4 Things I’ve Learned In My First 14 Days As A Dad
Lessons From A New Parent
On the 30th of October, my beautiful Daughter, Poppy, came into this world.
Becoming a Dad is an indescribable journey.
It has been a rollercoaster of emotions, pulling me into a new reality where time is measured in feeds and sleepless nights.
Life, as I knew it, has been divided into two distinct chapters: before and after her arrival.
As I sit here in the quiet of the early morning, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind that has been the first two weeks of fatherhood.
Here’s what I’ve learned.
What The Hell Did I Do With All My Spare Time?
I really have no clue.
I once believed that I was a productive person who utilised my time well, but out of complete necessity, I’ve had to become infinitely more productive.
My Daughter and Wife are my priorities.
But when I do manage to steal a few moments to myself (which tends to be in the early, early hours of the morning), I can no longer justify wasting my time scrolling or texting.
Instead, I find myself desperate to use any free moment I have available to work on myself.
I started my writing journey early last month and committed to writing one article per day. Aware that it would be an unfeasible task once our bundle of joy arrived, I proactively built up a bank of drafts.
The demand for a daily article quickly exhausted my reserves and I’ve been left with no choice but to become ruthlessly efficient with my writing process.
The Protective Instinct Is Real
I’ve always wondered if what they say is true — that when your child is born, you’re overcome with love and your protective instincts immediately kick in.
From the moment my daughter entered the world, an indescribable sense of responsibility and love consumed me.
As she settles into our home, this feeling has intensified, reminding me that I am now the guardian of this tiny, precious life.
Experienced parents might be familiar with this feeling: Whenever I do manage to catch a few moments of sleep, I suddenly bolt upright, fumbling around the bed in the dark, instinctively searching for her.
Only to discover, she’s cozily nestled beside her Mam or peacefully dozing away in her crib.
I can’t help but live in a constant state of worry — making sure she’s got everything she could possibly need.
I’ve Never Been So Naïve
Everybody tells you.
They make passing comments like,
‘Enjoy the sleep now while you can’ or ‘Make the most of your free time’.
I thought to myself — ‘How tired can you get? Surely it can’t be that bad’.
For the first three days, I thought I had it figured out. She barely made a sound as she recovered in the hospital.
However, I soon realised we were lured into a false sense of security.
The minute we arrived home, chaos ensued and we’ve been learning to adapt every moment since.
I Will Always Have A Purpose
Part of the wonder and awe I felt also came with a tinge of anxiety.
Acutely aware that now, it’s no longer just my Wife and me. There’s now a small, vulnerable child relying on us for everything.
Every decision I make, and every lesson I impart, shapes her journey through life.
Along with the weight of this profound responsibility, comes an overwhelming feeling of purpose.
An unwavering commitment to enhancing her life in every possible way.
The intensity of the emotions I felt on the day Poppy came into this world is impossible to describe.
I’m not sure I’ve been able to fully process it.
However, I am certain nobody could have explained it to me in advance.
Living through these initial 14 days has been the best and hardest experience of my life to date and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
For those of you more experienced than I, let me know if any of these feelings resonated with you.
Better yet, if you have any advice for a new, naive Dad, please let me know in the comments!
About the Author
My name is Dave 👋
I’m always on the hunt for strategies to unlock high performance and dedicated to assisting others in their journey towards self-improvement.
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