avatarTanvee Dharmadhikari


7 Cardinal Life Truths I Learned in 29 Years of My Existence on the Planet.

5th one will blow your mind.

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

On September 13, I turned 29. Every year, my birthday month brings a lot of anxiety with it. I suddenly start feeling like I have so much to do and the time is running out.

Of course, this is not a healthy thought and almost brings in the dark clouds of disappointment and fear. My only solution to stay clear of such thoughts is to live in the moment. It’s easier to feel grateful for all the love you receive from your loved ones than to dwell upon something that is irrational and absolutely not in my control. isn’t it?

This year, however, I felt a bit different. On my birthday I told my mom I don’t feel good about my birthday anymore. It feels like I’m aging, yet I haven’t achieved anything in the last year. I’m exactly where I was last year.

Of course, it didn’t matter at that moment that my clinic was in better shape today, and my writing was growing like never before. Negativity never favours logic after all!

Of course, my typical Indian Mom was all praises about how much I’ve grown and that I shouldn’t feel this way.

But honestly, I couldn’t shake the feeling for the whole day. But then, I looked on the bright side. I have this amazing new family, time, and resources to put more effort into my writing and a strong support system. It’s all going to be just as I want it to be!

But the biggest win for me? I’m entering the inevitable 30s and I’m finally getting closer to being a person who sees the glass half-filled instead of seeing it as half-empty. Now, I’m all about enjoying this one finite life I have on this planet.

That being said, 2023 will be a milestone year for me in many aspects. I’ve grown so much as a person this year. All thanks to the one thing I prioritized- Self-awareness.

Here are the biggest lessons I learned in my 29 years of existence.

  1. Romanticizing hard work is a lesser-known form of procrastinating.

No one cares how hard you work. No one cares about how big your struggles are. No one enjoys you drowning in self-pity.

The only thing everyone cares about is how you can share valuable knowledge that can benefit their lives. So, stop dwelling on your hard work. Achieve, forget, and move on to the next target.

2. Practice a certain detachment from your work.

There is no end to how much you can earn. But there is always an end to your time on this planet. Think of how would you spend your last day on Earth if you knew you’d be gone the next day. Exactly.

Prioritize your relationships and your personal growth. Work a lot and work well. But always remember your work is a part of your life. Not your life itself.

3. Money is not as important as fulfillment is.

At any point in time, there is always going to be someone who is richer, smarter, and better than you. Until when will you keep chasing perfection and keep playing those superiority games with the world?

Earn money not to buy status symbols but to experience fulfillment, whatever it means to you.

It may be a quiet holiday on a beach, or learning a new instrument. It may be starting a YouTube channel or teaching something you’re passionate about to beginners.

Fulfillment can mean different things to different people. the point is to recognize what makes you feel fulfilled instead of running behind the status symbols.

4. Set insane goals.

Give your finite life a direction for a purpose. Goal setting is undoubtedly an exercise for winners. And you know what? You can get wild with your goals.

There is no one laughing at you. This exercise is only for you and the dream life you always wanted.

5. Dream more. Dream big.

Dream and believe beyond any rational explanations. Set your own standards for success. It’s not a rule to stick to your dull reality and discard your beautiful dreams.

I never thought I’d say this someday but trust me, the law of attraction is real. Attract all the good, beautiful things, and that’s what the universe will send your way.

6. Kindness never hurts anyone.

The more you give, the more you live. It’s silly how we’re taught to be kind to others as a child but never to ourselves. In fact, if anyone is going to live with us forever, then that’s our own soul!

Don’t you think you should be paying the most attention to the one person you’re going to live your entire life with?

7. Digital minimalism is the oxygen we need in today’s era to live in the real world.

With this insane amount of information at our fingertips, there is no end to how much content we can consume. But again, what about the only commodity we cannot buy once it’s gone- Our precious time?

There is so much more to life than mindless scrolling. It’s high time we indulge in the real pleasures life has to offer rather than just seek cheap dopamine.

There are many more but each one gets into some category from above.

I hope these lessons bring a new wave of wisdom inside you as they brought in me.

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Life Lessons
Personal Growth
Self Improvement
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