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The author shares three key healing strategies—avoidance, faith, and reorganization—that have helped them master their life path and overcome personal challenges.


The article titled "3 Great Healing Strategies I Learned to Master My Life Path" details the author's journey from a fear-based existence to one of empowerment and self-mastery. The author, who experienced a challenging childhood, found that fear of failure, criticism, and the unknown had stifled personal growth. Through spiritual development and consciousness expansion, the author discovered the power of healing and self-awareness. The three strategies outlined are: avoidance of non-resonant energies and activities to focus on personal growth, cultivating faith to maintain a positive outlook and gratitude, and reorganizing one's life to complete stagnant projects and train the subconscious for action. These strategies are presented as tools for readers to harness their inner strength, resilience, and the opportunity to heal, emphasizing the importance of being the master of one's own fate and the captain of one's soul.


  • The author believes that personal growth is hindered by fear and the energy spent on non-resonant activities.
  • Avoidance is seen as a positive strategy when it aligns with one's values and contributes to productivity.
  • Faith, coupled with action, is considered essential for focusing on positive outcomes and maintaining motivation.
  • Gratitude is highlighted as a tool to shift focus to what is working well, especially during difficult times.
  • Completing unfinished projects is viewed as crucial for personal energy management and assertiveness in adversity.
  • The author emphasizes that everyone has the opportunity to heal and grow, regardless of their background.
  • Self-mastery is achieved through conscious choices and actions, reinforcing the idea that one is in control of their own destiny.

3 Great Healing Strategies I Learned to Master My Life Path

#2 made me discover my inner strength and resilience

Image generated by the Author — Leonardo.ai

Read the story’s free version here.

Sometimes, all that we want is to master ourselves. I remember back in the day how much energy I wasted on unproductive things. The fear of the unknown paralyzed me and didn’t allow me to grow. Then, after many years, I realized that I was living fear-based.

Fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of not making it. The struggle to be someone when people around me pointed so many fingers and discouraged me from thriving was huge.

Coming from a challenging childhood home made me grow in the need to defend myself.

I always thought people wanted to take advantage of me. Still, afterward, when I overcame my feelings of insecurities, I understood that all this was the inner little child inside me who was hurt and scared of so many things that she hadn’t processed then.

As I grew in spirituality and consciousness expansion, I understood the best part: The opportunity all those traumas brought me to heal.

The beauty of all that was that the more insights I had, the more I understood why I was reacting to situations the way I did.

The more insights I had, the more motivation I got to walk the healing path because the motivation was that I was finally healing.

I noticed that what some people told me had a different impact than before. Situations didn’t affect me the same way, and this was healing.

I found out then that I am the master of my life like William Ernest Henley writes in the poem Invictus: “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

Along this path, I learned three great healing strategies that helped me master my life:


As soon as I started to avoid everything that didn’t resonate with my values and energy, I noticed that my time was more productive, and I had more time to do what was essential to my growth.

I let it go, allowed people to be people, and I was me, and boy, what a relief. Being in control only some of the time and allowing people to show me exactly who they are was an intelligent move.

I have saved a lot of energy and understood that the Universe was telling me: “This person is exactly this way and this energy doesn’t resonate with yours. Let it be”.

Mastering Avoidance: Look at your life and avoid everything that doesn’t resonate with you.


You know what they say: “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:26)

With the filter of avoidance I had already acquired in my life, the path was evident to me, so I could focus on what was important and be more grateful for everything I already had.

With gratitude by my side, my strength and faith increased because now I was focusing on the positive outcomes and the situations that were happening for me to grow.

Even though the results were not what I expected, it was okay because I learned with my faith to go with the flow and focus on the good that had already taken place in my life.

Mastering Faith: Believe in your essence, believe that what you want also wants you, and go for it.


After the filter of avoidance was sharp, gratitude backed me up, and faith was in place. Now was the time to reorganize and reframe everything that was stagnating my life.

Here, all the unfinished projects were taken out of the forgotten shelf of my mind and brought to life again. I understood that when we start something and don’t finish it, the energy is still active, and the energy not put into action is lost.

By finishing things we start, we train our subconscious mind to always take action toward completing what we create.

Mastering Reorganization: Finish what you have started, and if you have many things to finish, create one at a time.

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

Regardless of your background, you will always have opportunities to heal.

By acknowledging what we need to change and taking daily steps toward those changes, we get more motivated even if the changes might hurt because deep inside, we feel we are growing.

Faith without work equals no result, so you should never give up on your dream and who you are in your essence.

Gratitude is a great tool when things are difficult because it redirects our focus toward what is working at the moment.

By finishing what we started, we train ourselves to be more assertive in adversities and move forward no matter what happens.

We get to build resilience and be the master of our fate and the captain of our soul.

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