avatarPallavi Kohli


The author shares three life lessons that have significantly improved their personal relationships by fostering patience, thoughtful communication, and careful word choice.


The article titled "3-Life Lessons that Changed My Relationships for Good" discusses personal growth in the context of interpersonal connections. The author emphasizes the importance of patience and active listening to understand others' perspectives before reacting. They acknowledge past mistakes of jumping to conclusions and the resulting harm to relationships. The second lesson involves speaking with intention during arguments, focusing on relevance and kindness to avoid exacerbating conflicts. Lastly, the author stresses the significance of choosing words wisely, as they can either escalate or de-escalate a situation. The article concludes with personal takeaways, encouraging readers to follow these tips for resolving misunderstandings and maintaining peaceful relationships.


  • The author believes that patience is crucial in relationships, allowing for better understanding and conflict resolution.
  • Assumptions and lack of communication are seen as detrimental to relationships, leading to unnecessary conflicts.
  • It is important to speak only what is necessary and kind during disagreements to prevent the situation from worsening.
  • The choice of words is considered extremely impactful, with kind words having the power to diffuse tension and promote self-reflection in others.
  • The author suggests that by applying these lessons, one can avoid a million tears and maintain mental peace in their relationships.
  • There is an underlying opinion that many relationship issues stem from a lack of patience, overreaction, and poor communication.
  • The article implies that readers can improve their relationships by being more thoughtful and empathetic in their interactions.

3-Life Lessons that Changed My Relationships for Good

I improved my relationship with my loved ones by following these life-lessons to resolve any misunderstanding.

Photo by Nicole Michalou from Pexels

If you have people around you who love you for who you are, I would say you are very lucky !

But don’t you think there is always some room for improvement when it comes to relationships ?

We all know that everything can not be perfect all the time. Similarly, every relationship has its ups and downs. Husband-wife, mother-daughter, father-son, between your friends or your colleagues, or a relationship that you share with yourself.

Sometimes we get upset, sometimes they get upset with us. And then…

We fight!

We quarrel!

We argue!

At times, we escalate a matter without thinking rationally. We are so much in a hurry to draw conclusions on our own.

And things sometimes go out of our hand costing us our mental peace.

Through this post I will share 3 life-lessons that I apply to have more nurtured and warm relationships. With little efforts, you can also save yourself a million tears when you get intertwined in your own thoughts.

Let’s start and make our relationships less complex and more easy.

1. Learn to be patient

The first lesson that I would like to share is to be patient and a good listener.

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

How many times have you made things worse by reacting without thinking or by just assuming things at your end ?

I am sure, many a times ! Well, I used to do this a lot, a lot & a lot !

If I was hurt by someone, my anger and sadness used to take over my mind. Right after that, I used to indulge in a question and answer round with myself; and whatever my mind used to say, I used to believe it.

“How could he do this to me ?” — He must not love me enough.

“Why did they not invite me ?” — I may not be important to them.

“Why was I not included in that conversation ?” — Maybe they don’t think I’m worthy to be a part of their life.

You see what I did there ? I complicated things in my own head without knowing the other side of the story.

Because of my this habit I have hurt a lot of people and even stopped talking to some of them without giving them a chance to explain themselves.

Now that I think about those times, I feel that I could have handled my relationships better. But I was never patient enough to even think about listening to the other person’s side of story. In my head I was already right. I loved presuming things.

I am not asking you to let the other person take you for a ride but at least give him/her a chance to speak. Be patient. Listen to their perspective and not just hear it.

Then make a decision.

2. Speak only what is necessary when in an argument

Not everything that comes to our mind is true or even if it’s true it is not very kind of you to speak anything and everything that comes to your mind when in an argument.

Try and filter your thoughts before you speak them

  • Is it really relevant to the issue ?
  • Is it hurtful what I am going to say to the other person ? If yes, then choose the right words to resolve the conflict.
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Be a little thoughtful before you speak next time. Because most of the times when we are in an argument we tend to shift from the real problem and instead complicate things by bringing irrelevant things.

One example of this is when we bring the past into the present or the old conflicts we had with that person.

Stop doing that ! This only worsens the situation.

Instead stick to the main problem and do not deviate.

3. Your choice of words matter — a lot !

Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

Apart from speaking only what is necessary, I believe that your choice of words matters the most.

Because if you don’t use your words sagaciously, the situation might get even worse.

Then you will end up just blaming each other instead of finding the solution. And while blaming you may say something that you were not supposed to.

Always choose your words wisely and be kind.

Even though you do not feel like, use kind words. It has two benefits — firstly you won’t feel guilty afterwards for using harsh words and hurting the other person and second that the other person may realise his/her mistake on his own.

Personalised Takeaways :

1. I realised that by being a little patient, sometimes you get the answers to your questions without even asking them. By giving things a little time, they unfold on its own.

2. Do not presume things. Do not believe everything your mind says without giving the other person a chance to explain.

3. Speak only what is pertinent to the issue. Do not bring up irrelevant things.

4. Choose kind words even if the other person is not. Do not indulge yourself in the blame game.

These were some of the honest tips that have actually helped me to resolve any kind of misunderstanding when it comes to my relationships.

Always think that maybe the person you are having an issue with is coming from a good place. It is possible that he/she has genuinely nothing against you or they have a good reason for their behaviour.

So next time you find yourself caught up in a situation like this, follow these tips.

Spread Love and Peace !

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Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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