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5 Empowering Signs That Confirm You Are Living Your Purpose

Embrace your journey without shame

Image by Petra from Pixabay

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1. Alignment and authentic connections

In life, we are often drawn to those who radiate a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As I started to awaken more to my higher self, I could perceive that some of the people I knew started to get connected to their truth, but also thrived as a result.

The mentors I needed also started to appear in my path, you know what they say: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”.

When I choose to be in the company of people who were living their truth, and were aligned with their life purpose, I could feel their energy and the conversations flowed in a different way.

It’s a two-way learning and many aha moments that made me understand many things in my life.

I discovered that I have embarked on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering my passions, talents, and aspirations like people around me.

As I witnessed the achievements of my friends and mentors, I became more aware of the infinite possibilities and motivated to achieve more.

2. You’re embracing the risks

I always felt courageous in many ways, I like to take risks.

After I turned 40, the fear of not trying got worse, and failure became a stepstone that I used to change my path.

You can risk more when you understand that the fear of failure is a result of not trying.

I found out that playing it safe may offer a sense of comfort, but it comes at the cost of our happiness, sense of purpose, and self-discovery.

The weight of regret, of never knowing what could have been, is simply too heavy to bear.

With each setback, I gained valuable lessons and insights that pushed me forward.

By taking risks, I expanded my horizons and strengthened my resilience and determination.

The courage to take risks defines who we are and shapes our journey toward a life filled with happiness, purpose, and self-fulfillment.

Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

3. Happiness and never-ending joy

I have a lot of connections to the nature around me and the situations I am in daily, and gratitude has helped me a lot along the way.

When I started to appreciate the small things in my life, I realized how much I already had. This made a big difference.

My vibration changed for the better when I shifted my perception to gratitude in times of frustration.

When I worked with something I was passionate about, I experienced the pure joy that comes from working with something that made me happy.

I cannot imagine returning to a life without this fulfillment.

Living in gratitude and appreciation has become an integral part of my being.

4. Leaving Behind Unfulfilling Pursuits

I started to refuse to do all the projects, lifestyles, people's behavior, and pursuits that didn't serve me anymore.

It was a waste of energy for me to have that constant whisper in the back of my mind, telling me there was something more out there for me.

The always chasing, dopamine hit, waiting for the best thing to show up in my life was exhausting!

Three years ago, when I was in social media fever, I felt the fear of missing out and got a burnout that made me stop, and then I got the insight:

“I don’t have to chase anything, what resonates with my energy comes to me”.

When I started to have a clear mind, I realized that I didn't need to waste my time on things that didn't resonate with me.

And guess what showed up? More energy, more creativity, more motivation because I finally let it go.

With this new understanding, I have started a journey of self-discovery and look for opportunities that match my core values and goals.

The conscious decision I made to align my actions with my true purpose has been transformative.

I live my life in a flow where everything I want comes to me easily, and I don't worry anymore about what might or should happen.

Every day, I have this urge to learn something, read something, and produce something because ideas are showing up in my mind like never before.

Ideas, insights, and instructions that come to me, I use them to grow, improve myself, and learn.

Take every day as an opportunity to be thankful, knowing that you're living a life that's in line with your purpose.

We are exactly where we need to be right now, how we should be, and have the experiences we have because everything helps us grow.

When we think like this, life becomes easier to live.

5. Motivation to find purpose in your life

We are naturally motivated to find meaning in our lives.

It’s not just about ticking off accomplishments for it; we are driven by a deep desire to make a positive impact on others.

Helping others makes me feel better than any personal accomplishments that I might have made.

With this motivation, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and service to others.

In a spiritual ceremony, my life purpose came to mind, and I began to seek opportunities that would allow me to improve my spirituality and make positive changes for people who came my way.

I love to help people achieve their success and use my psychic abilities and mind faculties to help them along the way.

The journey to find our purpose in life may not always be easy, but by accepting the challenges, we can grow and learn.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash


We are connected to our inner and outer connections, and this helps us decide who should be in our lives or not.

Take risks along the way, decide this moment where you want to move toward, and adjust the path along the way.

Appreciate the little things in life and be grateful for all the signs and opportunities the universe gives you.

Do what serves your true calling and life purpose, and don't worry because the resources you need will show up in your reality.

Helping others is a major opportunity for you to grow, help them with your smile, kindness, words, or whatever you can.

Listen to your intuition, write your ideas, and be aware of the insights that show up in your awareness. They can be a guide in your path.

Allow feelings of sadness, grief or any other negative feeling to manifest, acknowledge them, and let them go with gratitude because they are also a part of your path.

Embrace opportunities that come your way and let your desire to make a positive difference shape your actions.

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© 2023 Zondra dos Anjos.

Personal Development
Personal Growth
Self Improvement
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