avatarLeonid Hass


The article outlines 17 strategies to enhance smartphone productivity, focusing on minimizing distractions, organizing apps, and using the device for educational purposes.


The author, Hass Leonid, provides a comprehensive guide to transforming one's smartphone into a productivity powerhouse in 2023. The article emphasizes the importance of simplifying the home screen, removing unnecessary applications, and disabling non-essential notifications to reduce distractions. It suggests using silent mode and decluttering the device regularly to maintain focus. The piece also recommends installing a to-do app, a notes app, and educational apps to leverage the smartphone's capabilities for learning and task management. Other tips include optimizing the inbox, adding useful widgets, and keeping the phone's software updated. The author advocates for a minimalist approach to wallpapers and the use of apps like Forest, Pomodoro, or TickTick to manage time effectively. The article concludes with a call to action for readers to subscribe for more recommendations and to try out the cost-effective AI service ZAI.chat.


  • The author believes that the smartphone's potential for productivity is often hindered by unnecessary distractions and disorganization.
  • He suggests that a cluttered home screen and

17 Proven Ways To Use Smartphone Productively in 2023

Building a second brain method 🧠 Top tips and approaches to become more productive with your phone and stop procrastinating ⏰

Created by Hass Leonid 👨‍🎨 Books Lover 📚 Lifehacker 🐱‍💻

Your phone can be an incredible tool. Just imagine, 20–30 years ago, people couldn’t even fathom what we can accomplish today with just a few clicks on our phones: making purchases, creating websites, watching movies, and much more. Back then, people could only make calls or send SMS (or MMS for those who remember it, push claps 😂).

Today, we have devices that are 1000 times more powerful than they were 20 years ago. We can practically do anything. It’s mind-boggling that video editing can now be done on a smartphone in just 10–20 minutes 😳.

But here’s a question we all need to ask ourselves: Why do we procrastinate more than we produce value for the world and ourselves?

I have gathered several tips, rules, and laws in the digital world that can change our approach. Take a look at them and let me know what you think about them in the comments. Now, our journey starts with the following tips.

#1 Simplify Your Home Page for a Better User Experience

Created by Hass Leonid 👨‍🎨 Books Lover 📚 Lifehacker 🐱‍💻

Usually, I’ve noticed that many people have 3–5 pages on their iPhones or Samsungs, which looks very disorganized. Every time they want to open an app, they spend around 5 seconds scrolling and searching for it on their home page 😩.

Why don’t they use folders or the search feature, which every smartphone has? Alright, let’s talk about my phone and how I’ve solved this issue. First of all, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove all applications from your home page.
  2. Add only those applications that you use very often.
  3. Group them in folders by type.
  4. Sort these folders by priority.

Why is this so important? By removing distractions from your main page, you can focus better. The apps you want to prioritize will always appear first when you unlock your phone.

Additionally, you can easily and quickly find any necessary application directly from your home page. If you want to open another app, simply scroll from top to bottom and use the search feature (on iPhone, at least; Android users may have a different gesture).

Alternatively, you can scroll right to the apps menu (or swipe down on Android) and search among other apps (though I personally don’t prefer this method, I sometimes use it).

#2 Remove Unnecessary Applications for a Streamlined Experience

It’s not a big deal to install and remove apps on your phone. However, sometimes we install an app and then forget to remove it.

Personally, I prefer to remove applications that I haven’t used for 1–2 months. You can always install them again if needed. By deleting unused applications, you can free up more memory on your phone, keep it cleaner, and avoid unnecessary notifications from those apps.

#3 Disable Non-Essential App Notifications to Minimize Distractions

Some applications, such as Instagram and TikTok, tend to send notifications that can distract you from important tasks unless you are a content creator for whom these platforms are part of their business.

These platforms employ sophisticated algorithms to keep you engaged and entice you to spend more time within their apps. Why? Because they generate revenue through advertisements.

So, it’s important to avoid falling into this trap by disabling notifications, app badges, and any other tools they employ to encourage unnecessary app usage. By doing so, you can regain control and avoid being constantly pulled into these apps when there is no genuine need for you to be there.

