3 Reasons why I Don’t Have Pets
But please read before you hate me for it.
I already know what you’re thinking.
What is wrong with this girl?! No pets?!
I love dogs, although I am not a cat person. I grew up with pets and pretty much everyone I know has pets from dogs to cats to pigs, cows, horses, and even reptiles like snakes!
These days it is taboo to not have pets. Luke and I will watch TV, movies, YouTube videos, and literally, EVERYONE seems to have a pet or multiple pets. Sometimes it really makes me want to get a dog. They are so cute, loving, loyal, and bring joy to your life. However, there are always these hesitations that keep popping back up in my mind when I contemplate if I REALLY want a pet.
The fear of my pet dying one day, after it being part of our family and loving it for years, is something that weighs heavily on Luke and I’s decision to not have a pet. I know the death of a pet is inevitable, and it happens to people every day, but it doesn’t make it any less sad. I also know we should focus on the joy it would bring to our lives for all the years we had him/her, but we can’t help but think about the feeling of loss.
Anyone else ever think of and worry about this as well?
When deciding whether to get a pet or not, you have to be honest with yourself.
- Do you have the time to truly give when it comes to all the responsibilities that come with having a pet (a dog in our case)?
- Will you be home enough to spend time with the dog
- Take it on daily walks
- Feed it
- Play with it
- Bathe it
- Brush it
- Take it to the vet
I have always had this weird quirk where I dislike when a dog smells bad. I know they are dogs and will get dirty and smelly, but my dog would need to be bathed all the time and sprayed constantly to keep it smelling nice. I would need to factor in extra time for very frequent bathing.
Have you ever factored in how much it would cost to have this pet? I had no idea, so I did what we all do.
I Googled it.
According to this CNBC article, 98% of pet owners underestimated how much it would cost to own a pet. The cost of owning a dog over its lifetime, calculated by PDSA, falls between $27,074 to $42,545! A cat was calculated a bit lower but still more expensive than owners thought. Sheesh! That’s pretty expensive.
Additional Thoughts:
I have a little pet (no pun intended) peeve when it comes to dogs. I don’t like dog hair in my house. If I were to get a dog, it would need to be one that doesn’t shed because pet hair all over my clothes, furniture, and in the air is something I just cannot do.
Final Thoughts: These are all things that go through my mind when I think about if I truly want a dog. Fear, time, and cost are the big three categories that factor into my decision, but maybe one day. Never say never.
Do you have a pet? If so, did you have any of these same concerns? If you don’t, what is stopping you?
Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts of the day! You are always appreciated.
Find Ashley Nicole on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or by email: [email protected]