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The article outlines three steps to enhance one's quality of life by slowing down, compartmentalizing, and loosening up.


The article "3 Simple Steps to Start Enjoying Your Life Again" emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and presence in daily life to prevent it from passing by unnoticed. It suggests that by consciously slowing down physical actions, one can also calm the mind, leading to a more appreciative and fulfilling experience. The second step, compartmentalizing, involves mentally organizing tasks and worries by urgency and importance, allowing one to focus on the present without being overwhelmed by life's demands. Lastly, the article advises readers to loosen up, cultivating adaptability and flexibility to better handle life's unpredictability and to remember the importance of rest and enjoyment.


  • The author believes that slowing down is a "cheat code" to relax and that it can be applied to any activity, enhancing the quality of life.
  • Compartmentalizing is presented as a necessary skill to manage life's inevitable challenges without becoming bogged down by them.
  • The article conveys that being too rigid in life can detract from the enjoyment of experiences, advocating for a more adaptable and relaxed approach.
  • It is suggested that taking breaks and allowing the mind and spirit to reset is crucial for maintaining a sense of aliveness and preventing burnout.
  • The author implies that constant busyness and lack of presence can lead to a wasted life, missing out on the richness of experiences.

3 Simple Steps to Start Enjoying Your Life Again

How to not let life get the best of you.

Photo by Anders Jildén on Unsplash

It is way too easy to get lost in life.

It's all too common to wake up, and it's already halfway through the week, the month, or even worse, the year.

And as more and more time goes by, it's easy to let the day-to-day of life get the best of us, robbing us of the zest of life.

You will waste your life if you're not conscious throughout the day.

You'll miss out on all this life has to offer despite, at the same time, having the power to make us highly jaded.

Slow Down

The simplest thing you can do is to slow down. Slow down your body, which in turn slows down the mind.

The mind and body are intrinsically connected, so a cheat code to relax is to slow down your body.

This is the easiest trick because you can do it anywhere or anytime. Try to be more conscious of yourself. You might notice that most of your actions (as a result, your mind) are anxious and jittery.

While eating, slow down. Brushing your teeth? Slow down. Washing dishes? Slow down. Walking the dog? Slow down and enjoy the walk. Writing? Slow down. Making music? Slow down. Talking with someone? Slow down.

Slowing down a little and fully experiencing what you are doing at the moment can lift your spirits and make you a little more grateful for being alive and able to experience them in the first place.

Mediation will teach you to slow your breathing, and yoga will teach you to slow your movements.

Slowing down while doing things, even small tasks will allow you to be conscious and present, giving you a sense of being alive.


Throughout life, you will encounter problems, endure hardship, or have to do things you don't want to, like paying bills, waiting in line, or working a job you hate.

There is no escape from things we don't want to do, so you must compartmentalize so you don't get bogged down by your racing thoughts and worries.

Forget everything that happened earlier today.

Maybe you got into a dumb argument, broke your phone, or the internet went out — compartmentalize it.

Compartmentalize any worries you have that you can't take care of right at that moment.

Sort things in your mind by importance and urgency.

First, ask yourself, "Can I solve this right now?". If the answer is no, stop worrying about it because all that will distract you from what you can do.

Then, what's left? Focus on that.

It's also important not to let things that are already done and over with linger in your mind.

Don't keep thinking about things you should've said in that argument.

Don't think about what you could've added to the song or the video you published.

Don't think about how old friends or lovers screwed you (figuratively, of course).

When you're mind is bogged down by pointless worries, you won't be able to problem-solve or create effectively.

Loosen Up

Don't be so rigid.

The ability to be adaptable is an underrated skill — learn it.

Plans will never go as planned, so you will be forced to adjust to situations as they arise, so get used to them. It's pointless to get upset when things don't go your way or people do act how you want them to.

And let's say things do go according to plan. You can stick to schedules and hit goals all you want, but if you are so stiff and rigid in life that you're not even enjoying what you're doing, then what's the point?

Loosen up and enjoy life a little bit.

Remember to take breaks. Remember to smile and laugh.

While working out trains your body, the growth happens when your body is resting.

The same goes for life. You must remember to take breaks for your mind and spirit to avoid getting lost in the rat race. Allow your mind to reset and give your soul things worth being alive for.

Life Lessons
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