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The article outlines five significant challenges one may face when trying to get rich using AI, emphasizing the difficulty of the learning curve, the time investment required, the costs associated with AI usage, the intense competition in the field, and the current inability to copyright AI-generated work.


The author cautions against the allure of quick wealth through AI, highlighting the disparity between the promises of "gurus" and the reality of AI content generation. The learning curve for effectively using AI tools is steep, often involving extensive trial and error, as exemplified by Jason Allen's experience of using 900 prompts for his award-winning AI art. Time commitment is another underestimated factor, with quality results often requiring numerous iterations and potentially significant financial investment for advanced features. The market is increasingly saturated, making it difficult for newcomers to stand out. Moreover, the legal landscape presents challenges, as current copyright laws do not recognize AI-generated art as eligible for protection. The article aims to provide a realistic perspective on the challenges of AI content creation for those considering its use.


  • The author is skeptical of the ease with which one can generate wealth using AI, suggesting that the process is more complex and less straightforward than many online courses and videos claim.
  • There is a recognition that while some individuals may be proficient in AI content generation, this skill requires considerable effort and practice, akin to mastering any other complex skill.
  • The author points out that while there are free AI tools available, these often come with limitations in functionality or performance, and serious users should be prepared to pay for quality results.
  • The article implies that the current popularity of AI tools has led to a highly competitive environment, potentially diminishing the value and originality of AI-generated content.
  • The author expresses doubt about the wisdom of using AI for branding purposes, given the current legal stance on copyrighting AI work, as evidenced by the U.S. Copyright Office's denial of protection for AI-generated art.

5 Reasons You’re Not Going To Get Rich Using AI

Don’t believe anyone who says it’s easy

Photo by Author. No AI

Have you fallen for the gurus touting how you can make big money using AI? It’s amazing how many courses and videos have sprung up to ‘help’ you.

I’m sure there are people who actually know what they’re talking about, but how do you find them? What credentials do you look for, considering AI is still in its infancy?

And when you do choose one, how honest are they about the obstacles you will face creating AI content?

Here are five hurdles you may encounter in your quest for AI glory:

The learning curve will be harder than you expect.

I thought it would be easy, right? Just put in a few simple words, and a great image is created.

The reality looks a little different. Jason Allen is currently the poster child for AI art. He won a fine art contest with an AI image at the Colorado State Fair. The thing is, Allen used 900 prompts to create the three pieces he entered.

So much of AI content generation is trial and error. My mind often goes blank trying to decide what words to use.

That’s not to say you won’t learn which commands will work best for certain results, but so many other variables make achieving precisely what you want a challenge.

Some people are getting good at it, but like many skills, you need to put in the work.

You don’t realize how much time it will take.

Yes, the content may pop up in seconds after putting in the prompts, but what are the odds it will be precisely what you were hoping for the first time? If not, you need to add new prompts or add to your previous ones and try again. This process can take a while.

Returning to Jason Allen and his fine art contest, he says it took him 80 hours to produce his entries. Based on my experience, I believe that.

Some services, like MidJourney, have a Turbo mode, but it can cost you some serious cash.

You’re not aware AI will cost money to use.

You may be jumping up and down, screaming at me about all the free AI tools, but c’mon, you know darn well free equals either limited functionality, snail-speed results, or a trial period.

These ‘free’ services are great for playing around with to get started, but if you’re after quality content from AI, be prepared to pay. To me, it feels like a penny slot machine. You can put in coins for hours, but eventually, you’ll run out of money.

You’re too late to the party.

At this point, you’re competing against millions of people giving AI a try for personal and business use. The numbers are staggering, meaning standing out is extremely difficult.

Gaining enough interest in your AI work will be no easier than it took you to build a following on YouTube, X, or Instagram.

Adding to this problem is how much of the generated AI content is not ready for prime time. I know I’m not ready to share anything I’ve done.

You won’t be able to copyright your AI work, at least so far.

Once more, it’s about Jason Allen. He was denied protection for his work by the U.S. Copyright Office, which said, “the deposit contains no human authorship.”

Allen says he’ll appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. He and his lawyer claim that “the use of AI in the creation of art is a legitimate form of artistic expression.” He believes this is why AI work deserves the same protections as traditional art forms.

In the meantime, I highly recommend not using AI for your branding.

This article is not meant to criticize AI. There are plenty of places to discuss the merits of using it and what value AI content may have.

I’m merely suggesting that you should have transparent information about what it involves if you are considering jumping into the fray.

(No AI was used for this article.)

I recently decided to move my Apple and Tech content to this new account. If you want to see my previous work on this subject, click here.

Generative Art
Get Rich Quick
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