avatarJimmy Misner Jr.


The article "5 More Things You Didn’t Know About Me" provides personal insights into the author's dislike of losing, quirky childhood behavior, innate sense of time, habit of mentally calculating numbers, and unexpected struggle with learning to read.


In an engaging follow-up to a previous story, the author reveals five additional personal anecdotes that offer a deeper understanding of their character. They confess to being a sore loser, despite maturing in how they handle defeat. The author reflects on their peculiar childhood actions, such as pretending to punch classmates for amusement. A unique talent for estimating time accurately is shared, alongside an odd compulsion to add numbers they encounter. Lastly, the author discloses a surprising childhood difficulty with reading, which they eventually overcame, considering their current profession as a writer.


  • The author admits to a strong dislike of losing, suggesting a competitive nature that persists into adulthood.
  • They consider their childhood behavior to have been weird, yet they've learned to integrate into societal norms with age.
  • The author finds their ability to estimate time accurately to be somewhat unique, though not particularly useful.
  • There's a self-acknowledged quirk of compulsively adding up numbers seen in daily life, which is recognized as a mostly useless habit.
  • The author views their childhood struggle with reading as an interesting contrast to their current writing career.

5 More Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Cause 10 wasn’t nearly enough, I guess…

Photo by Zan on Unsplash

I recently wrote a story where I was challenged by Misty Rae to talk about 10 things people didn’t know about me. I went ahead and wrote it but it was rather general. Since writing that, I’ve had a few interesting things about myself pop up that are more specific and possibly a bit more interesting, lol.

Let’s take a look at five more things you didn’t know about me!

I hate losing!

I’m not a good loser, at all. I’m not a jerk about it (anymore, lol) but I hate losing so much. I get so mad! I honestly have no clue why it bothers me so much, to be honest. It’s just the way I’ve been all my life.

I’ve mellowed out as I’ve gotten older but that hasn’t changed my hatred of losing, lol. I just don’t freak out or be a jerk like I sometimes could be when I was a kid.

I was a weird child…

This shouldn’t be shocking, I’m a weird adult after all, lol. The thing is though, I’ve learned how to behave pretty normally as I’ve grown up. My opinions and interests can still be weird and sometimes I say weird stuff but for the most part, nobody thinks I’m a complete weirdo, lol.

I’ll give you an example of my weirdness as a child. One year, I believe it was the 6th grade, I randomly decided that it would be funny to act as if I was going to punch people. Basically, I would be walking down the hallway and when I got close to someone I hadn’t done it to yet, I would just swing fast right at their head.

Most of the kids would jump or scream or at the least flinch. I couldn’t tell you why I thought this was okay or why I thought it was so funny, I just did. Weird, right?

I’m really good at knowing what time it is.

I’m not like a computer where I always know the time. It’s more like I always know the general gist of what time it is. For whatever reason, I just have a really good sense of how much time has passed. If I looked at the clock an hour ago and someone asks me what time it is, I can usually guess the correct time, often within 5–10 minutes.

It’s nothing crazy and not particularly useful. It is somewhat unique though, right? lol

I have a tendency to almost compulsively count numbers.

If I see a bunch of numbers on something, I’m inclined to start adding all the numbers up. Yeah, completely useless but it’s something I’ve always done. I’ll give you a few bonus math facts about me in this one while I’m at it, lol.

I’m very fast at doing basic math. My biggest weakness is my poor memory, which keeps me from being able to do any particularly large numbers though.

Another math thing is that when I was a kid in high school, I remember there were a few months where I would take fractions and figure out what they were as decimals in my head. Essentially, I’d take like 1/12 and divide 1 by 12 in my head to get the answer. I don’t know why. Just another thing I did.

I struggled to learn to read as a kid.

Yeah, this one is a little weird, right? Being a writer and all, lol! I don’t remember this but my dad told me about it. Apparently, when we were all learning to read, for whatever reason, I was really struggling.

Apparently, it was so bad, that I was almost put into a special class to help me out. Before that happened, apparently something clicked and I figured it out. I still find this little story interesting, especially now, lol.

So, there are a few more things you didn’t know about me! I’m glad I wrote this because I felt like my original story was pretty lacking. This one helps give a few more details that let you know a little bit more about me! :)

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