avatarVertis Williams III


3 Incredible Insights Which Can Change Your Perspective on Life

Residing in the grey area between spiritual and earthly

Photo by Fernanda Latronico: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-standing-near-glass-window-763849/

Whatever one believes, it’s going to get challenged in their lifetime.

I have carried a mixture of religious and secular values since childhood. The principles connected to theological and philosophical tenets have been more valuable to me in the long run than worldly ideas.

However, some of the most impactful things I have learned in my existence fall in the gray area between spiritual and earthly.

They sound cruel, but reality can show us no mercy at certain moments. It is better to accept tricky points as opposed to treating them as false. Here are three insights that altered my mindset:

1) You can count the people who genuinely care about you on one hand

This is something the old folks used to say when I was young. I thought they were cynical grumps; in truth, I was the naïve fool.

While in the early stages of life, with friends, family, and associates from school or other social institutions always around, some of us mistakenly conclude things will continue on like this indefinitely.

Or, as I thought, these individuals actually were concerned for my well-being.

The majority of people are going to get along just fine without you around. Part of our nature causes us to hold significant value for those closest in proximity. A thousand human beings could die due to flooding in another part of the world without me giving substantial thought; a loved one passes away and it hurts my core.

I’m confident the same holds true for a significant amount of humanity.

As I’ve gotten older, it has inspired me to pay closer attention to the individuals who have stood the test of time with me. It’s critical to water those relationships and avoid taking them for granted. It feels practical since there aren’t that many of them to begin with.

2) You can’t save anybody

Early in my career, I was optimistic about helping people.

I believe anybody can improve their lives. I honestly regard that statement as a fact, but one caveat is that the subject must decide to change, and I’m powerless to do it for them.

Altering habits does not come easy. It includes a significant amount of trial and error.

One has to hang in there even through difficult days and failure. I can assist someone but cannot make something happen. When I think about my own life, I made different choices when my situation became unbearable.

No matter what suggestion I received, I had to follow through on the recommendations. In the end, this is true for all of us.

When an individual copes with mental health or substance use issues, the apparent first step involves getting help. The question becomes, what’s the instruction if they refuse treatment or stop taking their medications?

I lack the ability to know all the correct answers, but the lesson becomes to understand your limitations.

3) Love takes work

Photo by vjapratama: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holding-baby-s-breath-flower-in-front-of-woman-standing-near-marble-wall-935789/

I feel hopeless when I hear young men and women talk about relationships on YouTube.

The kind of demands and expectations from both parties seem unrealistic.

Everybody can have their own standards, so best of luck to them, but one should understand if they are unable to find suitable partners, it might signal a need to reevaluate.

Let alone what it takes to maintain a union over the long haul. All the superficial aspects people desire initially guarantee nothing.

Marriage takes a commitment to each other and working through challenging moments. Thinking an intimate partnership will develop minus discomfort or stress should be treated as a fairy tale.

Healthy relationships develop a character that can withstand the rocky stages of living we all will face.

Although it comes via investment and sacrificing for something bigger than yourself, while love shouldn’t destroy anyone, whoever said it would always come easy lied to you.


No matter what we would prefer to cherish, we should learn to humble ourselves to the way of our world.

Every person certainly has value, but our skill level at quantifying folks needs assistance. We also would enjoy saving those in distress, yet we need a person to be ready, willing, and able to change to get the desired result.

As much as one would want their marriage to look precisely like a Hallmark film, real life transpires another way.

I gained awareness of these three factors over the years. While they may seem harsh, having clarity about the truth is critical. Alternative realities will eventually come crashing down on you at some point.

What do you think about these insights I presented?

What other insights have you found to be true?

Vertis Williams is a Positive Habits Life Coach and a Mindfulness Trainer. He is a regular presenter at employee and team development events. Contact him to request more info on his Workshops or on his Coaching Services! Click HERE to Request a Complimentary Habit Coaching Session!

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