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The webpage presents a collection of 20 inspiring quotes from renowned authors, aiming to shed light on the multifaceted nature of writing and to motivate aspiring writers on their journey.


The article titled "20 Inspiring Quotes On Writing By The Authors To Highlight Different Sides Of Writing" delves into the intricacies of writing as an art form, emphasizing its challenges and rewards. The author, who identifies as a writer and a continuous learner, shares wisdom from established writers to encourage and guide others in the craft. The quotes cover themes such as the joy of creation, the struggle with writer's block, the importance of reading, the power of storytelling, the necessity of perseverance, and the role of criticism. The piece underscores that writing is not just about putting words on paper but involves a deep connection with life experiences, the courage to express oneself, and the patience to refine one's skills. It encourages writers to embrace their unique voice, to draw inspiration from their surroundings, and to contribute to the literary world by filling gaps in the reading landscape.


  • The author believes that writing is akin to creating something from nothing, a process that is both challenging and fulfilling.
  • Writing is portrayed as a craft that extends beyond mere words, encompassing the writer's desire to convey stories in a specific manner to their audience.
  • The article suggests that there is no single path to becoming a good writer; it is a personal journey of growth and experimentation with storytelling techniques.
  • Reading is highlighted as a crucial activity for writers, as it broadens perspectives, enhances knowledge, and stimulates the brain for creative endeavors.
  • The author emphasizes that writing is a form of expression that has historically allowed humanity to pass down knowledge and stories through generations.
  • Writers are encouraged to have a thick skin or a transparent body to either withstand or


20 Inspiring Quotes On Writing By The Authors To Highlight Different Sides Of Writing

for motivation, for patience, for inspirations

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

Creating something out of thin air only by imagining is difficult and challenging, although the joy of creation is there. But, writers face not only the pleasure of creation and the pain of writer’s block, but there are so many different sides to writing. And this note highlights a couple of inspiring quotes and tells us the other sides of the writing.

By the way, who the ‘h**l’ am I? I’m a writer within my capacity, and I’m learning every day. These quotes don’t make me a writer, and I’m not claiming that. But, it might inspire one and change his/her perspective to become successful in writing. These are not my quotes; these are quotes from great and successful writers who have already experienced the journey. If you don’t want to listen to my words, listen to theirs.

I hope you all will enjoy this.

New necessities are born or created; it is similar for writing too. If something is missing in terms of reading choices, why don’t you write it down? There should be a genre for it.

Because it’s not only the words the writers want to express, it’s also how they want their stories to be received by the readers. It takes more time and effort and often difficult to portray in the exact way the writer wants to express.

As an art form, writing carries no limitations or boundaries, and blank pages or the keyboard screen is your canvas to color your imagination or tales. Of course, there are specific forms or grammatical rules to be followed. Still, writers eventually develop their way of storytelling. So, yes, there is no particular direction or magic mantra to transform overnight to wake up as a good writer (if not great).

It’s about making your life worth living, and writing is such a front, which is worth living for.

Reading opens up the mind, captures knowledge, and provides the nutrition in your brain to form a story seed. Sometimes, you will have some weeds instead of the expected plants, and you will need weeding. But, before that, read whenever you can for your pleasure, your leaning, and your writing excellence.

Write from your knowledge, experience, and the living stories around you in your storytelling form. It will genuinely touch people, eventually, even if it is not at first.

As said earlier: read, learn, and write. Writers need to get time for reading. It enhances your outlook on different matters and helps your brain working on the creativity aspect too.

Thoughts and words transferred form ages to ages because of the writing form. It doesn’t matter whether it is cave art or old-religious texts or torn old books; writing helped humanity to survive by transferring knowledge from generation to generation, with the learning and teachings, perhaps.

Imagine. Think. Create on a Canvas of yours.

A thing or object can be described in different ways, and writers portray the story or fact in a way that grabs the interest, rather than stating a mere statement.

As a writer, you require either a thick skin or a transparent body, because either the thick skin will protect from critics or pass through the body without touching. Critics are essential for writers, and there are pressures, frustration, and dedication involved in the overall process.

Even the unrealistic notions of your dreams, a realistic alternative of your life story, a story of touching the end of the universe, and retain sanity — nothing is ‘out of bound;’ in creativity and art form, especially in writing.

A writer’s mind is mysteriously curious. Because of this notion, there is always something in the writer’s mind; the pain is to live it within pain and agony until the tale finally comes out in some form, where the writer can breathe some air.

Write, write, and write. We have our limitations; we have our own challenges and obstacles. But to become a professional writer, you got to stick to the writing and learning process. Many things will happen around you; numerous things will challenge you to shattered in pieces (critics, rejections, real-life struggles, etc.). But to transform yourself into the professional writing field, you need to be hanging there with your writing for more and more time (aka, patience).

Critics will be there, and there are always challenges to improve. Hang in there, as there is still a niche for you to serve. There are plenty of examples where the critically rejected pieces had best-seller experiences.

Read something every day, write something every day to exercise and flex your writing cells (okay, brain-cells). Skills will improve eventually. But without the patience and effort to write and enhance will cost you in your writing.

Stories are around us; we have to find the suitable ones to express in words or any form of art.

If you don’t start, you can’t finish, and if you can’t finish, you can’t edit to make it your masterpiece. But staring at a blank page will not produce a tale.

Writer’s actually experiencing their life twice and live life twice; through their own lives and by merging and sharing their thoughts in words.

A tale is founded based on the writer’s imagination. It’s where s/he thinks it ends. You can write infinite alternatives and series and continue to write if you think so. But, you got to decide where to put an end to the story and perhaps, begin the other.

***All the quotes are said by the respective authors or writers, named here. The quotes are provided in screenshot pictures, created in Microsoft PowerPoint, and illustrated by the author.

And, here is my ending. I hope the quotes could portray the different sides of a writer’s journey and help you find your way of inspiration to write your masterpieces in the coming days.

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