Tantric Sex
Part 2: Sex Magic
Special thanks to Phill R. for contributing much needed info and expertise.
One fine evening, you happen to catch a documentary about a woman who sails the ocean alone. Can a sailboat really go that fast? You are mesmerized as her 40-foot sloop slices so swiftly and majestically through the waves. At times, the wind comes from the side, and her craft’s speed is able to exceed that of the wind itself. At other times, she pulls the boom in tight, and she’s able to do the impossible: to use the force of the wind to sail against the wind. There are no oars. There is no motor. How does she do it? It must be magic.
Inspired by the captain’s example, you go out the next day and buy your own sailboat. You cast off and hoist the sail. You stand at the helm, imitating that same masterful pose, as though you might command the very elements themselves. You mimic the captain’s movements as best you can, but alas, your sail hangs flaccidly in the breeze. Your boat drifts into the shallows and runs aground. You’re not going anywhere. That TV documentary must have been fake. The art of sailing faster than the wind is just pseudo-science, right?
What is mastery? In the above example, the mastery of sailing is beyond our reach because there is something that we are not seeing. Mere imitation of what’s visible isn’t enough. There’s something invisible going on, and we can’t seem to grasp it. Perhaps it’s just magic, and our sea captain is blessed with special powers beyond those of us ordinary humans.
Nonsense, of course. The captain’s skill mystifies us because, well, it has something to do with “sensing which way the wind blows.” In sailing, there are both visible and invisible forces at work. And since we are newbies, we are, as yet, only aware of one side of the curtain. True mastery involves somehow penetrating the curtain so we can experience the complete phenomenon of sailing all at once. That elusive sensation of flow, vibration, and power. All elements coming together, not just the visible ones.
That tingle you feel when your lover brushes up against you is the same tingle that’s woven into the fabric of nature herself.
In this article, we explore sex-magic, the use of sexual energy to produce miraculous effects in one’s life. These techniques suffer from the same kind of misunderstanding as our sailing debacle above. Many of us think that we can simply imitate the visible, outward forms of Tantra and get results. Results can indeed happen that way. After all, when we hoist the sail on our new boat, it is remotely possible, if we’re lucky, to catch the wind from just the right angle and get a few seconds of “Wow!” In this way, success with Tantric techniques is usually just “hit or miss” — that is, unless we have developed enough life skill to sense which way the figurative wind is blowing.
Whether we are dealing with the mastery of sailing or the mastery of sex, the key is the same. We must explore the mystery of penetration. Penetration of the curtain between the visible and the invisible. And the method for penetrating into that mystery, the method that actually works, is not what we have been led to believe.
Why is Tantra Secret?
This kind of gross misunderstanding is the primary reason why the techniques of Tantra are kept hidden from the public. Many people like to think that Tantric rituals are secret because they are dangerous. Or perhaps because they are too sacred for our profane eyes. Or perhaps Tantra is just evil and it conjures up horny demons from Hell. Once again, all mostly nonsense.
The secrecy in Tantra doesn’t exist to protect you. It exists to protect the reputation of Tantra itself. To protect the art and science of sexual energy from disrepute — because those who can’t penetrate the curtain of outward appearances can’t help but make Tantra into something silly and grotesque. Something truly demonic to be leered at in a celebrity tabloid.
We needn’t worry about protecting the reputation of Tantra here, since Forbidden Realms is not really concerned with promoting how way-cool it is. Here we simply unpack biohacking techniques that work, as well as give you the secret keys for how to use them. We should warn you, however, that the techniques you find in this article will not necessarily work the way you want them to. Some readers will get instant results by imitating the outward forms. Some will not. Like our sea captain, you must already have cultivated the maturity and life skill necessary to harness the invisible wind: the generative energy that rises up through your torso. You must be able to work with both the visible and invisible powers of the body. More importantly, you must learn the secret inner workings of your upper and lower body.
“Love is the law, love under will.”
