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The web content discusses the importance of well-being, emphasizing comfort, health, and happiness as its three pillars.


The article "3 Things That Lead to Well-Being" on the undefined website delves into the concept of well-being, which is described as a combination of comfort, health, and happiness. It underscores that well-being is not just a personal concern but a significant leadership topic since the mid-20th century. The author highlights that comfort extends beyond basic necessities, encompassing a pleasant living environment and a satisfying work-life. Health is recognized as a crucial component, with both physical and mental aspects being vital. The article also touches on the importance of relationships for mental health and overall well-being. Finally, happiness is presented as a key element that can be fostered through a growth mindset and positive interactions with others.


  • The author suggests that appreciating one's life circumstances, especially in developed countries, is crucial for comfort and well-being.
  • There is an opinion that enjoying one's work contributes significantly to personal comfort and satisfaction.
  • The article posits that good health is something to be grateful for, considering the vast number of people who suffer from illnesses and die each year.
  • It is implied that solitary confinement's negative impact demonstrates the fundamental human need for relationships.
  • The author expresses a personal view on the importance of relationships, drawing from their experience as a heart attack survivor.
  • The author advocates for a growth mindset as a means to enhance happiness and well-being.
  • The article concludes with a call to action for readers to prioritize their well-being, suggesting that the desire to be well is a step towards achieving it.

Inspiration | Life

3 Things That Lead to Well-Being

Why well-being is important in life

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Your well-being is one of the most important things you possess. Do you know how to enhance what you already have so you can live life to the fullest? Read on to find out!

What is well-being?

Well-being can mean different things to each of us, but what exactly does it really mean?

The Oxford Languages online dictionary defines well-being as:

“the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.”

Well-being became a significant leadership topic in the middle of the 20th century and is more relevant today than ever. Let’s look at its three components and how each relates to our well-being:

  • Comfort
  • Health
  • Happiness


The ability to live a comfortable life is significant in Western society. Comfort extends far beyond what exists in much of the world. We expect a comfortable home, heated and cooled throughout the seasons, plentiful food, transportation, and financial resources in a way that does not exist in much of the world.

Since comfort is essential to your well-being, you must work to obtain it. Because you must work, enjoying what you do is crucial to your well-being, which connects to how you see your job. What is your disposition and attitude toward it?

Beyond work, how you see your entire world makes a huge difference in how comfortable you are. Do you appreciate your life, your work, the people around you, and what the part of the world you live in offers?

For many reading this, you can choose to be thankful for how blessed you are to live in an area that is not impoverished. Yes, some can find comfort in even the worst circumstances, but I doubt many of us in developed countries could. Where comfort is concerned, your worst day is likely better than the best day of those in third-world countries.

“Comfort comes into your house first as guest, then as a host, then finally as the master.” David Bowie (1947–2016)

To live your best life, check out this brief article about appreciation:

The Two Kinds of Gratitude


Good health is essential to our complete well-being. Not everyone is so fortunate, however. Did you know two people die every second of every day of every year?

In 2023, more than 61 million people died worldwide! Imagine the untold pain and sadness accompanying so many people around the world. Yet how many of us have a “bad” day because of literal nonsense?

“My worst day is still a really good day. I complain, but I catch myself and count my blessings. I am truly blessed.” Nathan Fillion (1971-present)

Considering how many live with heart disease and cancer, which lead to about half of the deaths in the world, do you consider yourself fortunate?

How is your health? Are you thankful for it?

As a heart attack survivor, I am grateful for every day I am alive and extremely thankful I am not in pain and live a relatively healthy life!

If you have your health, you have a great deal to be thankful for and a great deal of well-being. Never forget that!

“Everything you do to improve your physical well-being will have a positive impact on how good you feel about yourself.” Brian Tracy (1944-present)

But there is more than one kind of health, isn’t there? Taking care of our minds is equally important as caring for our bodies.

A huge factor that adds to our mental health is our relationships. Relationships are vital to life and living in so many ways. You will often hear it said relationships are life.

If you want to know how significant relationships are, try doing without them. Did you know solitary confinement is considered cruel and unusual punishment?

To maintain your well-being, keep in touch with other people and be with them whenever it is safe. Your well-being and theirs depend on it!

To learn some great ways to maintain your physical and mental health, check out this brief article:

5 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy


What would our well-being be without comfort and good health? Without the joy they create, it would be a pretty sad state of affairs. Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to be happy?

As part of our well-being, happiness is as important as anything else, perhaps even more so. We can find happiness despite a lack of comfort. Some even find happiness while suffering from an illness or sickness.

“The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.” Dalai Lama (1935-present)

Happiness comes from and affects many things in our lives. It can spiral upwards when something brings it to us and allows us to give it back, which brings us more happiness, and so on.

Little can give us more happiness than our relationships with others. They can also steal our joy if we let them.

As an extrovert, Jane, my wife, needs to be around others as she gets much of her happiness and well-being from those relationships. Although I am an introvert, others bring me happiness as well! I can get by with less personal contact than her, but I still need some interaction with others.

Happiness has much to do with your mindset and attitude toward life and those in it. Why not go to work and develop a growth mindset? It is easy to do, but if you are not familiar with how to do so, read the following short articles about mindset and happiness:

Change Your View of the World

Embrace Happiness and Joy in Your Life

Final thoughts

To paraphrase a quote from Benjamin Franklin, the comfort, health, and happiness of well-being are the “stuff life is made of.”

Well-being adds so much more than what appears on the surface. It adds a richness, fullness, and joy to life that little else can. In closing, remember this key ingredient in well-being spoken more than 2,000 years ago:

“To wish to be well is a part of becoming well.” Seneca the Younger (4 BC– 65 AD)

May your well-being be great, and may you have a full life many years into the future!

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Bill Abbate Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION

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