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Nora’s Notes

4 Reasons Kelly Clarkson’s Show Opener is Awesome

I don’t often write about public figures, but I felt compelled to mention this.

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I don’t watch The Kelly Clarkson Show. This has nothing to do with the show’s namesake. I simply don’t have enough time to watch that much TV.

One of the few shows I do record is aired immediately prior to Clarkson’s offering. At the end of my recorded show, I see the beginning of Kelly’s. I see the preview of her guests, and the first verse and chorus of whatever song she chooses as her opener.

Usually, the show opens with Kelly in front of her band, where she sings live for her studio audience and the cameras.

Sometimes, though, Kelly speaks at the start of her show rather than singing. On days when her voice is tired or scratchy, she doesn’t sing live. Instead, she plays a previously recorded segment for her audience.

Can we just take a moment to consider how awesome this is? Let me explain why.

She models self-care.

Should we push ourselves to the breaking point?

If you’re not well, take a break.

How many people overlook self care and choose the “show must go on” mentality at the expense of their own well being?

Not Clarkson. Her show does go on, but sometimes it’s while she practices vocal rest.

The best part is that rather than lip syncing to her own material, she outright admits that she needs a break.

She’s human, not a machine, and self-care sometimes means setting boundaries.

She kicks perfectionism to the curb.

There are no excuses made: When Clarkson can’t sing, she says so. “I’m feeling a little scratchy today” or “my voice is tired” are examples of what she tells her audience when she doesn’t sing the opener live.

She’s not perfect, and she shows no shame in admitting when she can’t sing as well as she’d like.

She maintains her professional standards.

Could she sing live every time? Sure, but she might not sound like the Kelly Clarkson we know and love, who won the premier season of American Idol with her grit and talent.

She’s not going to waste her audience’s time. They’ll get great Kelly vocals, whether they’re live or prerecorded.

She’s also not going to let herself down. If she doesn’t think she’ll be happy with her voice, she doesn’t sing.

She’s not fake.

I wonder how many vocally spent performers lip sync? It’s one thing on TikTok, but professional singers are supposed to be able to sing live, an ability Clarkson has demonstrated repeatedly.

Could she lip sync to open her show? Sure, but what does that do to a singer’s credibility?

Opening a show with a song is a natural fit for a singer. As it turns out, it’s also a wonderful way to model some great qualities other than vocal talent.

©Copyright 2023 Nora Lyn Larch

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Kelly Clarkson
Self Care
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