“Magick is the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.”
“I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.”
— Aleister Crowley
In this article, we present a brief lesson and then two simple sex-magic techniques. Make of these techniques what you will. If they’re hard to understand or if they get no results for you, you may not have ripened enough, spiritually, to use them. But don’t worry! Continued practice with the second technique can initiate you to new levels of life intuition and skill so that you gain the maturity and freedom that’s necessary to penetrate from the visible to the invisible. Spend a few months using the second technique and maybe, just maybe, the curtain of reality will begin to open.
Sex Magic
A quote from Aleister Crowley: “Love is the law, love under will.”
Many advocates of magic (or the New Age Law of Attraction) have heard this famous quote from Crowley, but not many know what it means. Basically, it’s his covert way of saying that sex magic is the fastest way to enlightenment. It’s also Crowley’s way of dangling the most profound secret of magic right before the eyes of the public, hiding it in plain sight.
Crowley believed that magic, in order to work, has to be conducted in accordance with one’s “higher self” or with one’s true purpose in life. Or as he put it, in accordance with one’s “true will.” This “true will” he represents as “Will” with a capital W to distinguish it from the lesser will of ordinary human desire. “Will” with a capital W means divine Will —which human beings experience in their connection to God, a connection that’s supposedly buried somewhere deep within each of us, waiting to be discovered. The true mystery of penetration.
And as you might notice in the quote above, Crowley refers to “will” with a small w, as though he is suggesting that something as profound as love should be subjected to the lesser will of human beings rather than the greater Will of God. This seems subtly blasphemous, as much of Crowley’s writing tends to be. And it also represents one of the most subtle and most important secrets in Crowley’s teachings, as we will see.
When Crowley discovered sex magic, it replaced almost every other form of occultism for him. He started using it for operations that ranged from exploring the “astral plane” to conjuring up extra cash for the rent. Crowley grew up in Victorian England, and it should come as no surprise that he garnered an unsavory reputation in the sexually repressed society of his time. He openly enjoyed and brazenly wrote about carnal pleasures of many kinds, and he believed that sexual energy was the powerhouse behind his magic.
He was essentially correct. Sexual energy, as we will see, is a manifestation of generative energy, of the very life energy that creates the universe. It’s a manifestation of the invisible wind we’ve been talking about. That tingle you feel when your lover brushes up against you is the same tingle that’s woven into the fabric of nature herself.
Sex and Love
You may already suspect that it’s important for us to be free of moral inhibitions if we’re going to practice sex magic. Civilization’s taboos present a bit of an obstacle because the typical adult’s view of sex, even in the 21st Century, is immature. Our ignorance is woven into — or rather tangled up inside — our physical anatomy, and it can take a great deal of effort to undo the knots that have been sewn into us. It’s important that we address how our dysfunctional moral programming operates, before we continue…
Like most of us, you are probably identified with a false self. A thought-generating entity that pretends to live inside your head. This thinking/worrying mind, which you think of as you, appears to give you control over your life (and, let’s be fair, to some extent it does). When you believe yourself to be this mental entity, you tend to view the world on its terms.
The brain sits over the rest of the body, so you tend to believe that there really is such a thing as “mind over matter.” Love is up above, and sex is down below. Love becomes a “mind” activity, and therefore it is pure and good…while sex becomes a “matter” activity — gritty, impure, and morally troublesome. As a result of this imaginary up-and-down, good-and-bad dichotomy, sex is often considered a burden, a dead weight dragging your pure mind into “down and dirty” places.
Tantra shows us that this mind-over-matter way of looking at the world is false. It is a hasty generalization. In truth, we’ve gotten it all backwards. It is not the body that is impure but rather the mind that contains the true contaminants. The total human organism is inherently innocent. Utterly pure. But it has become “contaminated” by compulsive thinking. By habitual judgments, pronouncements, and condemnations. By an incessant attempt to chop reality into manageable bits so that we can control it. In the process of managing life in this way, we inadvertently create, maintain, and cling to a “manager,” a control-tower identity that takes up residence somewhere inside the head. This inner manager doesn’t actually exist — and it can’t stand being reminded of that!
