges readers to consider the legacy they wish to leave behind, prompting them to think about the impact they have on others.
  • Overall, the content promotes the idea that life is an unfinished canvas and that through self-discovery and transformation, individuals can create their own masterpiece.
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“7 Questions to Ask Yourself,,

Exploring the Depths of Life: A journey of self-discovery through stories and reflections.


Today I’m going to share with you guys some questions that I think we should all be asking ourselves.

I am taking these questions from the book by Manoj Chenthamarakshan: These questions form a complex and beautiful pattern in the tapestry of our lives as threads of self-reflection.

The book "55 Questions to Ask Yourself" is a compass for this inner search, offering a wealth of thought-provoking questions.

In this journey of self-discovery, let’s first go through two fascinating stories and then study seven profound questions from this book,

and I think each question is a step towards a more complete existence.

Embracing the Journey: The Story of Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate' image credit: wikipedia

Sharon Tate’s tragic life story serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life.

Rising Hollywood star Sharon met a gruesome end, shocking the world.

This brings us to question one: "Who am I becoming? This question forces us to examine our choices and actions.

Are we on a path aligned with our core values and dreams? Sharon’s story teaches us to value our time and strive to be the best version of ourselves.

Triumph Over the Odds: The Buddy Mason Story

Biddy Mason' image credit: wikipedia

Buddy Mason’s extraordinary journey from slavery to entrepreneur illuminates the indomitable human spirit.

His narrative resonates with question two: "What if failure were not fear? Biddy refuses to let adversity determine her future.

With courage and determination, he seized opportunities and triumphed.

This question invites us to break free from the grip of fear and relentlessly pursue our dreams, as Biddy did.

A wise quote to ponder

Before we delve into more questions, let’s pause to consider one of the book’s gems: "Your time is limited; don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

These words from Steve Jobs highlight the importance of authenticity and living life on our terms, a recurring theme in the book.

Question Three: The Company You Own, "Who are you spending your time with?

Our relationships significantly shape our perspectives, values, and actions.

Like the saying, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,"

This question prompts us to examine whether our relationships nurture our growth.

Question Four: Advise Your Soul, "What advice would I give to someone else in the exact same situation?

Often, we find it easier to advise others than to ourselves.

This question challenges us to gain an outside perspective on our challenges and make wise decisions.

Question Five: Seizing the Reins of Control, "Is this under my control?

This question highlights the importance of understanding what we can and cannot control.

It encourages us to direct our energy toward activities that will produce positive results rather than fretting over things outside of our control.

Question Six: Practicing Gratitude "What are you thankful for?

This question encourages us to embrace gratitude as a daily practice.

Acknowledging and appreciating life’s blessings can foster contentment and a positive outlook.

Question Seven: Building Your Legacy, "What will people say about you at your funeral?

This question forces us to consider the legacy we want to leave behind.

What impact do we want to make on the lives of others?

Result: Life’s Unfinished Canvas

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In conclusion, "55 Questions to Ask Yourself" serves as a guide for personal growth and self-awareness.

These seven questions, interspersed with real-life stories like Sharon Tate’s and Biddy Mason’s, chart a course for a more fulfilling existence.

Never forget that life is a canvas, and these questions are the paintbrushes that will be used to create your own masterpiece.

Discovery and transformation. Accept them, reflect on them, and then begin the journey towards bettering yourself. In the future, you will thank yourself.

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
Self Development
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