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5 Ways to Boost Freelance Productivity That Have Nothing to Do with Writing

Turns out, your mom was right!

Photo by Harry Grout on Unsplash

It can be hard to stay productive sometimes as a freelance writer. Your mind wanders (especially if you have ADHD like me!), you get bored, and there are a million distractions in the house. Turns out, some of the best ways to improve productivity have nothing to do with writing.

How to Boost Productivity

Over the years, I realized that my mother was right when she told me to get a good night’s sleep and drink water. Sigh. Yes, I’ve turned into my mother. Here are some of the best ways I’ve improved my efficiency as a writer, without actually writing.

1. Get Those 8 Hours of Sleep

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Back in the day, I survived on 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night and still managed to write just fine. However, as I get older, I realize I need a little more sleep in order to keep my brain functioning well.

Going to sleep at 11 pm makes me want to cry, but it’s actually helped so much. I have more energy and mental clarity, so I guess the bedtime will stay.

2. Eat Healthy, Nourishing Food

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

I mean, this is just good advice all around, but for myself, I’ve noticed a huge difference. If I’m eating fast food or lots of carbs and greasy foods, my brain seems to slow down a little. Eating a range of healthier foods really has boosted my output!

Something else I’ve noticed is that if I’m doing one of my 20,000-word days, my brain needs fuel. On those days, I’ll constantly snack and it’s mostly fruit, slow carbs, and the occasional chocolate bar that keep me going.

If you’re like me, you throw most meals together at the last minute, so it’s hard to eat healthily. Mealplanning definitely helps with that, if you can manage that. I’ll do another article soon on mealplanning, but there are plenty of online resources for this, too.

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

You know how your mom was always pushing you to drink more water? Yeah, mine too. Water is boring, but man, does it help your brain work.

Did you know that your brain is 80–85% water? And most people are chronically dehydrated, which means your brain isn’t as moist as it ought to be. Drink that water!

I personally find water boring, so my tricks for drinking more and staying hydrated include:

  • Drinking sparkling water (bubbles make my tongue happy)
  • Adding a squeeze of lime
  • Adding Nuun tablets

You can find more of my tips and tricks for staying hydrated here.

4. Get Your Blood Flowing

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

As a writer, I spend a lot of my day sitting in my computer chair. It can be kind of a drag to leave off work to get some exercise, but it’s worth it.

First of all, I can go for a walk with my family. This means everyone gets some fresh air and some quality family time. That prevents it from being a waste of time in my mind.

Second, I have a treadmill, so I get on there sometimes while I’m watching videos or listening to an informative podcast. That way, I feel like I’m still being productive while I walk.

Of course, there’s not always time for a long walk or something, so in those cases, I’ll just do some squats or pushups to help my body wake up.

After exercising, I almost always feel more pumped up and tend to be more productive. It’s just the actually doing it that is a pain.

5. Veg Out for a Bit

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

What’s that? Working nonstop isn’t great for your productivity? Who would have guessed?

Some of my favorite ways to give my brain a break if I’m starting to fade and lose focus include:

  • Playing a video game (on my own or with my kids)
  • Reading a novel
  • Watching a favorite show (Supernatural and Outlander are my go-to shows)
  • Cuddling a cat (we have 3)

I’d love to hear what you do to give your brain a rest.

Wait a Minute, That’s All Regular Advice!

You’re right, it’s the same things your mom would tell you to do. Guess what? She was right.

While these methods of boosting productivity might sound trite and overdone . . . how many are you actually doing? We all know we should sleep more or drink more water, but have you tried it?

Alright, it’s your turn now, what are your top tips for being more productive as a writer?

Hey, did you enjoy this article? Join me on Substack for more awesome ways to grow your freelance writing business.

And, if you really liked this, I would deeply appreciate a caffeine fix!

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Productivity Hacks
Writing Life
Self Improvement
Self Care
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