

4 Steps to Try Harder

Pretty vague right? here’s a pointer at what to do

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

1. Find your “What”

Before the starting point comes your What, what do you want to do? No really, don’t just think about it, feel it! What is it you truly want to do? A skill, a date, a job, a house, a car. Think and feel that reason that moves you and gives your life meaning.

That which you sit alone at night just wondering about “what if…?” Sometimes someone dear to you may know it better than you do! It usually would show up during those long calm conversations where you’d look back on life and remember the good and bad times as just part of what got you to where you are regardless if things are going well or not. Then the words “You know, you are good at...” Or maybe it’s “What keeps you here? You could be so much more if you just…” Yes, you know that moment when time seems to sit still and you just know these are words that you will remember for life. That’s your “what” your goal to reach!

2. What’s the distance between you and your “what”

Simple enough, a clear road to success. What is it that they have that you don’t? Make a list of the skills, resources, and traits that are needed to achieve that goal and now take a good look at yourself and list out of those things what is it you have and what you don’t. No sugar coating here! You need to have an unbiased look and acknowledge things for what they are at the moment. Remember at this point you are just making the starting line clear, no judgment just state what is true regardless because those things are about to change.

3. Find the best path to the goal

If you don’t acknowledge that there is a problem then there is nothing to fix.

Saying that you’re working on yourself doesn’t mean you actually are. Get a move on! Let your actions lead your words, and work hard every day even if a little at a time to change for the better. Don’t just say you’re working hard but have others see that you’re working.


Bad French aside, really it’s that simple just Try Harder! Don’t let the small losses put you down. Be your very own drill sergeant and don’t take your own bs. Find a reason to say one more time every time you have a setback. Every step is a step forward whether it’s by failing and learning or getting it right the first time it doesn’t matter, just keep moving! Because there are two things that can be certain in life

  1. You will inevitably die
  2. If you don’t try you will 100% never make it!

So don’t say you’ve lost if you’re still competing. Get up, breathe, look back at how far you’ve come until now, and keep moving forward. The road may be long, and night may be cold and lonely but I will never stop moving

Try Harder … Be BETTER!

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