

Ready for a Challenge Which Makes You More Happy and Mindful?

21 Day Gratefulness Challenge: Can We Do It Together?

Gratefulness-Challenge Day 1 of 21 by KnowledgeCollective

Hey there! It’s Tobias from KnowledgeCollective. Welcome to the 21-Day Gratefulness Challenge!

Why 21 days, you ask? It’s commonly believed that it takes about 21 days to form a new habit, and what better habit to cultivate than gratitude?

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Every day, for the next three weeks, I’ll share my top 5 moments or things I’m most grateful for. These can range from small, everyday joys to significant, life-changing events.

But this challenge isn’t just about me. I want you to join me!

Starting today, take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for for 21 days. Write down your top 5 things, share the story and then send me the link in the comments of one of my Gratefulness posts.

I’ll be reading every story and featuring some of the most inspiring ones in my next post. Make sure you put “Gratefulness-Challenge Day X of 21 by KnowledgeCollective” in the subtitle like I did.

Gratitude can transform ordinary days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. Let’s start on this journey together and see how practicing gratitude daily can enrich our lives!

Are you in? Let’s start this journey of gratitude together!

My Gratefulness List for 19.11 (Day 1 / 21)

(You can copy this format for your own post):

  1. My first item is family. Even if family is often a source of stress and can spark anger or discussions, I am grateful I still have one and have a good connection with them.
  2. My second thing I am grateful for is my health. I am in good physical shape, do sports regularly, and eat relatively healthily. I am grateful I do not have a major health problem, even if there are some small things.
  3. The third thing I am grateful for now or today is my relationship. Three years ago, I would never have thought I’d be in such a loving and connecting relationship where we support each other in what we do and can build things together like our campervan we built in the last year and may soon travel with.
  4. I am so grateful I live in Switzerland. It is rated as one of the best countries to live in in multiple areas. I have many opportunities here, and I will do my best to use them to make the world a better place.
  5. I am very grateful I have an apprenticeship or ‘EFZ’ as it is called in Switzerland in the Information Technology area. This acts as a good backup when my personal plans to build something on the side go wrong or my finances won’t be sufficient to support this.”

I hope I have inspired you to start this challenge with me! If you’ve been considering starting your own Medium writing journey, today’s the day — just start!

Here Are the Excact Steps to Join the Challenge:

Pick a title like ’21 Day Gratefulness Challenge: Day X of 21.’

  1. Put ‘Gratefulness-Challenge Day X of 21 by (@) KnowledgeCollective’ in the subtitle, just like I did.
  2. Write. Open your heart. Expand. Feel Grateful.
  3. Send me the link to your story in the comments of this or one of the newer stories in this challenge. I will read and feature the most inspiring ones in my next story..
  4. Have fun!

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If you also love writing, I highly reccomend starting a substack (Maybe as a backup for your writings). Use my link so we both get a head start and are on each others “reccomended” page.

Today’s Song Reccomendation:

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