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The article outlines seven key lessons learned about content creation and social media success, emphasizing the importance of resilience, consistency, creativity, and understanding one's audience.


The author reflects on the harsh realities faced during a year of content creation, noting that successful content creators must overcome fear, handle criticism, and develop mental toughness. The lessons include accepting that not everyone will like your work, the necessity of a consistent system for content production, the critical role of a compelling opening sentence, the value of reading for generating new ideas, the importance of following advice from digital rather than academic writers, understanding the psychology of the ideal reader, and the significance of solving problems to gain audience trust. These insights highlight the multifaceted nature of successful content creation, which requires patience, structure, creativity, and a deep understanding of one's audience.


  • Success in content creation requires embracing the inevitability of criticism and not being deterred by it.
  • A structured approach to content creation is essential for consistency and should not be seen as a hindrance to creativity.
  • The first sentence of an article is crucial for capturing readers' attention and encouraging them to read further.
  • Reading extensively is beneficial for content creators as it can spark new ideas and inspire creativity.
  • Content creators should seek advice from those experienced in digital writing to create engaging and viral content, rather than relying solely on academic writing principles.
  • Understanding the reader's perspective and addressing their needs is key to maintaining their interest and building a loyal audience.
  • Content that provides solutions to problems is more likely to resonate with the audience and foster trust in the content creator.

7 Brutal Lessons I Learned About Social Media After Writing Content For More Than One Year

Do you want to become a successful Content Creator?

Photo by Los Muertos Crew: https://www.pexels.com/photo/elderly-woman-vlogging-7261085/

Most people do not create content on the internet because of fear.

They cannot handle harsh criticisms. They also lack mental toughness. But if you want to be successful, you need to learn new skills.

The best content creators are patient and here are the 7 brutal lessons I learned about social media after writing content for more than one year:

1. Whether you like it or not, people will hate your work.

I recently watched a Ted Talk about writing.

The speaker said in her talk that “If you are not offending anyone in your writing, you are doing something wrong.” The best content creators are known for one thing. Ali Abdaal is known for productivity and Mr. Beast is known for creating viral videos.

You cannot please everyone and that’s okay.

The best writers write despite of lack of motivation.

2. Content Creators need a system if they want to be consistent.

Most pop songs have four chords.

Structure is not an enemy of creativity. For example, Donna Tartt, a Pulitzer Prize Winning Novelist, writes for 3 hours every morning. Most essays follow the same format- introduction, body, and conclusion.

You need to plan your content if you want to be consistent.

3. If the first sentence of your article is terrible, people will not read your content.

The best novels have a killer opener.

The first chapter of any novel should motivate you to read the entire book. Fiction writers know how to create suspense in their stories. They know how to capture the attention of readers.

Write a strong lead so you can get the attention of your readers.

4. Reading books will help you get new ideas.

If musicians love to go to concerts, writers love to read new books.

The best ideas happen by accident. You cannot explain where it came from. Creative people love to tell jokes about how to find new ideas.

Stephen King, legendary writer and storyteller, says, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.”

5. Follow the advice of Digital Writers, not Academic Writers.

If you want to learn how to write essays and reports, listen to Academic Writers.

But if you want to learn how to write viral articles and LinkedIn posts, listen to Digital Writers. Writers have different specializations. Screenwriters write movie scripts and speechwriters write speeches for U.S. Presidents.

As a Content Creator, you need to know what type of content you want to create.

Do you prefer video, audio, or written content?

6. Study psychology to understand your ideal reader.

Readers only care about one thing: themselves.

They want to know how your content can help them solve their problems. If you write without an audience in mind, do not be surprised if you have no readers. Successful writers have a specific reader in mind. Kurt Vonnegut, Best-Selling Author of Slaughterhouse-Five, once said, “Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.”

Psychology is not only meant for therapy.

It is a great tool to use if you want to attract more readers.

7. Solve a problem in your content to build trust.

People do not watch YouTube videos because of popular YouTubers.

They watch videos because most of them want an answer to their questions. As a result, how-to videos are so popular. If you solve a problem, people will subscribe to your YouTube channel.

The best content creators are driven by mission.

Thanks for reading!

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