

3 Simple Tricks That Exploded My Growth On Medium

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

Growing on Medium shouldn’t be difficult.

I consistently gain 400–600 subscribers every month securing 13–20k views on my articles.

How, you ask?

I’ll share with you three easy ways to fast-track your growth on Medium.

1. Be Known For One Thing— Your Signature Spice!

What makes you different?

Why should I spend time reading you’re article?

The world’s most memorable figures are associated with a singular expertise or trait.

Warren Buffet — Investing

Micheal Jordan — Basketball

Steve Jobs — Innovation

Messi — Soccer

They all started somewhere, known for one thing that made them stand out.

This singular focus over many years not only defined their careers but also their legacies.

Being known for something specific as a writer can significantly amplify your reach and reader loyalty.

Choosing a niche might seem like boxing yourself in, especially when the world seems to be shouting about the benefits of being nicheless.

However, there’s a strong case to be made for focusing on a specific area, especially when you’re just starting out in writing.

Think of your niche as your home base. It’s where you feel comfortable, knowledgeable, and passionate.

By dedicating yourself to one particular area, you give yourself the opportunity to dive deep, learn more, and refine your expertise.

This doesn’t just make your writing stronger; it makes it more valuable to your readers.

They come to you because they trust that you can provide them with information, insights, or entertainment that they can’t easily find elsewhere.

When you scatter your focus across too many topics, especially ones you’re not well-versed in, you run the risk of spreading yourself too thin.

Your articles might lack depth, accuracy, or insight, which are crucial for winning and keeping readers’ trust.

Imagine going to a restaurant known for its exquisite pasta only to find out they’ve started making sushi too, but it’s just not as good.

You’d be disappointed, right? The same goes for writing.

Sticking to a niche helps you build a loyal following.

Your readers will know what to expect from you and look forward to your next piece because they’re interested in the topic you’ve chosen to explore.

As you grow and your writing improves, you can consider expanding your horizons.

But in the beginning, knuckling down and focusing on one area can set a solid foundation for your writing career.

The best writers find different ways to talk about the same thing.

The majority of my writing focuses on Amazon KDP, an area where I possess extensive expertise.

Although I’ve ventured into other topics, my highest-earning stories are consistently those about KDP. I’ve discovered numerous approaches to explore and discuss this subject.

2. Craft Catchy Titles — Your Hook

On Medium, your title is your handshake, your first impression, your opening act.

With readers scrolling through hundreds of stories, your title must catch their attention.

It’s what pulls a reader into your world.

Dare to be bold, sometimes even controversial, with your titles.

This approach, while it may raise eyebrows, can significantly amplify the reach and impact of your articles, provided you navigate this strategy with care and your article delivers.

When readers click on a title that hints at controversy, they do so with a set of expectations.

They’re looking for an exploration of the topic that is thoughtful and comprehensive, providing new insights or perspectives on a contentious issue.

Disappointment arises when the content is superficial or fails to address the controversy in a meaningful way.

Therefore, if you opt for a title that makes a bold claim or poses a challenging question, ensure your article thoroughly explores these aspects.

A Comment Left By A Subscriber On A Recent Article

3. Engagement: Building Your Medium Tribe

Medium is not just a platform for writing; it’s a community.

Engaging with other writers by clapping, highlighting, and leaving thoughtful comments is the cornerstone of growth on Medium.

I make it a point to interact with 5–10 articles daily, dedicating at least 15–30 minutes to genuinely engaging with content that resonates with me.

By showing appreciation for others’ work I’ve built relationships and cultivated a community eager to engage with my content in return.

I don’t just leave a token clap, but 50 claps to support my fellow writers, I highlight a part of the article I resonated with alongside insightful comments and action I will take.

Don’t ignore comments on your articles, always try to respond.

This interaction not only boosts your article’s engagement but also strengthens your relationship with your readers.

Too many writers rely on publications to wave a magic wand and get their stories thousands of views and claps but the true magic lies in the genuine connections you build and the community you nurture through your own efforts.

Engaging deeply with the work of others not only enriches your understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives but also establishes you as a thoughtful and active member.

Publications can indeed provide a platform for wider exposure, but without the support and engagement of a community, stories may still fall short of reaching their potential audience.

The goodwill you build through consistent and meaningful engagement is often repaid in kind, with your content receiving more visibility through recommendations, and claps from a network that values your contribution to the community.

Bin Jiang uses a fantastic unique method for engagement he explains in this article.

Thanks for reading.

I would love to hear to about which part resonated with you the most.

Writing Tips
Side Hustle
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