avatarMichele Thill


3 Ways To Deal With The Unexpected

Life rarely goes as we plan

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Are things not going as you would like? Do you feel stuck in certain areas that make you feel unfulfilled — even feel unhappy? Do you want more joy in your life?

Do you find yourself blaming the circumstances or even the people in your life?

Does that resonate with you?

What if… I shared some ‘tough love’ with you. We’ve been together for a while — I hope you know this comes from my heart.

What if…you went within and instead of blaming the outside circumstances or people, took a deep look and saw that what is happening is based on your decisions and choices?

Let me explain.

When we take responsibility for what happens in our lives — the parts that we play in what is happening, we take our power back. Take that in.

I will give you an example from my own life.

As I have shared before, my ex left me for someone else after 29 year together. This left me having to deal with this next phase by myself. Learning how to solely support myself and how to live alone — two things I never had to do prior.

So easy to blame him — what a jerk, right?!

I could go that route and see things that way. It would be so easy to blame him and the divorce as ruining my life as I knew it.

You see, my life wasn’t going as I expected…

Does this resonate with you?

Maybe it’s not a divorce for you, but some other life event that has changed your life — in either a small or maybe even a big way.

I was hurt, scared, and feeling so alone. I had a choice — to let what was happening break me — or break me open.

I chose the latter.

And I started looking at the part I played in the dissolvement of our time together. In doing so, I took my power back — I was not the victim. Instead, that allowed me to make peace from broken pieces.

It wasn’t easy — and it wasn’t hard. It was what it was.

If I had blamed him solely, I’d stay stuck in the story of my NEW life. By going within and looking at the part I played, I would move into solutions to help me adapt to my NEW life.

Life rarely goes as we plan….

What if… I mapped out a few steps that you might take to empower you no matter what you face.

Here are 3 steps to help deal with the unexpected:

1. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude — Look for the silver lining and to the helpers. When you move into gratitude, you raise your vibration which attracts people, solutions, and synchronicities to you.

Gratitude moves you into a growth mindset, which is something I have talked about before. You are open-minded and see the possibilities with this mindset.

2. Rework your Belief System — This was formed by the age of 7 and it is what you learned through what your parents said and modeled to you during those early formative years.

These beliefs end up many times limiting us. So notice where you struggle in life and ask yourself what you have learned from your parents, or even extended family and teachers. Those ‘role’ models influenced our younger selves. Rewrite those beliefs — you have the power within to do just that.

3. Watch your Words How you think and what you say has more power than you realize. Especially when it’s done with feeling, as it bridges the internal with the external. You either raise or lower your vibration by what you say and the Universe will match your frequency.

I’ve spoken before about directing your energy and how to take the negatives into positives. So when you say/feel something is ‘impossible’ as an example — turn it around to ‘there’s a way’. This helps you move from the problem into the solution.

When you begin to change the way you look at things — the things you look at begin to change. And most if not all times you will notice that those other circumstances start from within…

…Let that empower you as you can then do something about it.

It’s not a blame or shame ‘game’.

Taking responsibility is your ability to respond to the situation. Dr Daniel Amen once said that and it’s stuck with me all these years later.

I wish you more joy in your day — and your life. I know that’s something we all desire and using the steps I listed above will certainly help you attain this.

Are you wondering how to take this information and implement it? That’s why I created a NEW BE monthly membership. Here you learn how to take the information I share and implement it into your life. I share tips, tools, and resources to guide you to living your second half of life as your best half. And you receive support from fellow members. All in an intimate group setting via Zoom. It’s a NEW way to BE. Click HERE to find out more.

And please FOLLOW the NEWLAND WELLNESS FB page — click HERE for a link. I’ve been doing LIVES on the mornings of Tuesdays for Tips and Thursdays for Thoughts each week. Replays are there as well. I keep it short and informative to help us on the self-awareness journey.

If you haven’t already, please take my QUIZ: What is Your Self-Awareness Type? and uncover more about where you are and where you can go. It’s 2 minutes and it’s FREE.

You can also find me: My Website. And subscribe to my YouTube for Minutes With Michele.

And I encourage you to read the work of my fabulous writer friends: Trista Ainsworth, Gurpreet Dhariwal, Amy Marley, Aurora Eliam, CMP, Erin King, Karen Madej, Alison Tennent, Neha Sandhir S, Lanu Pitan, Kyomi O’Connor, Terry Mansfield, Tim Maudlin, Bob Jasper, Joe Luca, JeffHerring.com, Indra Raj Pathak, Dr Michael Heng, David Acaster, Selma

Always celebrating, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Founder & Leader of ILLUMINATION

Until next time ~

Sending you light, love — and self-awareness.

Be Well,

Graphic Design by Bthillart
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