#4 Activate Silent Mode to Enhance Focus During Work

In the latest versions of iOS and Android (within the past 2–3 years), developers have included features like silent mode that allow you to customize notification settings.

This includes options to turn off all or specific notifications for a certain period of time or based on your location (at least on iOS, I’m not sure about Android).

If your phone doesn’t have these built-in settings, you can search for applications like Focus, Pomodoro, or Forest that provide similar functionality and help you manage distractions.

#5 Declutter Your Device: Clear Notifications and Close Unused Apps

Personally, I often receive a multitude of notifications from various applications, such as email and messaging platforms (with Slack being the most active in this regard).

It can be overwhelming to see a list of 10–15 notifications before even unlocking the phone, making it challenging to focus on important tasks. To address this, it’s important to clean up notifications regularly and configure the settings appropriately for each application.

If there are specific applications from which you don’t need any notifications, it’s advisable to disable them to avoid unnecessary disruptions.

Another crucial point is to develop the habit of closing opened apps. Rather than simply swiping up and moving on to another application, make it a practice to close the app when you’re done using it.

Leaving apps open in the background consumes battery power, processor resources, and memory, ultimately resulting in slower performance and reduced battery life.

#6 Install a To-Do App for Improved Task Management

To stay well organized, I utilize various apps, one of which is a ToDo list app. If you have any default applications on your phone, that’s perfectly fine.

However, personally, I can recommend using the Reminder app if you are an iOS user, or Microsoft Todo. For both platforms, I suggest considering TickTick.

It’s an incredible application that not only provides todo lists but also includes features like a pomodoro timer and many other cool functionalities. I will provide a link to this app below:

#7 Enhance Organization with a Notes App Installation

The Notes application is even more important for individuals who are productivity-driven or creative.

We often come across ideas and thoughts that we need to jot down and store somewhere, as our minds aren’t always the most reliable place to keep them.

Personally, I use Apple Notes, but I also recommend exploring other note-taking applications available on the internet, such as Evernote.

Additionally, I have a recommendation of my own, which is Zoho Notebook. I appreciate it for its structured organization and appealing design.

Give it a try if you’re interested, or explore other note-taking apps until you find one that suits your preferences.

#8 Boost Your Learning Potential with Educational App Installations

Another crucial aspect of transforming your phone into a powerful tool is by installing educational applications.

Whether you want to learn a new language, acquire new skills, or even explore a different profession, you’ll be amazed by the multitude of apps available for these purposes.

Applications such as Duolingo, Udemy, Skillshare, and even YouTube offer a wealth of educational content.

While some may require a subscription fee of around $10 or a higher price for specific courses (around $19), it’s important to view it as an investment in your knowledge and skills. The returns on such investments can far outweigh the initial cost, providing dividends that are 100 times greater.

#9 Eliminate Addictive Applications to Regain Control and Focus

Unfortunately, the time limit feature may not always be effective in curbing excessive usage.

However, you can try using an app like “One Sec” which introduces a 5–10 second delay before allowing you to open an app. Nevertheless, it’s important to evaluate the usage of certain applications like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

If these apps are purely sources of entertainment and consume a significant amount of your time and energy, it might be beneficial to remove them from your phone.

Remember, you can always reinstall them if needed. By reclaiming 2–3 hours of daily content consumption from these apps, you could potentially gain an additional 700–1000 hours per year!

Just imagine the possibilities and accomplishments that could be achieved with those extra 1000 hours. Take some time to reflect and make a decision that aligns with your goals and priorities.

#10 Optimize Your Inbox: Unsubscribe from Irrelevant Email Ads and Promotions

Email apps are incredibly useful, especially for work-related communication and newsletters. However, managing a high volume of 20–30 emails per day can become overwhelming.

To tackle this, it’s important to check for spam or promotional emails and find ways to unsubscribe from them. Typically, you can find an unsubscribe button or link at the bottom of the email or within the text itself.

Additionally, if you use multiple email accounts to better organize your work, I can recommend a highly regarded application called Spark.

It was once the best choice in the App Store and continues to be my personal favorite. Spark is developed by the same company behind CleanMyMac, and I believe it’s worth giving it a try for its exceptional features and user experience.

