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4 Tips to Help You Shine in the 4th Quarter — of 2023

Take action so you can wrap up your year with success

Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay

What area in your life could use some change? What’s one thing that you can choose to do that will move you in a NEW direction? How would you design your day?

You have a choice — One day or Day One. I love this concept…

… We keep putting things off until we have more time and more money and think we will be more settled. When things slow down so and so has done this after we have done that. After the holidays, starting next month — or next year.

All the excuses we tell ourselves…

Let me tell you, there will never be a convenient time.

Why not make today Day One?

We are in the 4th quarter of 2023 — can you believe it?! Where has the year gone? What goals or intentions have you accomplished? What do you still want to accomplish?

It’s not too late to finish the year on a positive note.

And set intentions for what you desire in 2024. In the holistic community, there is a lot of talk of taking action now to create change. To embrace change instead of fear change.

To get uncomfortable.

To ~DTO~ (Do the opposite) of what you have been. And get the results you’ve been looking for. Now is the time. I am hearing many of my mentors share that the first step in change is — drum roll please — becoming AWARE.

Yes — this is the journey of self-awareness.

Why is it important to step outside of your comfort zone? So that you can create the life that you desire. What if this time has been given to us to live in creation instead of reaction?

To grow and experience NEW opportunities. To enjoy life more. With all that is going on that is negative or appears negative, we have the power within us to move forward and find the silver lining.

It’s your choice — YOU get to choose how you want to spend not only the rest of 2023 but 2024.

What are some ways to get out of your comfort zone?

Here are 4 ‘take action’ tips that have helped me:

  1. Let go of control — As I have shared, the only thing we really have control over is ourselves. By releasing control you start to embrace change and aren’t shaken by random happenings. You begin to go with the flow. You find the ‘grey’ in the black-and-white world.

2. Baby steps — Switch up your routine without overwhelming yourself. If you do too much at once, it doesn’t last. Like being on a diet instead of making a lifestyle change. I use this as an example but it can be applied in any area you look to change.

3. Take the judgement out — I’ve shared this many times before, stop labeling. Don’t see things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Take the meaning you have out of it. Being neutral helps to not get caught up in the drama that something happened that shouldn’t. Even the high of the good can throw us when things neutralize. Or we are waiting for the ‘other shoe to drop.’ Find the balance by removing the labeling.

4. Come from a place of YES — We lean towards ‘No’ and we stop ourselves out of fear. That fear can be of failure and yes — even success. Fear of being more than we currently are or our family is. Fear of how others will perceive us or that we will no longer fit in. Instead, be afraid and say YES anyway and let it move you into an unknown place that can bring a better life.

If you notice it’s ~DTO~ I’m asking you to Do the opposite of what you may have been doing.

This isn’t about perfection — it’s about progress. Studies have shown how people become happier not just in reaching a goal but on the journey to it…

Think of how proud you are when you set a goal, as an example, of weight loss. You want to lose 20 lbs and you’re down your first 5. You’re on your way and it feels great.

This journey isn’t about adding more stress to your life — it’s about learning to cope with what’s happening in a healthier way.

Take it as slowly as you need — JUST. TAKE. ACTION.

We are so hard on ourselves most times and we stop ourselves from doing things that would produce a better life.

Remember when you first learned to drive? Was it on the expressway or on a quiet side street — maybe even a parking lot? Or learning to ride a bike, first with training wheels that were raised up or one removed as you felt more stable.

Why do we complicate things as adults?

As babies we learned to walk — we took steps and fell, we got up and we kept going. None of us gave up on walking — we kept moving forward.

What area in your life could use some change? What’s one thing that you can choose to do that will move you in a NEW direction?

YOU have a choice NOW — One day or Day One.

This is the journey of self-awareness…

Are you wondering how to take this information and implement it? That’s why I created a NEW BE monthly membership. Here you learn how to take the information I share and implement it into your life. I share tips, tools, and resources to guide you to living your second half of life as your best half. And you receive support from fellow members. All in an intimate group setting via Zoom. It’s a NEW way to BE. Click HERE to find out more.

And please FOLLOW the NEWLAND WELLNESS FB page — click HERE for a link. I’ve been doing LIVES on the mornings of Tuesdays for Tips and Thursdays for Thoughts each week. Replays are there as well. I keep it short and informative to help us on the self-awareness journey.

If you haven’t already, please take my QUIZ: What is Your Self-Awareness Type? and uncover more about where you are and where you can go. It’s 2 minutes and it’s FREE.

You can also find me: My Website. And subscribe to my YouTube for Minutes With Michele.

And I encourage you to read the work of my fabulous writer friends: Trista Ainsworth, Gurpreet Dhariwal, Amy Marley, Aurora Eliam, CMP, Erin King, Karen Madej, Alison Tennent, Neha Sandhir S, Lanu Pitan, Kyomi O’Connor, Terry Mansfield, Tim Maudlin, Bob Jasper, Joe Luca, JeffHerring.com, Indra Raj Pathak, Dr Michael Heng, David Acaster, Selma

Always celebrating, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Founder and leader of ILLUMINATION

Until next time ~

Sending you light, love — and self-awareness.

Be Well,

Graphic Design by Bthillart
Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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