Once you become aware of this fake self, you can begin to question the fake dividing line it tries to impose between sex and love. You can also, more importantly, begin to question the fake dividing line that it has drawn between the upper and lower parts of your body.
Many responsible adults, who pride themselves on using thought to keep life under control, are fond of saying that sex and love are two different entities, and that when you grow up and get more civilized, you learn to maintain a healthy distinction between the two. But the truth of the matter might be just a little bit more disturbing than our overprotective parents would have us believe.
When we explore love more deeply, we find that the generative energy in sex is also present in our Platonic relationships. In other words, both sexual love and friendship love share the same energetic foundation. Even familial love shares the same energetic basis as sex. A mother’s love for her child is fed by the same life stream as her love for her boyfriend. If she cannot accept this — if it makes her anxious about “incest” or “pedophelia,” or if it makes her worry about whether she is “infantalizing” her boyfriend—then the thought-entity in her head is interfering with her ability to experience her life just as it is. In other words, if we have too many moral hang-ups, we are not yet mature enough to utilize sexual energy in magic. We are not yet ready to practice Tantra. We might need a year or two of therapy first.
Lately, Western culture has been getting more comfortable with blurring the line between sex and love — that is, if the commonly known experience of the “bromance” is any indication. There doesn’t seem to be any clear dividing line between a generally loving relationship and a specifically sexual one. This is an important clue about sexual energy — its ability to break through the “civilized” psychological knots that keep us from operating at full power.
Is Love “Good”?
Let’s not be naïve. By civilizations standards, love is by no means a well-behaved creature. It is not always positive, constructive, and redeeming like Oprah would have you believe.
Ask the Romans whether Jesus was a good guy. Love is not a civilizing force. It is a force of nature, and as such it is both a saving grace and a destroyer. Love lurks behind every human behavior, no matter how troubling that behavior may be. It transcends all boundaries, and often violates them. It inspires us to make new laws, even as it compels us to break them. It incites the purest of angels to fight and fall, and burn. The great saints of love throughout history have always been troublemakers.
On some level, we all know that sex is a gateway to the heart of love itself. In other words, to enlightenment. Hence our eternal quest for love, for its ecstasy and union — not to mention the inevitable jealousy, the violence, and the fear of loss that result when we “fall in love with love.” We want it so badly that it drives us mad. And throughout all our adventures, love remains an elusive mystery. We can’t seem to bend love to our will and make it “put out” for us.
Or can we?
The Psychology of Sex Magic
Another, more famous quote from Crowley: “Magick is the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.” Notice that the word “Will” in this quote contains the capital W.
The noted occultist Dion Fortune later added the word “consciousness” to Crowley’s definition, and so we end up with “Magic is the art and science of causing a change in consciousness to occur in conformity with Will.” Fortune does not appear to acknowledge the importance of the lower- and upper-case W in the word “will,” but her commentary is still important for our purposes here.
What does Fortune mean by “a change in consciousness”? Well, first we have to acknowledge that about 95 percent of human behavior is dictated by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind—the deeper level of imagination that you’re not immediately aware of — is vastly more powerful than your conscious mind. Using the metaphor of a computer, you can view the subconscious mind as your operating system and the conscious mind as the visible stuff on the surface: the dialogue boxes, windows, and icons that you can move around on your desktop. These mental boxes (conceptualizations) don’t really exist the way we think they do. They cannot truly contain chunks of reality. They just look like containers to help give us a limited amount of control over life. A very limited amount.
