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3 Signs You’re Divinely Guided and Protected At All Times

Even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death

No matter what you may go through, no harm will come to you because of what you carry within you. (Photo: Pixabay)

1. You’re Getting The Signs and Messages

My first wake-up call came when I kept seeing 7:11 on the clock in my car and ever since then, my spiritual journey began and nothing has been the same. There are countless other repeating numbers and synchronicities that appear when you're being guided towards a deep inner transformation.

Have you ever experienced a situation where something repeatedly occurs in your life in different places and at different times and you feel it in your bones that it’s no coincidence? It’s called synchronicity and is a common way to receive messages and signs from Spirit.

Synchronicity is when the universe within you aligns with the universe outside of you. It is an immediate form of universal validation and a sign that you're being divinely guided and if you pay close attention, it can help you navigate most of life’s difficult moments.

When you’re divinely guided and aligned with the universe, you’re not going to miss important signs and messages.

Your message can come through anybody or anything.

Don’t be so concerned about the vessel through which your message or sign is being delivered that you miss the message.

It can come through something you hear on the radio or something you read that keeps you up all night in deep thought questioning everything. A strange-looking person says something to you that makes you think about how to turn your life around. You’re recommended the perfect video to watch, and it removes all your fears and restores your faith. You open your computer to find the article that assures you’re okay. The numbers tell you that you’re in alignment and the animals that cross your path remind you that none of it is a coincidence.

It’s a good idea to remain open-minded because signs will come where and through whom you least expect.

The messages and signs you receive are creatively channeled through you to reach the people it is intended to. Whether it’s through angel numbers, symbols, animals, songs, or whatever keeps showing up in your path, it could be leading you and others where you’re meant to go.

Don’t be so concerned about the vessel through which your message or sign is being delivered that you miss the message.

2. You Stumble and Fall But You Rise Again

There are times when life feels like death. When thoughts make you feel like you want out. No matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to get better and you wonder if it gets worse.

It gets worse.

You lose your job. Your cheating partner cheats again, and you know it’s the last straw. You get into a car accident with no insurance coverage. The person you want isn’t interested in you and someone you love dies. You feel like you've fallen and hit rock bottom.

But nothing is as it seems.

When it feels like it’s all falling apart, it is, but it falls apart just to be put back together on solid ground. When the skies seem like it’s falling on top of your head, it forces you to open your eyes to search for the purpose behind it all.

Every experience divinely guides you to search for deeper meaning.

The lessons you learn from all those experiences shape and prepare you for the rest of your journey. It strengthens you so you can persevere through everything.

You may stumble and fall, but you always rise again.

When it feels like it’s all falling apart, it is, but it falls apart just to be put back together on solid ground.

3. You Carry The Light That Lights The World

A lightworker is a soul that volunteers to come to earth to help humanity. They come on a service mission to the planet to help uplift and raise consciousness. They bring higher codes of light and love onto the planet.

This is why a lightworker is divinely protected at all times.

As a lightworker, you are always encamped by angels because you carry something so valuable within you. You carry the light within you and without the light; the world is a dark place.

You're guided and protected, even if it doesn't feel like it.

No matter what you may be going through, no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near you. Angels are commanded concerning you to guard you in all your ways because you carry something more valuable than diamonds and gold within you.

Troubles may come because of the light you carry, but you never have to go through it alone. You may face troubles but you are delivered from them all. You may strike your foot against a rock, but you don’t fall.

You may trample on serpents and scorpions, but they don’t harm you.

You don’t fear the terrors of the night nor the arrows that fly by day. No weapon formed against you ever works because you're divinely protected.

You love the work you’ve been assigned and recognize the joy of your service, no matter how difficult it gets. You follow divine guidance to lead you on your journey, and things magically work out for your highest good. The resources you need for your journey are always available at the right time.

This is the heritage of every lightworker.

So never hide your light. Let it shine as brightly as it can to pierce every darkness and guide those walking in the dark.

The transformation and the changes that are taking place within you, although difficult, will make you the brightest light.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and lighthearted content.

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