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The article emphasizes focusing on personal control, strengths, growth in all areas, and relationships to positively transform one's life.


The website content outlines four critical areas of focus to initiate a positive life change: controlling one's mind and thoughts, emphasizing personal strengths rather than weaknesses, pursuing mental, physical, and financial growth, and nurturing relationships. The author argues that energy should be directed inward, managing what can be controlled, such as one's actions and present state, rather than external factors like others' opinions. By concentrating on personal growth and leveraging individual strengths, the author suggests that one can move towards achieving their aspirations. Additionally, the text highlights the importance of balancing various aspects of life, including health, mental well-being, financial stability, and social connections, to ensure holistic development and fulfillment.


  • It is futile and self-destructive to focus on what others think, as personal peace and happiness are eroded by such concerns.
  • Prioritizing strengths while acknowledging weaknesses without over-investing in them is key to personal success.
  • Growth is an essential life process that encompasses mental, physical, and financial dimensions, each requiring attention and effort for a well-rounded life.
  • Success is more fulfilling when shared with loved ones; therefore, relationships should be a focal point for personal development.

4 areas you need to focus on to change your life for the better.

Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash

To begin with, you have been bombarded with tons of videos and articles that ask you to “focus on yourself” to bring a positive shift in your life. But have you asked which part exactly you need to focus on? Don’t worry, I have got you covered.

Focus on what is in your control.

The only thing you can control is your mind and your thoughts. So focusing on others and what they think is nothing but a futile way that will drain your peace and happiness and make you void from the very inside.

You will become so insecure that you will never even try to do anything because you will hurt someone. Someone out there will not like your work who cares?

When on yourself the world will focus on you. You can’t control what people think of you, what others do to you, what they feel about you, your past, your future, and your surroundings. Nothing is in your control. Your internal surroundings are however in your control, your feelings, your thoughts, your actions, and your present. So focus on those work on those make something good for yourself.

Focus on your strengths, not your weakness

Everyone is born with strengths and weaknesses. You need to figure out for yourself what’s yours!

Man is a perfect amalgamation of both strengths and weaknesses. The great men concentrate on strengths. Your weaknesses are also important, find them and make sure you do not invest in them too much else those habits will bring you down. Rather focus on your positives it will help you reach your aspirations. Focus on your sunshine and not the darkness.

Focus on Growth mental, physical, and financial

Growth is the law of life. We all grow but do we? It’s not only advancing in age but also excelling in different areas of life.

You need to have a vision, of where you are and where you want to be. Grow physically, mentally, and financially. Have a good physique, take care of your body, take care of your mind, and practice stoicism, meditation, and self-care. Learn about finances, saving, and building your life. If you have a fine body and you are depressed and broke that isn’t right. You need to take action where your deficiency lies. Fight your demons, fight your battles, and win not immediately but gradually you will do. Believe in yourself.

Focus on relationships

Lastly comes your relationship. Why not? Who are you without the people you surround yourself with? Your family, friends, partners, kids, and siblings.

Material success, finances, career, jobs, and everything is important but often time we take people for granted. However, it will not bother you in the beginning but slowly it does. Listen, when you go up the ladder it’s always lonely and if you don’t have friends, and loved ones to share your success with then your success isn’t worth it. When you come back home and you have no one to welcome that’s a different pain.

So take care of the people who make your small yet effective life.


To conclude I will just say that focus on things that matter to you. Things that make you a better person every day and help you grow in whichever domain you choose. Good luck mates.

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