6 Unique But Small Ways To Win Potential Clients
The strategies that cater to excellent relationships, as well as winning customers from the get-go.
Imagine learning a way to impress people, and pave a path towards creating a business opportunity. That can be achieved with no less, confidence and zest.
Your communication skills are the essential keys to solving any given problem. Whether it’s related to business, technology, education, or self-improvement Every individual that walks out of that door, is a potential client — an opportunity for creating a network. Essentially, when done the right way it can lead to business opportunities that can benefit you, for the time to come.
All clients are just people at the end of the day. What do people adhere to the most? Well, that is kindness, warmth, and respect. In my experience, I have seen that giving people the floor to freely speak about their problems — this helps them indefinitely in finding a new perspective towards changing their lives.
“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
— Zig Ziglar
According to Ziglar, winning clients tends to be a pragmatic journey. It involves patience, determination, attitude but moreover a spirit of zest that allows you to warp people completely to your offerings. The following are the 6 ways, I have used over the years to win potential clients.
Create transparency of trust.
Trust drives any business activity productively and an environment of trust allows everyone to feel mutually connected to perform their role effectively. But how do you allow others to feel this way? The first step you need to take is to realize that all words matter.
We communicate through our words — it either fuels our passions or might completely kill our hopes and dreams. Words have a lot of value when said the right way. The only way to perform this action is to keep practice until you can turn every bystander into a potential client.
Easier said than done right? Well, the best way to drive trust is through empathy. You have to understand your client, the person behind the title. You have talked about their hopes, dreams, beliefs. You have to step in their shoes, and perhaps support them from the back.
You have to allow themselves to believe, that their words matter. That they can accomplish their dreams — doing this can help you in securing a relationship with the person/client. Trust is done through a sense of understanding the client, showing you care, and creating a room where they can feel safe and recollect on their problems.
This is another great way of acquiring requirements from your client for the problem, you are intending to solve. All the details matter, when it comes to creating trust. The trick is in filtering those details to find the solution. Thus, remember to practice empathy when surrounded by people.
Build an understanding before you offer your services. If you can build an understanding, the client will contact you about their problem rather than you showcasing your business card when the opportunity arises.
Build a circle of empathy, and trust — the rest will follow, in time.
The unique factor, your zest.
Passion drives purpose, but do you know what it drives the best — the person hiding behind the veil. We have our own requisite bubbles, our safe spaces. We feel that others might judge us if we try to step outside. Thus, we never truly come outside to show our real selves.
Zest is that one quality that brings out the best in others when applied with confidence. I remember the last meeting I had with my potential clients. I was meeting a business consultancy that outsourced computing equipment, for defence and general. I was tagging along with a friend to build his workstation for miscellaneous activities. He needed expert advice, and someone to help him choose the components needed for his computer.
When I reached the office, the first thing to always do when meeting new people is to greet them. It establishes your presence among the group. Furthermore, allows you to be delicate and modest as well. Afterwards, I introduced myself and my associate(my friend). I inspected the ledger and recommended the parts that needed to be purchased and shipped. I also recommended improvements — to which he asked If I was in the business. I answered with an assuring attitude, yes I work as a software analyst.
He smiled and joked, well the deeper specifications seem like French to me. I admired the comical verse, as it is pretty much known in the consultant sphere where I’m from. It allowed me to ease the atmosphere, to connect with my associates more on a deeper level.
Zest tends to make anyone lively as a child, it can push them to talk about themselves and their interests which were I’d say definitely magnetic. In doing so, I was able to create an opening to connect one another on a deeper level.
Creating a relationship that builds bridges, filling one gap at a time.
Have you ever heard of agile? It is a project management methodology that helps you manage your projects effectively by building one feature at a time. Everyone has a specific role and thus, managing the deliverables become easier. Relationships can be like that — they can be agile.
To demonstrate this process, I tried to understand the processes of the business consultancy. By that, I mean the people behind it and how they function. I had already created a bridge through which we were communicating and now through that, I was able to address their questions. It all comes down to this one thing and eagerness to help one another.
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey
My eagerness allowed me to engage in a harmonious relationship which presented me with opportunities to identify gaps between their business problem.
