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Signs That Say Your Relationship Is Unhealthy

How do you tell if you’re in an unhealthy or toxic relationship?

Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash

Some relationships won’t do you any good — you become dependent on your partners, change, and distance yourself from friends and family. But how do you tell if you’re in an unhealthy or toxic relationship?

For most people, living a healthy lifestyle means eating a conscious and balanced diet and exercising regularly. However, a healthy lifestyle also includes healthy relationships. Studies consistently show that toxic relationships also have an impact on our health. Unhealthy relationships make unhealthy people.

But what is an unhealthy relationship? It is A relationship in which there is no real connection, but a high potential for conflict or neglect. In other words, in unhealthy relationships, the basic needs for love, intimacy, and security are not met.

Should I break up?

But what makes it so difficult is that — like so many things in life — relationships are not black and white. Love is complicated. Just think of all the times you’ve been in love with a complete asshole. And sometimes you’re just stuck in a relationship whose expiration date has long since been reached. If you’re unsure if you’re in a toxic relationship, there are a few signs that can tell you if it’s better to break up

Here is the list of Signs You’re in an Unhealthy Relationship:

We’ve picked out pretty clear red flags that prove you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

1. You always argue about the same things

You always argue about the same things and your conflicts never really go away? Is it always about him working too much? Is it always an issue that you postpone dates? Does he never listen to you when you have a bad feeling about his ex? Sure, you can’t always agree, but in a partnership, you should still adapt to the needs of the other person. If your arguments are more about winning than showing understanding, you might want to reconsider your partnership…

2. You don’t dare to speak

Do you shy away from conflicts with your partner? It’s healthy to argue and suppress anger from time to time, but it’s not good for a relationship in the long run. If you keep saying “all good” when it’s not “all good,” we only have two words for you: Not healthy.

3. Do you feel insecure (in general)

Do you feel insecure? This is probably the surest sign that you are in an unhealthy relationship. While physical safety is of course a top priority and you shouldn’t be afraid of your partner for a second, emotional safety is also important. If you’re arguing and your partner is belittling, belittling, calling you stupid, or making fun of you, that’s a clear sign that this relationship is toxic. Never accept the phrase “you’re not intelligent enough to have a say” or “your opinion doesn’t count.” Never

4. You’ve changed. Drastic.

Change is good. Relationships in particular are also there to develop and grow; at the same time, you should accept and love yourself as you are in a partnership. If you give yourself up for your partner, and change your lifestyle and personality to subordinate yourself to your counterpart, this is certainly not healthy. Despite a new relationship, don’t forget about your friends, hobbies, and personality — and don’t change for anyone.

5. Friends and family are against the relationship

No, it’s not about your dad wanting a lawyer rather than the dreamy artist type for his daughter. If almost all of your friends, family, or colleagues are wondering why you’re dating this idiot, there’s probably some truth to it. Love is blinding and we often overlook red flags and problems. If your loved ones are worried about you or don’t like the person you’re dating, you might want to take a closer look… Trust us. We’ve been there …

6. You feel controlled and manipulated

Does your partner control you? Maybe even subliminally? Is he or she threatening to leave you if you (don’t) do X or Y? Are you isolating yourself more and more from your friends? Do you need to ask your partner for permission before you go out? Such behaviors can affect your psyche and also your physical health — and not in a positive way…

Toxic relationship — and now what?

Feeling caught? Now there are several options. Reach out to friends or family who can help you escape the situation. If you feel unsafe or in danger,

Do you wish to give the relationship one more shot? There are always two in a relationship — so your partner must also be willing to change. Reach out to a therapist or coach who will give you the tools to communicate better. But remember: no relationship is worth putting your health at risk. You’re worth it.

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Unhealthy Relationships
Relationships Love Dating
Self Care
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