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7 Lessons — I Adopted from Sun Tzu’s Art of War to my Startup

Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War,” an ancient Chinese treatise on strategy and warfare, is one such gem. While its lessons were originally intended for military strategists on the battlefield, their relevance has transcended epochs, finding resonance in realms as diverse as sports, politics, and, this case, startup and business.

The business landscape today is more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous than ever before. Rapid technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and the globalization of markets have made the act of doing business an intricate dance. In such a scenario, how does one navigate the tumultuous waters of the corporate world? This is where the insights of Mark R. McNeilly, as presented in his interpretations of Sun Tzu’s teachings, become indispensable. Below I will tell you my journey through these 7 lessons I learned.

Photo by Thao LEE on Unsplash

1. Leadership by Example: The Foundational Pillar

Sun Tzu’s conviction that “A leader leads by example, not by force” forms the bedrock of my leadership philosophy. At GLOBALIFY, the understanding that actions supersede words became pivotal. Being at the helm meant demonstrating commitment, passion, and perseverance every single day. McNeilly extends this perspective, emphasizing how true leadership in the modern business milieu stems from authenticity and integrity. Whether it’s meeting deadlines, fostering a collaborative environment, or celebrating team achievements, leading by example has invariably led to higher team morale, productivity, and innovation.

2. Data-Driven Decisions: The Contemporary Advantage

Sun Tzu’s strategies were a testament to the importance of intelligence. In today’s digital age, data is the new intelligence. At GLOBALIFY, data wasn’t merely statistics; it our tech (our machine learning) was a roadmap to understanding market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging trends. But collecting data was just the beginning. The magic lay in its analysis. I know the transformational power of data in today’s businesses. Leveraging AI algorithms, market research, and consumer feedback has allowed me to anticipate market shifts, tailor product offerings, and consistently stay ahead of the competition.

3. Agility and Flexibility: The Business Imperatives

The crypto world at when I was CEO at WOLF3 was a constant reminder of the volatile nature of markets. I must be super super careful, on everyday, and balancing the budget daily on our liquidity.

Sun Tzu’s teachings on being like water — adaptable and ever-changing — became indispensable. McNeilly resonates with this approach, underscoring the importance of agility in today’s unpredictable business landscape. Whether it’s responding to market changes, pivoting business models, or adopting new technologies, the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently has been crucial to staying relevant and competitive.

4. Visionary Leadership: Crafting a Guiding Light

Sun Tzu believed in the psychological power of a clear vision. At GLOBALIFY, our vision was more than a mission statement; it was the our vision and passion!!! Everytime i work too hard at night, I sometimes pop back and then I get back on track.

McNeilly emphasizes the transformative power of a compelling vision in the modern business world. Crafting, communicating, and consistently aligning actions with this vision have been instrumental in fostering team alignment, attracting partnerships, and resonating with our user base.

5. Alliances and Partnerships: Expanding Horizons

Sun Tzu’s wisdom on alliances finds immense relevance today. My tenure at WOLF3 taught me that in the intricate web of the crypto industry, strategic alliances are invaluable. Do you know how much whitelist, we got from other companies and projects due to having a small community? We only have a 10k discord members, and since we had paying memebers, we got so much exposure. McNeilly’s insights highlight the power of collaborative growth. These partnerships, more than just business transactions, have been opportunities for mutual growth, learning, and expansion into newer markets.

Photo by Andy Li on Unsplash

6. Constant Innovation: The Pulse of Business

Sun Tzu’s emphasis on evolving strategies finds a strong echo in today’s fast-paced business world. McNeilly’s perspective on innovation being the lifeline of modern businesses has been a guiding principle. It’s not just about being different; it’s about adding value, meeting unarticulated needs, and consistently pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Gotta keep moving with the times….!

7. Authentic Leadership: Building Trust and Loyalty

For Sun Tzu, the moral integrity of a leader was paramount. This principle has been a cornerstone throughout my professional journey. McNeilly’s insights further emphasize the significance of genuine, transparent leadership in building trust. Whether it was nurturing relationships at Li & Fung, driving strategic growth at On Hing Metal Die-casting CNC Assembly, or crafting a brand narrative at GLOBALIFY, authenticity has been the non-negotiable foundation.


In reflecting upon my diverse professional journey, from the bustling newest startup venture of GLOBALIFY to dynamic strategic boardrooms of Li & Fung and On Hing Metal Die-casting CNC Assembly, one truth stands out starkly: the principles that underpin success remain astonishingly consistent. The tools change, the rules evolve, and the players rotate, but the core game remains the same. Sun Tzu’s strategic insights, as illuminated by McNeilly’s modern interpretations, serve as a testament to this enduring reality.

These teachings, coupled with my experiences, form a tapestry of lessons that are both profound and pragmatic. They underscore the importance of adaptability, the value of vision, the imperatives of leadership, and the transformative power of alliances and innovation. But perhaps the most profound lesson of all is the realization that, in the grand theatre of business and life, the old and the new are not at odds. Instead, they converse, collaborate, and converge to create a symphony of wisdom that can guide us, inspire us, and empower us to face the myriad challenges of our times with confidence, clarity, and conviction.

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All articles and writings posted on my personal accounts solely reflect my own opinions and perspectives. They do not represent the stance of www.globalify.xyz

Hello, I’m Eric Fung, tech enthusiast & co-founder of Globalify based in San Francisco & Hong Kong. My role involves building products, and I strongly believe in delivering value to you, the reader. If you’re interested in my content, feel free to follow me on various social media platforms.

Lessons Learned
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