avatarVictoria Kjos


Artificial Intelligence

3 Top Articles About the AI Invasion For Those Who Care

A creature here to stay and will affect the work of writers

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

My introduction to the AI explosion

Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) wasn’t within my frame of reference until my recent Medium foray a few brief months ago.

I had no idea what AI was, let alone understand any of the ramifications and repercussions.

Reading articles on the platform and following The Writers Guild strike in the United States earlier this year intrigued me.

As a died-in-the-wool technophobe, any topic in the computer or tech realm is an automatic insomnia cure for me.

In fact, my nerdy computer friends would be shocked by my penning anything related to the subject.


However, as a perpetual student, new subjects pique my curiosity.

With respect to AI, it was the ethical issues of plagiarism and unauthorized use of creators' work that caught my attention.

I still admit to having no knowledge of the product’s ins and outs or its usage. That will never change.

Nevertheless, I commenced reading a substantial amount — my tendency as a researcher — about this purported “greatest invention” since sliced bread.

Shared top reads about artificial intelligence

Many on Medium have written exceptional articles. If you’ve not had the luxury of reading a plethora of them, may I share these three?

To save you from plowing through dozens, these are golden. From Greg Daneke, Emeritus Prof., Malky McEwan, and Maryan Pelland OnText.com.

Professor Emeritus Greg Daneke always does outstanding research.

That’s what academics do...unlike today’s world floating with the skim, skewer, scram of social media “experts.”

It is a must-read if you prefer facts and history about this burgeoning industry, including following the money trail.

Thanks, Professor; this was an illuminating read.

If you haven’t read Malky McEwan, his writing is compelling and entertaining.

This article well-articulates his disdain for the invasion of computer-generated content on Medium.

Malky, thanks as always for an exceptional, important piece.

Professional writer Maryan Pelland realistically highlights the challenges, copyright, and legal issues relating to AI.

Maryan, thank you, for addressing the critical impact for all writers.

Human writers group

A group of HI (Human Intelligence Writers) — thanks to Conceivably Me for coining the term “HI” — are dedicated to boycotting both: (1) reading the AI drek on Medium, as best we can avoid, and (2) using it in writing, except for Grammarly.

Some are announcing: I Do Not Use AI at the top of their stories. Others are adding statements or logos. Thanks to you all!

Our desire is that thousands more will join the “HI Movement.” Let us know in the comments below if you are on board.

By year’s end, R C Hammond, who along with others has been vocal, will have compiled a committed HI Writers list for us to read and support! Feel free to weigh in and add any names.

Happy Holidays! Victoria

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