50 Essential Bash & Zsh Terminal Commands Every Developer Should Know
Command line proficiency is a crucial skill for developers and system administrators
The command line is a powerful tool for developers to interact with their system, automate tasks, and boost productivity. Bash and Zsh are two of the most popular Unix shells that provide a wide range of built-in commands and scripting capabilities. In this article, we’ll explore 50 essential Bash and Zsh terminal commands that every developer should have in their toolbox.
Navigating the File System
1. pwd
: Print the current working directory.
2. cd
: Change the current directory.
cd /path/to/directory
3. ls
: List files and directories.
ls -l
4. mkdir
: Create a new directory.
mkdir new_directory
5. touch
: Create a new file or update its timestamp.
touch file.txt
File Manipulation
6. cp
: Copy files and directories.
cp file.txt backup/
7. mv
: Move or rename files and directories.
mv old_name.txt new_name.txt
8. rm
: Remove files and directories.
rm file.txt
9. cat
: Concatenate and display file contents.
cat file.txt
10. head
: Display the first few lines of a file.
head -n 10 file.txt
11. tail
: Display the last few lines of a file.
tail -n 10 file.txt
Text Processing
12. grep
: Search for patterns in files.
grep "pattern" file.txt
13. sed
: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt
14. awk
: Text processing tool for advanced filtering and manipulation.
awk '{print $1}' file.txt
15. sort
: Sort lines of text files.
sort file.txt
16. uniq
: Remove duplicate lines from a sorted file.
uniq file.txt
Process Management
17. ps
: Display information about running processes.
ps aux
18. top
: Monitor system processes and resource usage.
19. kill
: Terminate a process by its process ID.
kill 1234
20. bg
: Send a process to the background.
command &
21. fg
: Bring a background process to the foreground.
fg %1
Network Commands
22. ping
: Test network connectivity to a host.
ping example.com
23. curl
: Transfer data from or to a server using various protocols.
curl https://example.com
24. wget
: Download files from the web.
wget https://example.com/file.zip
25. ssh
: Securely connect to a remote server.
ssh user@example.com
26. scp
: Securely copy files between hosts.
scp file.txt user@example.com:/path/
Compression and Archives
27. tar
: Create or extract tar archives.
tar -cvf archive.tar files/
28. gzip
: Compress or decompress files using gzip compression.
gzip file.txt
29. unzip
: Extract compressed files from a ZIP archive.
unzip archive.zip
30. zip
: Create a ZIP archive from files or directories.
zip -r archive.zip files/
System Information
31. uname
: Display system information.
uname -a
32. df
: Report disk space usage
df -h
33. du
: Estimate file and directory space usage
du -sh directory/
34. free
: Display the amount of free and used memory
free -h
35. uptime
: Show how long the system has been running.
File Permissions
36. chmod
: Change file permissions
chmod 755 file.sh
37. chown
: Change file ownership
chown user:group file.txt
38. chgrp
: Change the group ownership of files.
chgrp group file.txt
39. umask
: Set the default file permissions.
umask 022
Environment Variables
40. env
: Display environment variables
41. export
: Set an environment variable
export VAR=value
42. unset
: Remove an environment variable
unset VAR
43. source
: Execute commands from a file in the current shell
source script.sh
Aliases and Functions
44. alias
: Create an alias for a command.
alias ll='ls -l'
45. unalias
: Remove an alias.
unalias ll
46. function
: Define a shell function.
function greet() {
echo "Hello, $1!"
Zsh-Specific Commands
47. take
: Create a directory and change into it.
take project
48. zle
: Zsh line editor for command line editing
zle -N my-widget
49. zmodload
: Load Zsh modules.
zmodload zsh/datetime
50. zstyle
: Configure Zsh styles and behaviors
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
Mastering the command line with Bash and zsh is an essential skill for developers and system administrators. By leveraging the power of shell scripting, environment customization, and best practices, you can significantly enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.
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