The subconscious mind resides behind the computer screen. It has a lot of invisible programming stratified within it. Most of that conditioning does not even come from your own life experience but was programmed into you in your “past lives” — or rather in previous generations. From older, less evolved “computer models.” From your millions of years of ancestors. Because of the shadowy past in our human evolution, your subconscious mind contains many programs that you don’t know about. And some of them are terrifying.
These programs, unbeknownst to you, dictate your “paradigm.” They tell you what to fear. They tell you what to desire. They tell you what to believe. And because most of these programs are based on traumatic events that happened deep in humanity’s past, they are never really 100 percent appropriate for handling anything that’s happening in the present moment. Hence human suffering.
Why is the subconscious mind important to sex magic? Well, in order for you to produce any real change in accordance with your will (small w), you’ve got to be able to stimulate a change in your operating system. It’s not enough just to chant an incantation and wave a wand in the air. That simply amounts to moving around an icon on your desktop. Instead, you need to generate a powerful spark of energy, strong enough to penetrate deep into your operating system and change some of its embedded programming.
Whether we believe in a mechanical, computer-like mind; a psychological, archetypal mind; or a magical, animistic version of consciousness, the opportunity for us here is the same. Sex offers a means for generating that spark of electricity. Yes, that’s right. You can use sex to change your subconscious programming on a fundamental level. To reprogram who you are. Or as Dion Fortune suggests: to cause “a change in consciousness in conformity with Will.”
Three “Layers” of Consciousness
But there’s more. Your conscious mind can create changes in the subconscious, sure, and that is where a lot of really cool magic happens. However, beneath the subconscious, there lies a still deeper level of your being: the vast ocean of the collective unconscious. This is an underworld of ancient computer programs that govern not only you but everyone in the human race. It is none other than the shamanic spirit world. The underworld. Your “Internet,” as it were.
If this is so, then theoretically, you should be able to force a change not only in your own operating system but also in the operating system that governs the lives of other people. And of all life on planet Earth. You can use your body’s sexual energy to affect your greater reality.
The Three Layers Personified
As shown in the diagram above, we can see these different aspects of consciousness as layers. That’s simple enough. But there’s more to learn, because there are other useful ways of looking at them.
To Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune, your conscious mind is your will (small w), and the subconscious mind is the imagination. In the previous article, we explored the conscious and subconscious as two numinous “substances”: Sulphur and Mercury (and suddenly the most obscure alchemical literature began to make sense!). We also discussed the eternal love affair between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind — in the form of Romeo and Juliet, or as Jack and Rose in the movie Titanic. Or as Shiva and Shakti in the Tantric traditions of India.
Computer programs. Stratified layers. Will. Imagination. Sulphur and Mercury. Shiva and Shakti. As you can see, these are all metaphors, essentially. It’s important for us to develop our literary skill with symbol and metaphor if any kind of Tantra is going to work. In particular, we must develop the literary skill of personification. When we personify these aspects of the mind, the conscious mind is usually considered male and the sub-conscious mind female. How is this so?
Look at the Lovers card of the traditional Tarot deck, below. The man in the card represents the conscious mind. He looks toward the woman, who represents the subconscious. The woman is not as distracted by outward appearances as much as the man is. She is able to see beyond the veil of the material world, and she can see the angel. The angel, of course, represents the collective unconscious.
These associations exist because of our current human condition. As biological beings, we are the products of sex, and we come into this world through our mothers. To incarnate literally means “to become meat,” and this literally happens to us through the agency of a woman’s body. Therefore, a woman’s body appears to be our gateway into this world. She is the doorway from the inner spirit world to the outer human world.
A woman’s vagina, therefore, becomes a sacred, magical symbol. It appears to be our gateway to and from the collective unconscious. And therefore, the mystery of penetration is simple, right? The conscious mind must penetrate into the subconscious, and penetrate deeply enough, to re-establish its lost connection to God. Correct?
Wrong. That is another hasty generalization. The true mystery of penetration is not so obvious. It is not the woman in the card who needs to be penetrated.
You let me violate you You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you You let me complicate you….
