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Tech writers can adapt to changes on Medium in 2023 by becoming boost nominators, starting their own publications, or submitting to other tech publications, as suggested by Tony Stubblebine, who ended the Better Programming publication.


Medium's tech writing landscape is shifting, with Tony Stubblebine announcing the closure of the Better Programming publication. He suggests that tech writers can adapt by either becoming boost nominators to increase visibility and income or by starting their own Medium publications, which presents an opportunity for writers to become editors and curate content. Additionally, Tony pointed out six other tech publications where writers can submit their work to get boosted. These changes reflect the broader societal shifts post-pandemic, emphasizing the need for adaptability and resilience in the face of change. Tony's comments in the article and subsequent discussion encourage writers to embrace these changes and explore new avenues for their work, highlighting the importance of flexibility and innovation in navigating the evolving Medium platform.


  • Tony Stubblebine believes that ending the Better Programming publication is timely and opens up better opportunities for tech writers.
  • He suggests that becoming a boost nominator could provide writers with additional income.
  • Starting a publication is encouraged, but it comes with the responsibility of maintaining high-quality content and aligning with the publication's agenda.
  • Tony indirectly suggests that writers should not resist change but rather adapt to the evolving landscape of Medium, echoing the broader societal changes due to the pandemic.
  • The writer of the article is considering opening up their own publication, "Life is Like a Game," to other writers and is in the process of creating guidelines to maintain the publication's vision.
  • There is an underlying sentiment that resistance to change can lead to obsolescence, and embracing new opportunities is key to survival and success in the writing industry.

6 Ways Tech Writers Can Get Boosted On Medium In 2023

Tony let the cat out of the bag once again.

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on Pexels

On Friday, Tony Stubblebine broke the news. He was ending the Better Programming publication.

Tony feels this was the right time to end this publication, but he also hinted there were better opportunities for tech writers.

In the article, Tony outlined two other opportunities that were available to writers and future editors.

1. Boost nominator.

In the article, Tony outlined writers could become boost nominators. The exact details are addressed in his article. He also mentioned this could also be a way to generate more income.

2. Start a publication.

The second idea mentioned was to create your own publication. Tony was open to the idea of giving more authority to writers to start their own publication. In turn, the writer also becomes the editor.

Starting a publication won’t be easy as you have to ensure the best quality articles get published. Then you have to make sure the article fits the overall agenda of your publication.

A third option

Tony didn’t address this in the article specifically, but in the comment section, he outlined six other tech publications where the article could get boosted.

He wrote:







Your next steps…

Medium is going through change, and as writers, you need to adjust to it. When you don’t accept change, then you become a complainer and wish things were like they were before.

But as you have seen since the pandemic came, a lot of the world has changed and it continues to change.

  • Places where you were used to are gone.
  • Businesses shut down forever.
  • New laws were passed and changed everything.
  • Supply chains were disrupted
  • Inflation is raising the price of goods
  • More doctors use telemedicine to speak to patients
  • More employees work out of their homes than in an office
  • Companies don’t need to work in large office buildings

You see, life has drastically changed because of the pandemic.

As a writer, you need to get used to change.

Spencer Johnson wrote these seven powerful sayings in his book “Who Moved My Cheese”, which I recommend you read:

“Life moves on and so should we.”

“See what you’re doing wrong, laugh at it, change and do better.”

“The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.”

“If you do not change, you can become extinct!”

“The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.”

“I guess we resist changing because we are afraid of change.”

“Things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one, of those times, Hem. That’s life! Life moves on. And so should we.”

As Medium changes, we, as writers, must change as well.

Personally, I am considering opening up one of my publications to other writers. It’s called Life is Life a Game.

Previously, I didn’t want to open up the pub to other writers. So far it only contains articles I have written to provide personal real-life information to help readers.

If I open it up, I need to create the guidelines so writers understand my thought process behind the publication. So, be on the look out for that soon.

Check out the publication and let me know your thoughts.

Then of course, if you want to read Tony’s article, you can simply click here. He provides much more detail for you to read and gather your own thoughts on the future of Medium.

What do you think about Medium’s new changes?

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