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5 Writing Tips I Would Tell My 18-Year-Old Self That Can Help You Become A Better Writer And Storyteller

You need to write to your former self.

Almar Tagara LinkedIn

Great writing does not happen by accident.

It is a result of consistent practice. The best writers study the craft of writing more than the average person. They want to get better at writing because words have the power to change lives.

So, if you want to improve your writing skills, here are the 5 writing tips you should follow right now:

1. Know the basic rules of grammar before you write anything.

Most people do not believe that grammar rules are not important, but this is not true.

As Gary Provost once said in his book- 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing, you should respect the rules of grammar. Knowing the rules will us know when to break it. Readers judge writers based on their grammar and stories.

Every language has its own rules and we should study them if we want to create a great message.

2. Focus on the idea instead of word count.

Readers do not care about word count.

I learned this after reading over 100 articles and dozens of novels. The Old Man and The Sea is one of the famous works of Ernest Hemingway. But, I bet you can read his book in one day.

If your work solves a specific problem for the reader, word count does not matter.

3. Write and edit on different days.

I learned this writing tip from Dickie Bush.

When you are writing something new, focus on what you are trying to say. You should focus on the idea if you want your message to spread. But, editing is about sharpening your message.

The best writers edit their own writing before submitting the manuscript to their editors and you should do it too.

4. Learn how to use psychology in your writing.

I learned this writing tip from Aldous Huxley.

Although Huxley has a degree in English Literature, he knows a lot about psychology. If you don’t believe me, read Brave New World. Knowing how our ideal reader thinks will help us know their problems and needs.

Psychology is not just for psychologists.

The best writers know the fundamentals of human nature.

5. Tell stories to build a genuine connection with your readers.

I started playing video games when I was 10 years old.

My former classmates invited me to play Special Force after class. After playing Special Force, I fell in love with video games. In my free time, I started playing different video games like Counter Strike, Clash of Clans, and Ninja Saga.

Those days are some of my favorite childhood memories.

Did you see what I did?

Great stories can create nostalgia. If you’re a gamer, you can probably relate to my story. After all, video games can teach us different life lessons.

If you want to create a unique voice in your writing, tell stories about your personal life.

Artificial Intelligence cannot duplicate your own experience.

Thanks for reading!

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