I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God
— from “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails
Because of the symbolic association between the vagina and a gateway to God, mystics often conclude that women are inherently more spiritual than men because they are only one step removed from the divine. Whereas men are two steps removed, as it were. And so, men are not properly equipped to serve as their own gateways to the divine. Right?
More nonsense, of course. Do not take the language of magic symbols literally. A symbolic relationship is not necessarily a literal one. We would be fools indeed to believe that God is waiving at us from inside a woman’s vagina. The gateway between human consciousness and the collective unconscious is accessible everywhere in space. The hidden meaning of the Tarot card has to do with layers of consciousness, not with actual men and women and their body parts.
This is important in Tantra because it means that you don’t necessarily need to have an actual sex partner to practice sex magic. A man does not necessarily need to find a woman, and a woman does not necessarily need to find a man. It is also good news for gay couples. The true symbolism of “male” and “female” here shows us that there is a special chemistry between the conscious and subconscious mind, not so much between a literal man and a literal woman. Apparently, the conscious mind can penetrate the depths of the subconscious and stir up change.
I should probably repeat that. The conscious mind can penetrate the depths of the subconscious and stir up change. This is the catalyst of magic. However, it does not represent the true mystery of penetration. It’s only a precursor to the real thing.
In fact, Crowley dispenses with the necessity of the male/female symbolism altogether when he says that the Lovers card in the Tarot should be called “The Brothers.” The astrological correspondence of this Tarot card is Gemini — from the Latin geminos which means “twins.” The constellation of Gemini represents two men: Castor and Pollux. These guys are both born of the same mother, Leda. However, Leda (scandal of scandals!) has been impregnated by two different men. Her son Castor is the son of King Tyndareus, and her son Pollux is the son of the god Zeus. One of the twins is therefore mortal and the other is immortal. Crowley associates the conscious mind with Castor (the mortal) and subconscious mind with Pollux (the immortal).
As you may begin to suspect, personifying the levels of your consciousness does not necessarily require a male/female dynamic. Any scenario that produces sexual arousal will work. Personification of the conscious and subconscious levels of your mind gives you the means for encouraging chemistry between them. It generates that much-needed spark of energy necessary for creating deep and lasting change.
Head, Heart, and Gut
The conscious and subconscious minds can also be related to parts of your body. The conscious mind is often said to reside in your head, and not surprisingly, the subconscious mind is believed to lurk down below, in the gut. The heart is considered the place where these two minds meet (and hopefully harmonize).
These physical compartments of consciousness are not literally real, of course, but nevertheless, part of being human involves buying into the schematic of the head, heart, and gut. These associations get programmed into us from life experience, and each locus of identity appears to have its own character. Most modern adults identify exclusively with the head, but we still feel the powerful influences of the heart and gut in our decision-making.
Is all this stuff true? What does your gut tell you?
How to Become Unenlightened
How have these three imaginary compartments become real for us? It’s a long story. Over 3 billion years long. If you have children, pay special attention here. You will gain insight into how your children develop psychologically, as well as learn why sex makes humans suffer so much as they enter adulthood.
When the simplest biological creature first appeared on planet Earth, all it did was feed. It was essentially a single-celled organism, and it just floated around and absorbed whatever nutrients it happened to bump into. In such a state, unconcerned about chasing after food or running away from predators, it lived an untroubled existence.
As life evolved, however, this organism became sensitive to its own survival needs. It grew larger, and it developed a nervous system. Its nervous system formed a spinal column. The creature started to develop a sense of self-concern. It began to take care of its “self” and defend its “self.” It began to behave as though it was an autonomous, self-contained universe unto itself. This new sense of selfhood contracted. It shrank inwards and pretended to hide somewhere inside the organism’s body, in some kind of imaginary central command position.
