3 Nonfiction Writing Opportunities That Pay $150.00–700.00
Find 3 more writing markets to pitch story ideas to.
Are you looking for new writing markets to pitch ideas to? These three markets are either looking for nonfiction articles, columns, or both. The payment is between $150.00–700.00 apiece. Keep reading to see if these markets are a fit for the articles and subjects you like to write about.
Blade Magazine
Website: Blade Magazine
Guidelines: Blade Magazine Guidelines
Send Story Query To: [email protected]
Looking For: Nonfiction
Payment: $150.00–300.00
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes
Pays Writers on Assignment: Unknown
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Blade Magazine prefers articles on groups of knives such as collectibles, hi-tech, military, hunting, or pocket knives. They have a circulation of 39,000, give a byline but do not offer a kill fee. They look for articles on working with or using collectible knives.
Nonfiction: Needs general interest, how-to, historical, interviews, technical, new product, or photo features. Article length: 700–1400 words, pays $150.00–300.00.
Columns / Fillers: Antidotes, news articles, facts. Word count: 50–200 words, pays $25.00–50.00.
The American Gardner
Website: The American Gardner Magazine
Guidelines: The American Gardner Guidelines
Send Story Pitches or Completed Manuscripts To: [email protected]
Looking For: Nonfiction.
Payment: $150.00–600.00
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: No
Pays Writers on Assignment: Unknown
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The American Gardner Magazine is a bi-monthly publication with a circulation of 20,000, and they offer a 25% kill fee. This magazine is 70% freelance written. They are not looking for completed manuscripts without query letters first.
Nonfiction: Query with clips and a brief summary of your qualifications and experience. They are looking for articles between 1500–2500 words, and payment is $300.00–600.00.
Columns: There are three columns that they are actively looking for writers for, and payment on columns is between $150.00–200.00. The columns are:
- Natural Connections (750–1000 words).
- Plant in the Spotlight (600 words).
- Homegrown Harvest (900–1000 words).
Early American Life Magazine
Website: Early American Life Magazine
Guidelines: Early American Life Guidelines
Send Story Pitches or Completed Manuscripts To: [email protected], editor JeanMarie Andrews
Looking For: Nonfiction
Payment: $250.00–700.00, additional payment for photographs
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: No
Pays Writers on Assignment: Yes
More Info:
Early American Life focuses on the time period from the founding of America through the mid-1800s. The readers of this publication want to bring early American life into their own lives.
This magazine is 60% freelance written, offers a 20% kill fee, and has a circulation of 90,000.
They are looking for nonfiction pieces between 750 words (columns) to 2500 words (features). They look for nonfiction pieces such as book excerpts, historical, how-to’s, architecture, decorating, travel, antiques, historic destinations, and photo features.
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