Active listening and communicating through words, whether written or spoken either through a schematic or a process can speak volumes. It also helped me to engage the clients, and take an active role in the consultation of the problem space. It helps to solidify the relationship and allows you to become more confident in your process.
Understanding the value of the problem, and reflecting on it to propose a proposition.
Value is an essential component when you’re communicating with your client. The value that can be created from solving the problem, or the value that can be achieved in terms of saving cost, performance, hardware, processes, and vice-versa.
Value has many derivatives when it comes to solving problems. Each problem comes with its set of offerings when solved create an environment of sustainability. As the atmosphere for the relationship is set. You have consulted with your clients and derived from a solution. Now its time to connect that solution, in the form of a proposition.
Learn to listen, as opportunities sometimes knock very softly in the form of one.
A proposition in layman terms is a set of binding contracts that ensure your participation in building the project will be rewarded — as well as achieving the desired goals of the problem space. When all things are said and done — you have to showcase or prototype your solution in the form of a working minimal solution.
Imagine a company server, but only with file storage services enabled that store update, and backup locally as well as online to the company cloud. A minimal solution is basically a single working feature of your proposition. It allows clients to become more confident in your abilities as well as winning the battle of securing business standing.
Show an attitude of morality and kindness in your speech as well as attire.
People speak more to those who show kindness, and a sense of morality. They open about themselves, it helps them to feel safe and not be judged about their perspective, problems, and views.
People are attracted to these two qualities. Any hard-hearted person, when given enough respect and kindness, can become soft-hearted. It takes time, patience, and perseverance to allow others to open up. Thus, you have to be able to become a resilient individual.
“Sometimes all a person wants is an empathetic ear; all he or she needs is to talk it out. Just offering a listening ear and an understanding heart for his or her suffering can be a big comfort.” ― Roy T. Bennett
The process of solving problems stems from understanding the person behind the problem. People open up themselves to those, who can allow their embrace to be as soft and warm as it can be. Becoming a person that walks with an energy that attracts everyone who can communicate with them is a gift. One that anyone can learn. It is a skill, that anyone can adopt when dealing with people.
You have to become re-affirming rather than acting overconfident. Allow yourself to become calm in any situation. Practice gratitude, and allow others to come into the limelight. Cater to them, fashion them, and make them believe. The finest way to carry one’s self is to allow others to do the same as well. Thus, walk with a strong gait that reflects kindness on everyone that passes you by.
It’s not about the money you make, but it’s about the value you create.
What is the value that drives you? What are the values you’re offering to the customer? Of course, money provides an intrinsic value that runs a business but it is not the most important one. One can deduce the best value you’re offering is trust. While other’s can argue that they are offering time effective solutions.
“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” ― Albert Einstein
Marketing at its core is the act of offering or moreover proposing value. This value drives a business and the services connected with it. Whenever a service is given, it aims to solve a problem and also providing external value to its customers. It can be any of the following,
- Trust
- Cost-Effective
- Time-Bound
- Discipline
- Respect
- Warmth
- Companionship
- Money
All the aforementioned are considered as value when marketing a service. In most scenarios, a few are always considered as they allow businesses to thrive among others. These values bridge many gaps and allow businesses to create opportunities for making money, as well as cultivating bonds that run the world.
“Anything that just costs money is cheap.” ― John Steinbeck
These values can help solve people’s problems. Sometimes, the easiest way to get your word across is by using these values. It takes strength and courage, to be kind enough to provide such values. When your heart is in it, to provide — you will be able to win any potential client.
Every individual vested in business has always some of these values to provide. These values are important in cultivating leads, as they keep on bringing more and more opportunities towards the people that provide such services. It creates a bridge of trust that allows people to efficiently market value to any person or people that need a solution.
Final Words Of Encouragement
Four months in, I have built three different projects and created a network of clients that can bring more business opportunities for me and my associates. And it all happened, when I tried to understand the person behind the problem better — did it help me to create a path of prosperity for each one included in the business relationship.
The strategy remains the same at its core — allowing yourself to empathize with others to solve problems through a spirit of zest and trust. The value you will create is going to be the factor that leads potential clients your way. Until then keep hustling, and making other people’s day.
Peace, Thank you so much for reading.