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5 Enlightening Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start A Side Hustle

These questions put you a step ahead

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1n 2022, side hustles have become more popular than we’ve ever known them to be. Indeed, the 2021 side hustle report by Jeff Proctor reveals a sharp increase in the amount of time people spend on their side gigs per week. While the 12th to 27th percentile increase counts for something, there are further predictions that side hustles will become even more popular in 2022.

The truth be told, starting a side hustle isn’t easy, but the thought of it sounds exciting.

A year ago, writing became my side hustle. I dabbled into it because I saw it as an easy alternative and something that I was comfortable doing.

I love to write, so I decided that it was the perfect opportunity to make some extra cash while at it. At the time, I also needed to augment my income.

The journey so far has been remarkable and it has been a great privilege to learn so much from others. The process has also taught me so many valuable lessons.

When I started, I did not have a plan. I simply just started. There was no clear vision in mind. I just wrote.

Several months down the line, I am realizing that if you want to build a truly beneficial side hustle that will stand the test of time, you need to have a solid understanding of what you want to do.

Here are some questions that potential side hustlers should ask themselves before starting:

1. Why am I doing this?

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“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.”- Myles Munroe

The worst thing that can happen is to invest your time, money and energy in something that you will end up regretting or get bored with.

You should know why you are going for a particular side hustle and what makes it the best choice amongst others.

Before you decide, get clarity.

On CNBC, Janet Alvarez, a financial expert advises that being deliberate about why you need the side gig and what exactly you hope to gain from it, can lead you to the best choice.

Unlike a regular job where your boss may care about your skills,background or education, you are the boss here. Your decision matters because it will ultimately have an impact on how successful your side hustle will eventually become.

Many people settle for a side hustle for various reasons. For instance, it could be because they need an outlet to express their creativity or they wish to do something else that makes them happy. For others, it could be because they need to make some extra income, desire a career change or need freedom to do something else.

Have you set goals for your potential side hustle? Is it something that you intend to do for a long time?

On Gig hustlers, it is said that the decision to pick a side hustle should hinge on the following :

  1. Something that you are passionate about or at least think you will enjoy;
  2. Something related to your skills or experience.

2. Is it something that I am really interested in doing?

Starting a side hustle could be fun. New beginnings are exciting. However, there has to be that overwhelming desire to keep going, no matter what.

Enthusiasm is a vital aspect of side hustling because with it comes energy and excitement to keep building.

There will be days of discouragement and days when the figures don’t add up or the effort doesn’t match the stress. This is why to a reasonable extent, you need to like your side hustle. That likeness or love will keep the fire burning when there are speed bumps and hard times.

If you wish to know how to identify a side hustle that’s right for you, here’s what you can do:

  1. Check if is something that you enjoy doing.
  2. Confirm that it actually solves a unique problem in the lives of others.
  3. Check that it is something you can do whether or not you get paid for it.
  4. Be sure that you are willing and ready to bear the sacrifices that come with it.

3. Can I give enough time to make it happen?

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A lot of people juggle their day jobs with family commitments, social life and other hectic demands of daily living. Through all these, it could be hard to give some attention to a gradually-developing side hustle.

The truth be said, a side hustle is like a baby that needs tendering, nurturing and supervision. Running it could be time-consuming in ways that you may not have envisaged.

The process of growth comes one day at a time and if we really need to succeed at something, we need to give it our time.

Other questions to ask here are: Is there a right market for your chosen hustle? Can you identify the right people to sell it to? Is it really worth it?

On Inc Africa, Angela Helfrich notes that when starting a side hustle, you need to be honest with yourself on how many additional hours you can make available for it.

“Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.”- Miles Davis

4. Am I ready to start?

A lot of people know that they want to have a side hustle, but don’t know when, where or how to start!

Doing something new and remarkable begins with planning. An idea is only an idea until something is done about it to make it a reality.

Apart from visualizing and imagining, it’s advisable to set one’s self on the right path and start the hustle already! You can start by setting a start date and actually committing to it.

All you have to do is show up. Begin to set timelines, deadlines and put in the work.

“Ideas are worthless without the execution; execution is pointless without the idea.” — Gary Veynachuk

5. What goals do I have for my side hustle?

Before you begin, ask yourself where you would like to see your side hustle in a few years from now. Will you want it to grow to a point where you take it on as a full-time work? Do you have any financial goals and how much would you want to make from it and for how long?

Admittedly, these goals have to be realistic and attainable so that you don’t waste time planning what you can’t achieve.

If you wish to set some goals for your potential side hustle, here are some things you can do:

  1. Be reasonable about it.
  2. Get more knowledge about the industry you are delving into.
  3. Figure out the expenses that will be needed to get the business running.
  4. Know your target market.
  5. Stay motivated.

Final Thoughts

Having a side hustle is always a good option, although it isn’t without its own complications.

If you have considered starting one for so long, you simply need to ask yourself vital questions and set the ball rolling.

Truly, you can only achieve your goals when you put your plans into action.

Making your side hustle work is a consideration of many things, but before venturing into it, you have to be sure that it’s something that will be worth it in the long run.

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Side Hustle
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