

2023 Goals: September Update

Progress update

Photo by Petar Starčević from Pexels

You know the drill…

At the start of every month, I post a review of my yearly goals. You can find the full list of stories here.

Like many others, October is one of my favourite months.

The fall/Halloween/year-end/winter vibes.

The wrapping up projects like presents and getting ready for new ones.

The slowing down in people’s footsteps as they prepare for the holidays.

There are less than 90 days left to 2023 — what do you want to do before then?


1. Exercise ≥4 days a week.

Didn’t track but I’m happy with my current exercise routine (cardio/strength most days).

Sometimes a rough mental checklist is enough.

2. Go for a walk outside every day.

Also didn’t track but I walk most days except when it’s raining.

It’s part of my writing routine now, so I’m not afraid of this one falling off.

3. Practice yoga or mindfulness every day.

Finished my 7-day free trial of Waking Up. Started using Medito and I’m on a 23-day streak. (Currently on step 3 of their courses.)

I meditate first thing in the morning every day.

4. Journal every day.

You’re not going to believe this. I had a 100-day streak (which I didn’t realise until I saw the number on my DayOne app) — and it broke! Because on Day 101 I accidentally went to sleep!

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel demoralised — this habit is pretty solidified I can continue it without external motivation.

(New streak on day 3 now.)


5. Email professors at least 10 times.

3/10. (No new emails in September.)

6. Join a research project. [Archived]

Done as of July.

7. Never fall behind on more than a week’s worth of content.

September was playing catch-up. The consequences of August’s procrastination are biting my ass.


8. Set up my master resume and LinkedIn profile.

Not done (again). Need to update my resume and set up my LinkedIn.

9. Get a semester internship/job. [Archived]

Done as of July.

10. Get a winter internship/job.

No progress.

11. Find a way to improve interview skills.

No progress.

12. Complete my career module.

Little progress. Deadline is coming up so hope to complete it this month.


13. Write/edit something every day. [Archived]

Done as of July. Moving on from this goal as I transition to batch writing.

14. Publish a total of 200 articles by the end of 2023.

182/200. (7 new articles in September.)

15. Stick to a batch writing routine for 1 month.

Done for the better part of September. Invested in the 2-Hour Writer course and I’ve been sticking to that writing routine/system.

The next goal is to keep at it and develop it further.

16. Send out a newsletter every week.

Done. Missed a week — that was when I was adjusting to the 2-Hour Writer system.


17. Complete a ‘course’ at Hack the Box [Archived]

Completed in May ’23.

18. Participate in Google’s Capture the Flag (CTF) 2023 [Archived]

Done in June. Unfortunately, I didn’t solve any challenges but it gave me a taste of what a Google CTF is like.


19. Get a budget system and use it for 1 month.

Done. I’m still figuring out how to organise investments/different savings but at least now I have an overview of income and expenses.

Next goal is to keep using it & learn more about investments/different types of savings.

20. Set up an emergency fund.

Not done. (It’s official — I’m procrastinating fixing on a bank.)


21. Record at least 1 song a month.


22. Read 15 books this year.

Done — 38/15 so far. (6 new books in September.)

23. Do an outdoorsy thing once every two weeks.

1/2 done. Went cycling — highly recommend it.

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