avatarMarichelle E. Urquico


The article outlines a 3-step framework for content creators to consistently generate ideas by identifying a specific target audience, recognizing their questions, and providing answers in list form.


The author of the article addresses the common challenge of content ideation faced by creators. The solution is presented through a 3-step process: first, writers should select a niche audience rather than attempting to appeal to everyone, which often leads to generic content. Second, with a target reader in mind, the creator should identify a specific question or problem that this audience grapples with. Lastly, the article suggests that the best way to engage the reader is to present the solution to their question in the form of a list, which can be derived from various sources of information such as books, podcasts, or videos. By following this framework, the author claims to have transitioned from experiencing a dearth of ideas to having an abundance of content topics. The article also invites readers to subscribe for more insights and offers a free consultation call for those needing assistance in starting an online writing business.


  • The author emphasizes the importance of targeting a specific audience to avoid creating generic content that doesn't resonate with readers.
  • Identifying a particular question or challenge faced by the target audience is crucial for creating relevant and engaging content.
  • Presenting solutions in list form is recommended for its clarity and ease of consumption, which can help in retaining reader interest.
  • The author believes that this structured approach to content creation can lead to a surplus of ideas, overcoming the issue of writer's block.
  • By offering exclusive content and free consultations, the author positions themselves as a helpful resource and potential mentor in the field of online writing.

3-Step Framework To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas

How I went from having nothing to write about to having too many things to write about

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

One of the hardest parts of being a creator is idea generation.

There are times when I’m overflowing with ideas. But other times, whenever it’s time to sit at my desk and write, there’s just nothing that comes into my mind.

Luckily, I found a way to overcome this problem.

Here’s how I do it in 3 steps:

Step #1: Choose a target reader

One of the biggest mistakes beginner writers make is trying to write for everyone.

They think that by targeting a bigger audience, more people will click and read their posts. But this is wrong — especially if you are just writing out. This is how you end up with generic posts. And nobody likes that.

So before writing, ask yourself who is your target audience. It can’t be EVERYBODY! The more specific you can get, the more compelling your post will be.

In the case of this article, I tried to be more specific with my target audience: writers → beginner writers → beginner digital writers.

Step #2: Recognize one question they have in mind

Now that you have a target reader, it’s easier to come up with ideas because that specific person will have a lot of questions in their mind.

These questions can be from their problems, needs, and challenges. Most people are struggling with the same problems, and if you can point out what these problems are, you’ll be able to write a compelling post.

In the case of this article, the question my target reader has is: “How can I generate ideas to write about?”

Step #3: Answer the question in the form of lists

Everything that you consume is a “list.”

A book, podcast, or video is just a big list of ideas around a specific topic. And if you have your target reader’s question in mind, the easiest way to help them is to give them a solution in a form of a list.

In the case of this article, my answer to the target reader’s question is a list of steps.

If you practice this approach, you’ll have plenty of things to write about.

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Digital Writing
Content Creation
Idea Generation
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