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5 Unexpected Reasons Why Fortnite Can Boost Critical Thinking and Strategic Thinking Skills for Teenagers

Using addictive components to shape the future of learning

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Please let me be clear: I’m not a fan of the game. But from a scientific standpoint, it’s interesting.

Here is what I mean:

I find it fascinating and infuriating when I’m stuck in a TikTok spiral, wondering, “Why can’t I stop? ”

Exploring the intricate web of human decisions is my favorite thing. I’d like to know why some people like to gamble and why some things create unhealthy addictions.

Addiction, a complex beast, often leads to unintended consequences. Recently, a lawsuit against Fortnite brought this to light — the description is a journey in itself.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is in the process of notifying over 37 million individuals eligible to claim a share of a $245 million settlement with Epic Games, the mastermind behind Fortnite.

This game, a battleground for a hundred people on a virtual island, has evolved into a cultural marvel since its inception six years ago.

So, if you’re trying to learn more about this topic, here’s a simple explanation

How do games like Fortnite keep you hooked?

Games like Fortnite are designed to be addictive.

They use reward systems, such as collecting loot or gaining levels, to keep players engaged and playing for long periods of time. Its designers made the game simple to learn and play, so anyone can play it. You’re coming home from work and you’re tired as hell. You just wanna clean your head. Facebook and TV are both boring. What are your alternatives? Play a strategy game.

Violence makes the game more addictive since it makes you feel more important for a while. It’s especially true when you win; your ego goes crazy.

Social Element

The game has a social element.

It’s created the biggest family around the game, with 250 million players worldwide. That’s like the whole US playing video games. Some people use it to connect with others. You can keep in touch with your college friends who live far away by playing the game together.

As for the second reason, I think it’s an easy solution for parents. It’s hard for parents to keep their kids busy. People feel like they’re connecting with their children when they play with their 12-year-olds. Of course, it’s an illusion. There’s nothing better than believing in stories we make up for ourselves. Truth doesn’t matter to us, but the coherence of the story does. As long as the story sounds good (“I’m spending quiet time with my kid”), it’s real.

It’s only getting better.

Plus, the 16-year-old top player won $3 million at the 2019 World Cup.

Playing games can have both positive and negative impacts on kids

Gamers can enhance their cognitive skills by improving problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and strategic thinking. Online and multiplayer games are also great for teamwork and social interaction. It’s a great stress reliever and a form of entertainment.

Excessive gaming has negative effects, like wasting time that could be spent studying or exercising. There’s a good chance that the in-app purchases will lead to wasted money and arguments at home. There is an effect of sleep on kids, and they might feel isolated from their friends and family in real life.

What if we made more addictive educational games?

Enhanced Learning

Students may learn and retain information more effectively through engaging and repetitive gameplay. It’s fun to play games. In Tony Robbins’ words, repetition is the mother of skill. This creates a reinforcing loop, the more you play, the more you love it, and the more you repeat it, the better you remember it.

There’s no magic; the more you do something, the better you get at it.

Increased Engagement

Addictive elements can keep students returning, potentially leading to more time spent learning.

The problem with education is that it’s boring. Kids aren’t engaged, just like most employees aren’t engaged at work. In the opposite case, kids would enjoy exploring new topics, and there would be fewer fights at home over homework.

Wider Reach

The addictive nature attracts more users, spreading educational content to a wider audience.

This is my favorite. Creating a network worldwide. Imagine if a 12-year-old started connecting with kids around the world. He’ll learn about other cultures and how to interact with people who aren’t like him.

It’s a prep school for leadership.

Behavioral Change

Regular engagement with educational content can foster positive behavioral changes and habit formation in learning.

It takes a lot of time to establish new habits. Some say 30 days; others say 90 days. I don’t think it’s that important. Let’s say a 10 year old starts understanding the power of positive habits. How will that shape him or her in 10 years? What about 20 or 30 years from now?

He or she will have a totally different life from kids who went the other way

Monetization Opportunities

If well-received, such games can offer avenues for revenue generation through in-app purchases or advertisements.

This is where we get tactical. Having not thought about money in my early years is a missed opportunity. Learning and mastering everything takes time. The advantage of starting at a young age cannot be overstated.

This is how most 30-year millionaires got started; they started early


In the world of gaming, games like Fortnite have gained immense popularity due to their addictive nature.

While addiction can have negative impacts, such as wasting time and negatively affecting one’s health, it can also have positive effects when used in educational games.

There’s a better way to use this power

By creating educational games, students can learn and retain information more effectively. There might be more time spent learning and less resistance from kids.

They’re addictive, so they can reach a wider audience and spread educational content around the world.

It’s also possible to establish good habits in learning through regular engagement with educational games.


Decision Making
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