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5 Perfect Things To Do During Coronavirus

Coronavirus-induced boredom & stress (Picture courtesy of The Conversation)

Bored staying at home for quarantine? Feel stressed due to social distancing policies and travel restrictions in your home country? Here are my five recommendations for you to do during the outbreak of coronavirus.

  1. Learn a new hobby or skillset
  2. Develop home-working habits
  3. Do physical exercises
  4. Develop multiple sources of income
  5. Give yourself a break to reflect

Learn a new hobby or skillset

Online Teaching Resources: Udemy (left), Coursera (middle), YouTube (right)

We often delay our learning plans due to lacking time. As we have more free idle time during quarantine and suspension of business operations, it is a high time for us to learn a new hobby or skillset. It does not only help you shake off boredom but also your personal growth. The Internet is a powerful tool for self-learning during the coronavirus. For instance, we may access Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube to search for free educational videos and courses.

Develop home-working habits

Work from Home (Picture courtesy of Eida)

Since the coronavirus, there is a drastic change in the working mode: from “working at the office” to “working from home”. We are used to working in the office setting. For instance, face-to-face meetings daily with colleagues and clients, chit-chatting with colleagues at work and working under the supervision of the seniors.

Compared to working from home, you have to sit in front of the computer with your camera turned on for ZOOM meetings. You do not work in traditional office settings and have to work unsupervised and independently at home. Your working style and habits will change when working at home. Such changes cannot be adjusted immediately and may create stress at work.

Meanwhile, working remotely from the office has been a growing trend as it allows companies to save operation costs in office rentals and maintenance charges. Therefore, I recommended developing your home-working habits. For example, computer set-ups at home, decent home-working environment, etc. As soon as you get used to working from home, you will be less stressed at work.

Do physical exercises

Home Workouts (Picture courtesy of Freepik)

Thanks to the compulsory quarantine practices and strict social distancing policies, we are stuck at home. It harms our physical and mental health. We cannot achieve a minimum activity level for maintaining good health. We may also feel bored and isolated during the quarantine. For our physical and mental well-being, I recommended doing physical exercises regularly at home. You can do workouts by body weight such as push-ups and sit-ups, or by fitness equipment such as exercise bands and dumbbells.

Develop multiple sources of income

Coronavirus leads to the suspension of business operations for various industries. It leads to an increase in the unemployment rate and fewer job vacancies. To prepare for the worst, I recommended developing multiple sources of income during the undulating period. It is good to secure a job position, but what’s next? You should actively find ways to earn income and accumulate wealth. For example, developing a side business and earn passive income.

Developing side business (Picture courtesy of TheNextWeb)

Apart from your main job, you may consider working side business online. Online content creation is a case in point. You can create online articles and videos during weekends and post them on income-generating social media platforms, such as Medium and TikTok, you name it!

Earning passive income (Picture courtesy of Microsoft)

Besides, earning passive income is also a viable option. Passive income, in short, you earn even when you are sleeping. How? Here are the ways: 1) interests earned from investing in stocks and making deposit savings, 2) creating subscriptions for online content, 3) affiliate marketing, 4) setting up online e-commerce shops, etc. More ways are up to you to explore!

Give yourself a break to reflect

Reflect on coronavirus (Picture courtesy of Wisconsin Public Radio)

Well, you may think this one is stupid, but this is very important.

In my opinion, coronavirus has brought a far-reaching message to all of us. We are global citizens and we have to take up the responsibilities and face the consequences of the widespread pandemics together as one. Thanks to globalization, we are interconnected through improved technologies such as travelling aboard by air transport. No one can be free from the outbreak of coronavirus and learn to live with it. We have to reflect on this global health issue and prepare ourselves for future unexpected life-threatening events. P.S. Well, I believe that is the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War now. ❤ Let’s stand with Ukrainian and end the war! ❤

Do you have any recommendations to do during coronavirus? Feel free to clap and comment below. ❤

Last but not least,

Me at Ha Long Bay, Hanoi, Vietnam ❤

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