#11 Minimize Email Distractions: Disable Notifications for Email App

Once again, let’s address the issue of receiving emails at random times through email applications.

If you don’t need to be immediately notified of new emails, it is recommended to turn off notifications for your email app.

Instead, allocate a specific time in your daily agenda when you can devote 10 minutes to checking your email. By doing this, you can regain control over your time and avoid frequent interruptions caused by incoming emails.

#12 Improve App Performance: Clear Cached Data from Applications

Certain applications like Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube utilize your phone’s memory to cache video or audio content. If you have content that you’ve already watched or no longer need, it’s advisable to remove it.

This practice can help free up valuable storage space, potentially saving you 10–20 GB of memory. With more available memory, you’ll have the ability to store additional photos and videos on your phone.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that a phone with more free memory tends to perform better and have a longer lifespan.

#13 Streamline Your Web Browsing Experience: Clear and Organize Your Browser

Frequently, we open links on our phones from various chats and social media platforms. However, we often forget to close them after viewing the content.

Consequently, when we open our browsers, we’re greeted with numerous unnecessary tabs. To address this, it’s beneficial to regularly clear your browser by closing tabs you no longer need.

I recommend doing this at least several times per week to maintain a clutter-free browsing experience.

Additionally, it’s helpful to save important links in your browser’s favorites or reading list. This way, you can easily access them whenever needed. If your browser lacks a convenient method for saving links, consider using a note-taking application to store your favorite links for quick reference.

#14 Refresh Your Photo Gallery: Clear and Organize Your Photos

When it comes to photo galleries, it’s common to accumulate numerous random photos and videos that are no longer needed or were only intended for temporary use, such as sharing on social media.

It’s important to regularly review your photo and video collection and remove any unnecessary ones. Deleting videos can significantly free up storage space, as a 10-minute video can consume 2–4 GB.

Removing unwanted photos allows you to focus on the truly important ones in your gallery, making it easier to navigate and find meaningful memories.

#15 Opt for Minimalist Wallpapers for a Clean and Distraction-Free Display

Wallpapers can indeed be visually appealing when set as backgrounds on our lock screens or home pages. However, it’s important to consider the potential distractions they may cause.

Scientific studies conducted in the past have shown that wallpapers with bright colors and intricate images can divert our attention and even trigger the urge to open games or social media apps, seeking a dopamine rush from consuming such content.

To maintain focus and prioritize important tasks on your phone, I recommend selecting simpler wallpapers that create a less visually stimulating environment. This way, you can reduce potential distractions and stay on track with the activities that truly matter to you.

#16 Enhance Functionality: Add Useful Widgets for Quick Access and Information

The latest versions of iOS and Android have introduced impressive widgets from various applications that offer valuable information directly on your screen.

While these widgets can occupy significant space and may not always be useful, certain to-do and note-taking applications provide quick access to specific folders, which can be a game-changing feature.

I encourage you to explore the available widgets and consider if there are any that can save you time by eliminating the need to search for and open certain apps. By leveraging these widgets effectively, you can streamline your workflow and access important information more efficiently.

#17 Stay Up-to-Date: Install Software Updates for Improved Performance and Security

Software updates are essential for maintaining the security and performance of your phone.

Phone distributors often recommend installing these updates as they typically include important security patches and other enhancements. Additionally, software updates can improve the overall functionality of your device by introducing new features and optimizing its performance.

However, if you have an older phone that is around 3–4 years old, it’s worth considering the potential impact of updates on its performance. In some cases, installing updates on older devices can lead to slower performance. Therefore, it’s advisable to weigh the benefits and drawbacks before proceeding with updates on older devices.

For newer phones, it is generally recommended to install updates promptly to ensure optimal security, performance, and access to new features. Keeping your phone up to date will enhance your overall user experience and help you make the most of your device’s capabilities.

I might say that this article was written because I was greatly inspired by the work of Tony Stubblebine. Below, you can find two articles related to this topic that you might enjoy reading and find useful insights in for yourself.

Also, you can subscribe to me to receive more recommendations and explore other articles in my profile that you might like. Please, give me a push, clap, and leave comments. It would warm my heart ❤️

Self Improvement
Phone Addiction
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