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5-Fruits that Adversely Affect Diabetics

Diabetes is a group of pathologies. It is categorized into two main types diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is further divided into type 1 and type 2.

There is another form of diabetes called gestational diabetes which is also type 2 diabetes. It occurs only in pregnant women.

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Both of these types result from glucose intolerance. Their only difference lies in the functionality of the beta cells of the pancreas called the islets of Langerhans that produce a hormone called insulin.

Insulin is a chemical messenger that allows body cells to absorb glucose( the main blood sugar) and use it to produce energy.

In type 1, the gland does not produce insulin, whereas, in type 2 an insufficient amount of insulin is produced by the gland and the body becomes resistant to insulin.

How Patients with Type 2 Diabetes can Control their Hyperglycemia Naturally?

As mentioned above, there is a disturbance in the functionality of the pancreatic gland in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This considerably influences normal body metabolism and ultimately other body functions.

Luckily, people with this type of diabetes can somehow live a normal life just by adopting a few lifestyle measures and preventions. The following are some significant natural ways to manage your glucose levels within the considerable ranges:

· Eat a healthy and fibrous diet

· Walk properly

· Exercise regularly

· Indulge in physical activities

· Drink more water

· Get plenty of sleep

· Avoid stress

Among all these measures diet matters a lot in lowering a body’s sugar level naturally. Fasting or avoiding meals is not advised for lowering blood glucose.

Only a balanced and healthy diet can be beneficial in this case.

Natural Diet Modifications that can Regulate your Blood Glucose Levels

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A balanced and healthy diet can certainly help you cope with managing your body’s sugar level. Remember, obesity can worsen your diabetic condition. Therefore, try to reduce your body weight and get the beneficial outcomes.

Some important dietary changes are assembled in the following list:

· Eat non-starchy vegetables like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and many more.

· Ingest whole grain foods in large amounts like tortillas, brown rice, and many more.

· Use only healthy fats like olive oils, avocados, and a list of other such fats.

· Add fatty fish to a diet like salmon, herring, and others to increase the omega-3 concentration in the body.

· Increase the ingestion of protein-rich meals like beans, meat, nuts, and many more.

Are All Fruits Good for Diabetics?

No, it is not true that all fruits are healthy and friendly for diabetic patients. Only those fruits having high fiber and low sugars are good for diabetics.

Which Fruits Have Adverse Effects on Diabetics?

The limited use of the following five fruits is advised for hyperglycemic patients. However, their minimal amount does no harm. Therefore, avoid taking them in bulk.

· Mango

· Jackfruit

· Banana

· Chikku

· Grapes

Let’s briefly discuss the science behind the harmful impact of the above-listed fruits one after one.


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Mango contains natural sugar. The sugar present in them is mainly in the form of sucrose, fructose, and glucose. They all are monosaccharides, where glucose is the principal carbohydrate actively taken by body cells.

As in diabetes, the body’s metabolism is not normal, therefore glucose is not taken and consumed properly. This can severely result in a group of diseases. That is why diabetic patients are advised to check and balance their glucose intake.

Mangoes have a moderate glycemic index of 50 to 60 and a high glycemic load of 13 to 18. This means they considerably impact the body’s glucose concentration.

Consuming too much amount of them can raise your body’s glucose level. However, mangoes also contain a large portion of fibers and water. Therefore, one can comfortably consume a small to medium-sized mango twice weekly.


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Despite the innumerable health benefits of jackfruit, it is not considered a friendly fruit for diabetic patients. It is rich in carbohydrates and contains a proportion of natural sugars. That is why it is not recommended for patients with hyperglycemia.

It has a moderate glycemic index of 50 to 60 which means it can moderately increase the body’s glucose concentration after its consumption. It has a higher glycemic load of 13 to 18 which means it has a significant impact on the overall blood sugar concentration.

Moreover, it contains less fiber, approximately 3 grams per cup of sliced fruit. Undoubtedly, a fibrous diet is necessary to improve the process of digestion and glucose consumption.

Jackfruit also inhibits the action of various hyperglycemic drugs like insulin and sulfonylureas. Eating jackfruit along with these medications can result in a patient’s hypoglycemic condition.

Therefore, patients should eat jackfruit in moderate amounts. They should prefer raw fruit over the ripened one.


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People with diabetes must be careful about the amount of bananas intake. Multiple facts make bananas non-friendly for diabetics. They are low in fbres and high in sugars. As compared to other fruits, they have a medium to high glycemic index that considerably increases body glucose levels.

Bananas are rich in carbs and calories. Therefore, they can raise the body’s weight causing obesity and provoking insulin resistance.

Though bananas are not diabetes-friendly, their consumption in small amounts along with other foods is healthy for such patients.


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Chikku, also known as sapota or sapodilla has high carbohydrates. It can raise body glucose concentration significantly and quickly as compared to some other fruits. It has a moderate to high glycemic index. The glycemic index of chikku is estimated to be 60.

Indeed, the 60 glycemic index is higher than the index of apples, strawberries, and oranges. It has high calories that can contribute to weight gain and resist insulin action. One medium-sized chikku provides 124 calories.

Chikku is low in fiber which means it can cause poor digestion and glucose absorption. Therefore, diabetics should avoid or limit their chikku intake as it can spike their glucose levels and worsen their condition.


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Grapes are not necessarily bad for hyperglycemic patients. They have a moderate glycemic index. It indicates that they can escalate the body’s glucose level more quickly as compared to other fruits. These are also rich in calories and cause weight gain and insulin resistance.

They provide 104 calories which is more than a medium apple or an orange. Moreover, they are also low in fiber and slow down digestion and glucose absorption. One cup of grapes contains 1.4g fibers.

Therefore, they should be taken in a limited amount or with some other foods to avoid worsening the conditions of diabetic patients.

Final Remarks

Diet plays an important role in naturally controlling diabetes. These patients should regulate their intake of fruits which can raise their glucose levels higher and faster than other fruits.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope it helped you medically.

Healthy Eating
Natural Remedies
Healthy Fruits
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