avatarTarek Rakhiess


The article outlines four detrimental communication habits that individuals should eliminate to improve their interactions and relationships: the need to always be right, immediately dismissing feedback, striving to be universally liked, and constantly trying to present oneself in the best light.


The article "4 Communication Habits You Need to Quit Right Away" discusses the importance of self-awareness in communication and identifies four common habits that can harm relationships. It explains that the desire to always be right can lead to alienating others, while dismissing comments and criticism can hinder personal growth and frustrate those around you. The article also cautions against the pursuit of universal likability, as it can result in inauthenticity and a loss of trust. Additionally, it advises against the relentless effort to always appear knowledgeable or humorous, as this can come across as arrogant and may prevent others from engaging in conversations. The text suggests that these habits stem from a fear of rejection and that the key to being more likable is to listen actively and make others feel valued.


  • The need to always be right may stem from a fear of not being valued or intelligent enough, and admitting mistakes can actually make a person more likable.
  • Blocking comments and criticism can be detrimental to personal relationships and professional collaborations, as it disregards the contributions and perspectives of others.
  • Trying to be everyone's favorite can lead to a lack of authenticity, which in turn can cause people to lose trust and respect in an individual.
  • Constantly striving to present oneself in the best light can be exhausting and may give the impression of arrogance, potentially alienating others.
  • The article emphasizes that listening is a crucial skill for building deeper relationships, as it allows others to feel valued and heard.

4 Communication Habits You Need to Quit Right Away

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Bad habits are challenging because, eventually, we stop seeing them, and they become second nature to us. We share similar thoughts, speech, and behavior habits, which frequently enrage those around us.

These drawbacks are the first stage. Communication patterns To get rid of it, one must become conscious of it. Therefore, it’s probably time to break these harmful behaviors if you find yourself in any of the following situations described in this article.

1: always wanting to be right

For us humans, the following applies (unfortunately): being right makes us feel good. That is why it is not surprising that we always want to achieve our goals.

However, things become problematic when we start bothering our fellow human beings when they make mistakes. Because, of course, other people don’t like to be wrong any more than you do.

But where does our need to always be right come from? Chances are, like everyone else, you are afraid of rejection. Hence the fear of not being valuable, intelligent, or efficient enough for your peers or your social environment.

Perhaps you have an ingrained negative belief that you are secretly unlovable, and as soon as you make a mistake, the people close to you will see your imperfection and abandon you.

But that won’t happen if you admit your mistakes. Rather, the complete opposite!

If we stop trying to correct others or insist on our opinion in every situation, no matter how small, it automatically makes us much more likable.

After all, it is a very unpleasant experience for our counterpart to be criticized for being “incorrect.” However, when we admit our own mistakes, it gives our interlocutor the pleasant pleasure of being right.

2: Always Block Comments and Criticism Immediately

Maybe you are incredibly successful at what you do; He is so successful that he doesn’t need any “help” to improve even more. So why should you listen to comments and criticism, possibly from people who don’t understand what you’re doing?

Because it not only improves your performance but also your relationships with those around you.

Whether at work or as a couple, those around you also like to influence those around you.

When someone gives you feedback, that person actively wants to shape your relationship and your situation. If you block criticism, it will be incredibly frustrating for the other person because it will slow down their effectiveness.

Imagine that you are sitting together in front of a white canvas, but every time someone suggests that you paint a bluebird there or a red triangle there, you abruptly reject their idea and simply paint what you want.

If the roles were reversed, you’d probably be in a bad mood pretty quickly, right?

Of course, you don’t need to take all criticism personally or even implement it. For your interlocutor, it is only important that you hear/notice it.

3: wanting to be everyone’s favorite

If your words are intended solely to please everyone in the room, they will carry less weight. And people know — consciously or unconsciously — if your words are authentic. Lack of authenticity leads to losing trust, and your message loses resonance.

At worst, this even leads to people not liking you precisely because you desperately want to be liked.

Of course, it’s scary to think that people don’t like you. But if you’re in a room with ten people, you need at least eight of them to like you.

To not tell people what they are talking about, but instead reveal your authentic self, ask yourself the following questions: What do I believe? What do I value in life? What are the truths I can’t turn back from?

As you become clear about who you are, your character solidifies. This self-confidence leads those around you to follow you. I respect — even if they don’t like you or don’t share your opinion.

4: Always present yourself well

We want to shine not only with our clothes but also with our character. The essence of our character is enriched by intelligence, charisma, and humor.

But as in fashion, less is more. If we have to show our “good side” in every situation, it can quickly become stressful for those around us. Especially the remark “I know” for the hundredth time might infuriate our partner.

However, knowing everything or trying to show everything could be a lot of work. Rather, the complete opposite! If you simply dismiss the valuable thoughts and ideas of those around you with a dull gesture, you will come across as arrogant and distant.

As a result, people around you may admire you for your intellect, but they don’t want to be around you.

This habit is particularly fatal at work.

Even in the world of work, no one is chosen solely for their experience; You also have to get along and be friendly. In the future, be careful if you frequently “give speeches” in which you speak for an extended period.

If others want to contribute to the topic, avoid simply ignoring them and giving them the floor.

Also, resist the temptation to “one-up” others with your knowledge and experience. If, for example, B. If your coworker tells you about his vacation in Rome, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been there several times.

Talking is silver, and listening is gold.

All of these poor communication practices stem from a fear of rejection. We believe that if we can consistently present ourselves well and reinforce our value with words, we can convince others to like us.

But in reality, exactly the opposite is happening. From the perspective of those around us, we appear stressed, arrogant, and dismissive. But there is a magic solution to make yourself more likable: listen! People like to talk about themselves.

When they can talk about themselves and share their experiences and ideas, they feel valued.

When you listen to those around you, you give them this extremely wonderful feeling. Until now, you’ve probably often thought that it depends on what you say to please others. Rather, it depends on how you make others feel.

Letting go of these four negative communication habits and focusing on those around you will deepen your relationships and win over more people.

Communication Skills
Self Improvement
Self Growth
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