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5 Effective Tips to Overcome Setbacks and Obstacles

So you can navigate tough times with resilience and confidence

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How do you deal with challenges? It can make all the difference in your overall well-being. It’s inevitable that we will encounter setbacks and obstacles — life is a journey filled with both highs and lows.

And our perspective makes meaning to what is happening and that makes all the difference in how we handle things. There is so much going on out there — how we react starts from within. I look to bring light to this as often as I can, not so that you shame or blame yourself.

I do this so you can empower yourself.

When you realize the control you actually do have, the control over yourself, you take your power back. When you pay attention and are mindful of how you handle what you are dealt, you then have the ability to change your actions.

Do you react and come from a place that triggers you or do you respond and come from a NEW place of who you want to be?

When we take responsibility for our part in what happens, it gives us the ability to respond in a different way. It gives us control, it empowers us.

Things are going to happen, we can’t change that. What we can change is how we handle it.

I’d like to share some ways that you can handle what you face more effectively, which will lower your stress levels for those times when… life doesn’t go as planned.

Are you interested? Let’s get started:

5 Effective Tips to Overcome Setbacks and Obstacles:

1.Break your challenge into smaller steps — Significant obstacles seem so overwhelming but if you break it down into smaller steps, it becomes more manageable. It can even give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete each ‘sub task’. We tend to over complicate things or overthink things, making what we face seem even worse. With this approach it will help simplify what needs to be done — and bring less drama while working through it.

2. Maintain a Positive Mindset — This doesn’t mean to ‘rose color’ what is happening. When you come from a more optimistic view you are better able to see the solution and opportunities. You can also see a bigger picture and what the experience is bringing for you. Challenges are seen as opportunities for growth — and in looking at it through this view, you can become wiser and more resilient.

3. Be Persistent and Be Patient — Both of these are key when facing any obstacles. It might take some time for things to resolve. When it moves slower than we want, it’s easy to get impatient or discouraged which then adds unnecessary drama and additional stress. Have faith that all will work out, even if you aren’t sure exactly how that’s possible.

4. Reflect and Learn — When you overcome an obstacle, take time to reflect on how things went. What worked? What didn’t? What have you learned from the experience? How would you apply this to a future challenge? This is a great way to enhance your problem solving skills as well as prepare you to be more effective in the future.

5. Seek Guidance and Support — Talk with someone who has experienced similar obstacles and get their guidance and insights. You might find strategies you hadn’t thought of from a fresh perspective. And sharing with someone helps you stay emotionally resilient as you relieve some stress during a tough time.

What if… you saw challenges, setbacks and obstacles not as roadblocks but as stepping stones on your path to personal growth?

When you apply the steps I have outlined above, what you face becomes an opportunity that you can navigate with resilience and confidence so you can emerge stronger afterwards.

Need that guidance and support so you can take this information and implement it? That’s why I created a NEW BE monthly membership. Here you learn how to take the information I share and implement it into your life. I share tips, tools, and resources to guide you to living your second half of life as your best half. And you receive support from fellow members. All in an intimate group setting via Zoom. It’s a NEW way to BE. Click HERE to find out more.

And please FOLLOW the NEWLAND WELLNESS FB page — click HERE for a link. I’ve been doing LIVES on the mornings of Tuesdays for Tips and Thursdays for Thoughts each week. Replays are there as well. I keep it short and informative to help us on the self-awareness journey.

If you haven’t already, please take my QUIZ: What is Your Self-Awareness Type? and uncover more about where you are and where you can go. It’s 2 minutes and it’s FREE.

You can also find me: My Website. And subscribe to my YouTube for Minutes With Michele.

And I encourage you to read the work of my fabulous writer friends: Trista Ainsworth, Gurpreet Dhariwal, Amy Marley, Aurora Eliam, CMP, Erin King, Karen Madej, Alison Tennent, Neha Sandhir S, Lanu Pitan, Kyomi O’Connor, Terry Mansfield, Tim Maudlin, Bob Jasper, Joe Luca, JeffHerring.com, Indra Raj Pathak, Dr Michael Heng, David Acaster, Selma

Always celebrating, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Founder & Leader of ILLUMINATION

Until next time ~

Sending you light, love — and self-awareness.

Be Well,

Graphic Design by Bthillart
Stress Management
Life Lessons
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