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How I Made Passive Income Posts on Medium. Stop Trying, Do This Instead

Passive income seems to be the ultimate dream for everyone

This will be as close as it gets, if you can’t wait you can start reading from the 2nd image, I don’t mind.

Image By Lucas Favre From Unsplash

First, let's get the definition out of the way.

Image of Google search Passive income, I like this version from Wikipedia

Before we even dive in you need to ask yourself a few questions.

Are you willing to put in the work first?

Are you ready to take action to make a real passive income post?

Do you have the patience to keep up with what is required?

It is a form of unearned income that you need to obtain by labor with maintenance of some kind.

Well, I don’t know why when we hear passive income, we think that no work is required. Stop listening to your daily financial guru who tells you this.

You see it was sold as it as, a desire that can’t fufilled

A dream without action is just a dream, same goes for passive income.

Numbers don’t lie and your passive income post is on its way.

Image By Carlos Muza From Unsplash

What I’m about to share you might think is something or nothing.

It could be hated and loved by some.

So why bring all the heat?

Because I need your attention, I might get a read you’ll sure get a ton after this. (And that’s what I do here)

We are talking about what kind of posts we can create to generate a passive income on Medium.

(now if you need some definition on passive income you might have to read the one above if you skipped it)

Well, my simple definition of it is the work you put in today will pay you a divide over time.

And the more you take care of it, the more or longer it will bring in income.

Going For The Passive Income

Image By Towfiqu barbhuiya From Unsplash

Let’s go look at what post can get us that.

  1. Viral Post (or boosted post if you have one) — this can be a high-performance pin post as well
  2. Publication Post — this is by far the most profitable post you’ll ever create on Medium period but when and how to launch it is key, run it like a business and not a hobby.
  3. About Me Post — this could be a great post if you ALREADY build a decent-sized audience because you do not want to do one that flops.

Each of them will gain traffic over time, with the Pub leading because your friend or supporter is helping you spread awareness of your Pub.

Well, it does require work to run one, don’t assume that just creating a pub one day will give you passive income. (remember the definitions)

The truth about passive income has always been some manual or automation work involved just that it does not bring direct value or profit.

So no one will tell you what it takes to create one or run one.

(I ran a 400K+ per year Amazon business before and treating it as a business does make a difference)

Earning examples for your reference

High-Performance Pin Post was created in February and is still earning.

Earning of a Post “The Best Time to Hit Publish. (I Think I Found It).”

Publication Post is earning $50+ for the month of March, which was created in late January.

Earning of a Post “Write A Catalyst — A Publication”

About me post which I do not have an official one at the moment.

You can take Eve Arnold for example, she does not have a Pub from what I know and most of her posts are relatively strong but she has a pinned about me post.

Which she uses for self-promotion of courses, posts, and what she likes. (you see why I don’t have one yet, I don’t have that much to offer yet)

What all these posts have in common, the first thing is reading time which directly affects the earnings per read, and you should know by now.

You can simply treat these posts as a buy-me-a-coffee donation of some sort.

The reason I do not use the buy-me-a-coffee method is because I think it has the lowest ROI in the long term.

Sure it might feel great when you receive a $2, 3, or even $5 donation but it ain’t gonna keep coming.

Image By Stas Knop From Pexels

The Recap:

  1. The High performing pinned post already bought multiple coffees
  2. The Pub post pays off if you run it well as it does require mass hours of work to get it up and running at a constant rate. It is like you supporting a group of writers and then bringing back some more writers as long as you know how to grow it, it should be an add-on income to your work on Medium.
  3. The about me post is really a craft of its own, it can be as normal or complex as you wish but you need to know what your reader base wants to know or read about you first.

If you are thinking about creating a pub right now, you can get started. And let me know if you need me to do a post about pubs, which I do have a couple of lines written and will likely create one with you, during that post.

And you if already have a pub, you’ll likely know what I’m talking about.

Here’s a guide I created for the editor as a reference.

Thanks for Reading, passive not inactive.

Image By Aziz Acharki From Pexels

Tagging those that love passive income, I think this one is not worth missing.

Dave Coker | Eva Joy | Love Anoliefo | Josh Hinton | Girish Babu (Entrepreneur, Advisor, Exec, MBA) | Agbo Okwudili Paul | Chani Rose | The Melody Johnson | Os Ishmael | David Friend | The Wise Wallet Chronicles | Lucian Ioan Chirilă | Sidra K. | Ally Evergreen | John Williams | JaffaBranding | Stellar D Writes | Lee Drozak | AI Tech Innovate | Nnaji Paul | Gratiela Grigorini | Janis Gross | Stephen Sovie | Leonard Tillerman | Tommaso Nobili | Mark Boyle | Brenna Clark | Kyle Netterville | Loretta_M | Kevin Shan | André Strand | MartinRaymondo | Marcus Musick | Tim J. Schroeder | Blake Reitnauer | Inderpal | Paul van Gool - The Carefree Investor | Paolo Ferrari | Rebecca Designs A Life | Emmanuel Afunwa | Sílvia PM, PhD 🍂 | Kat Claussen, L.Ac, E-RYT | Sandro Schätz | Vince Mao | Leslie Flemons | Stefano Roncoroni | Sabir Latif | Dr. Seema Patel (PhD) | Oliver Lövström | Wesley Scott | Cyn BehindMind | Steve Lockley | Devsomesh | Serhii Mikulenko | Bogdan Sasu | Junliang.Deng | Anthony English | Wendy King | David McIlroy | Ali Alzahrani, M.Sc., Editor |

Passive Income
Making Money Online
Make Money Online
Medium Partner Program
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