

The article emphasizes the importance of safeguarding one's digital legacy by taking proactive steps to ensure loved ones can access and manage online assets in the event of the owner's death.


The digital era has led to many people earning incomes through online investments and platforms, which often involve online wallets and specialized platforms for monetary transactions. However, the sudden death of an individual could leave their loved ones unaware of how to access these digital assets. To prevent this, the author suggests keeping a digital diary, using password managers, chronicling vital details, appointing a digital steward, guiding loved ones, staying updated, and regularly reviewing and updating records.


  • The author believes in the merit of keeping a diary to record vital details about online assets and using Notes app for additional storage.
  • They advocate for the use of a trustworthy password manager to bolster online security and ensure all passwords are in one accessible place.
  • The author suggests appointing a trusted individual as a digital steward to oversee online assets and understand their role in case the owner is no longer there to guide them.
  • They recommend occasionally sitting down with family members to walk them through the basics of online engagements.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of staying updated with digital platforms and norms, and regularly reviewing and updating records to ensure they remain accurate and current.

6 Things You Should Do to Protect Your Digital Legacy Before Death

Safeguarding your digital treasures for your loved ones

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

“Legacy is not leaving something for people; it’s leaving something in people. And in the digital age, that includes bytes and pixels.” — Peter Strople

The digital era has substantially reshaped our traditional earning methods.

Many now earn their incomes through online investments, websites, various earning platforms, and direct client projects.

These efforts often require online wallets and specialized platforms for monetary transactions.

However, the unpredictability of life, epitomized by the grim reaper of death, can halt all these efforts in a heartbeat.

If you were to suddenly pass away, would your loved ones, especially if they aren’t tech-savvy, know where and how to access your digital assets?

A stark reminder of this vulnerability echoed in a heart-wrenching Facebook post I stumbled upon. And that story compelled me to take proactive steps and write this post, so that others may follow.

A grieving individual shared the story of his brother, the sole earner of the family, who died unexpectedly.

In their grief and confusion, the family realized they had no idea where to begin searching for his online assets.

The deceased had left no traces, no breadcrumbs, no instructions.

The weight of their loss was magnified manifold as they grappled with an uncertain financial future.

To prevent your family from facing such distress, safeguarding your digital legacy becomes vital.

Here’s how you can ensure your digital assets remain accessible and protected:

Keep a Digital Diary

While tech advancements surge ahead, there’s still merit in some old-school methods. I swear by my diary. In it, I methodically record vital details about my online assets, making updates as necessary.

I also use Notes, an app built into all cell phones, to store and keep my important details noted and intact.

It many times helps me too when I search it and find that I have an idea to write about, which hasn’t yet materialized.

So, keeping a diary not only secures your digital legacy for your loved ones but also helps remember the important things to do.

Rely on Password Managers

A trustworthy password manager is indispensable in today’s world.

It not only bolsters your online security but ensures all your passwords are in one accessible place.

Remember to inform a confidant about how to access it in emergencies.

Probably, your partner, parents, or responsible children should know your details and passwords.

My wife knows my passwords. She can access all my accounts. I trust her because she is the mother of my children and she is dependent on me too. So, there is no problem if she knows everything about me and my transactions.

I don’t want to risk the future of my family, because death keeps no calander.

Chronicle Vital Details

Create a comprehensive list that outlines essential aspects of your digital engagements.

This might include client details, current project updates, login credentials for different platforms, and other relevant data.

Tell someone trustworthy in your family about your projects, investments, platforms, clients you owe, etc, and update them about new happenings.

There isn’t any good in hiding all your data from your loved ones. In the end, they will suffer.

Appoint a Digital Steward

Choose someone you trust implicitly to oversee your online assets. They should understand their role and the steps they need to undertake in case you’re no longer there to guide them.

You can appoint your child as your Digital Steward. In doing so, you can train them or your spouse/partner can come in handy in this regard too.

Play it hard, spread yourself across the internet, but play it safe.

Guide Your Loved Ones

It’s worthwhile to occasionally sit down with your family members and walk them through the basics of your online engagements.

Even a rudimentary understanding can significantly ease their journey in the digital world, should they need to step in.

Let them know the process. It’s them you are doing everything for.

I pity people who live alone in this regard. A lonely life is a good thing in some way, but has drawbacks in many ways.

And this is among those many ways that nobody knows about you when go away.

Stay Updated

Digital platforms and norms change frequently.

Regularly reviewing and updating your records ensures they remain accurate and current.

So, when go with the updates, update the person about all the updates you have entrusted with your digital assets.

Final Words

The digital world, vast and intricate, holds immense value. Yet, it can pose a greater threat to your hard work and savings if you skip a heartbeat unknowingly.

That skip of the heartbeat isn’t a threat to you; as we all have to face it someday, somewhere, some moment, but to your loved ones.

When you close your eyes someday, remember you don’t leave your loved ones in financial darkness.

so, your diligent online efforts and assets shouldn’t be at risk.

Document and protect them, and ensure they’re accessible to your successors, you offer them a layer of security in an unpredictable environment.

Don’t leave things to chance; take proactive steps to shield your digital legacy.

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Digital Asset
Protecting Digital Assets
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