avatarMichele Thill


4 Practical Steps to Design Your Day

To bring gratitude, clarity, and intention into your life

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Do you wish that you had the ability and the power to transform your day — and even your outlook on life? To be able to set the intention for how you would like things to go — and to bring in gratitude for all that is happening?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have more clarity and feel more in control?

Last time, I shared with you some ways to deal with the unexpected, as life rarely goes as planned. I asked you to look within and not blame the outside world solely. To take responsibility so that you can take your power back.

It was a tough love message from my heart to yours.

And a journey that I’ve been on for the last 20+ years with an even deeper focus the last 9 years.

Are you on a journey as well?

One that brought you to a place that you didn’t expect and wouldn’t have chosen — but have come to accept? A place where you see yourself in a NEW light and you tap into your inner power.

Or maybe you are struggling in some way to accept what life has now handed you. You just need some guidance and direction from someone who is on a path — maybe not the same one as yours — but a path caused by the unexpected.

You want to feel that peace — and some days you do…but it doesn’t seem to last and you are left wondering why.

Does this resonate with you?

If so, sounds like you could use a plan. Some structured support that would guide you each day to make it your best day. Would you be interested? Or would you think it wouldn’t be possible? How you approach what I share next will confirm your thoughts — either way.

This will either bring the results you desire — or not. You get to choose.

I want to share with you a simple yet profound daily practice of reflection — as all things start and end with you. You have the power within you to change the way you look at things and in doing so, you can change your life.

These are designed to bring gratitude, clarity and intention into your day — and your life.

Are you ready? Let’s take a deep dive into:

4 Practical Steps of Reflection to Design Your Day:

1. What would make today a great day for you? Start each morning pondering this question. By doing so, you have the opportunity to set an intention for the day.

What’s at least one thing you could do that would bring some joy into your day? When you start your day setting this intention, you end up creating a roadmap to make it a great day.

2. What are two things I am grateful for? When you focus on gratitude, you open a powerful force that brings more positivity into your day. This practice opens you to look for the abundance in life even if it seems insignificant or small.

3. What are two noteworthy things that happened today? As the day unfolds, pay attention and note any memorable moments or little victories. When you bring awareness to these moments — whether big or especially when small, you bring more fulfillment into your life.

4. What could I have done today that would have made it even better? Spend time at the end of the day to reflect on ‘your part’ in your day. Note what you could have done differently, added in or done without. This practice sets you up for continuous improvement. It’s not about regrets, blame or perfection. It’s about progress, growth and learning.

What are the benefits of spending time with these daily reflections?

We are all so busy… When you make time to intentionally look for and note the positives in your day, you are practicing and expanding a growth mindset and moving away from a fixed mindset. This opens you to self improvement and a practice of learning.

Through this mindful way of living, you actively shape your day, you boost your overall well-being and bring more joy into your day — and your life. This is a small investment that can yield big results.

This is the journey of self-awareness…

Are you wondering how to take this information and implement it? That’s why I created a NEW BE monthly membership. Here you learn how to take the information I share and implement it into your life. I share tips, tools, and resources to guide you to living your second half of life as your best half. And you receive support from fellow members. All in an intimate group setting via Zoom. It’s a NEW way to BE. Click HERE to find out more.

And please FOLLOW the NEWLAND WELLNESS FB page — click HERE for a link. I’ve been doing LIVES on the mornings of Tuesdays for Tips and Thursdays for Thoughts each week. Replays are there as well. I keep it short and informative to help us on the self-awareness journey.

If you haven’t already, please take my QUIZ: What is Your Self-Awareness Type? and uncover more about where you are and where you can go. It’s 2 minutes and it’s FREE.

You can also find me: My Website. And subscribe to my YouTube for Minutes With Michele.

And I encourage you to read the work of my fabulous writer friends: Trista Ainsworth, Gurpreet Dhariwal, Amy Marley, Aurora Eliam, CMP, Erin King, Karen Madej, Alison Tennent, Neha Sandhir S, Lanu Pitan, Kyomi O’Connor, Terry Mansfield, Tim Maudlin, Bob Jasper, Joe Luca, JeffHerring.com, Indra Raj Pathak, Dr Michael Heng, David Acaster, Selma

Always celebrating, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Founder & Leader of ILLUMINATION

Until next time ~

Sending you light, love — and self-awareness.

Be Well,

Graphic Design by Bthillart
Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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