The locus of this imaginary self appeared first in the gut, and as the eons passed, it migrated “upwards” from gut to heart to brain. A highly developed brain at the upper end of the spinal column tends to produce a strong, imaginary sense of separation from the gut. Notice how this creation of a spinal chord and brain also creates a “shaft” or a “tunnel”— and as such, it becomes subtly associated with an upright penis. Or with a vagina. Take your pick. The association of the human torso with a shaft of power offers an important clue to the true mystery of penetration in Tantra.
Today, our sense of separation from the gut is highly pronounced, and it is pretty much synonymous with our sense of separation from the entire universe. We have become “stuck up,” as it were. “Full of ourselves.” “Headstrong.” The human brain is so highly developed that it can produce a near-constant experience of an autonomous, surface-world personality “sitting on top of the world.” This is your conscious mind.
But of course, something went terribly wrong. This supposedly “conscious mind” isn’t really very conscious. It doesn’t seem to remember how it truly evolved into being. In most humans, it has forgotten that its sensation of selfhood is a mere evolutionary mechanism. An illusion.
In an unenlightened being, then, this supposedly conscious mind becomes a “dickhead.” It takes itself way too seriously. It clings fearfully to an illusory surface-world existence somewhere inside the upper body. This illusory entity is known as the ego. The fake self. The ego truly believes itself to be located in some kind of compartment, somewhere tucked away in space and time. It usually believes it occupies a seat of power inside the head, but it is capable of believing itself to reside just about anywhere.
Because of the imaginary head/heart/gut schematic that’s been conditioned into us over countless eons, something interesting happens to human beings as they develop from infant to adolescent to adult.
People are often awestruck by the vibrant glow and sense of peace that surrounds an infant. That’s because the energy of an infant’s awareness is suffused and free-flowing, almost seamlessly, throughout its entire body. A baby is one with the universe, as it were. But that oneness doesn’t last very long.
As the child develops, its psychic energy begins to specialize and compartmentalize. A sense of identity appears, and this identity begins to migrate up the spine. More and more of the baby’s psychic energy gets siphoned off into an effort to create a persona — which starts to occupy the upper body. Later in life, when puberty strikes, sexual energy intensifies down below in the abdomen, mainly due to the high concentration of mitochondria in the sex organs. This creates an uncomfortable sense of duality between the mind “above” and the body “below.”
As a result of this overall maturation process, young adults are often confused. They suffer intensely as they attempt to come to terms with the conflict between the head and the gut. They feel divided against themselves. The developing ego in the head struggles to gain control over the raging energies of sex in the abdomen. In the process, the ego tends to draw away more and more energy, creating habitual tensions and blockages that help it maintain its illusion of a control tower. This imaginary separation of mind from body, when we buy into it, intensifies our sense of separation from the entire world. Our unenlightened state. It also forms the chakras, which are essentially blockages — or knots — that help the ego maintain its make-believe position of dominance.
To maintain its futile existence, the ego often ties up and consumes so much of our psychic energy that we can become weak and vulnerable to illnesses. The supposed miracles of spiritual healing that people sometimes experience are simply the result of the ego momentarily relaxing and reducing its energy demands, freeing up enough energy to restore vitality to the whole body.
Sometimes the grip of the ego is so strong, however, and the illness so bad, that the ego effectively cuts off its own energy supply. It essentially collapses. Accidentally destroys itself. When this happens — and if the person survives the illness — the energy of the total organism once again floods the body like it did in infancy. This strange self-destruction of the ego appears to be a natural, spontaneous event, but it rarely occurs. When it does occur, it produces a shaman.
Whether one is a shaman or just an ordinary adult tied in knots, the energy of the body flows up from the abdomen to feed the brain. This rising energy is none other than the invisible wind that we’ve been talking about. In typical adults, this upward-flowing wind energy is resisted by the ego.
The human brain is highly evolved, and it uses — as well as generates — an enormous amount of energy. But the ego, in its attempt to maintain an imaginary stronghold, can block the rising energy and keep the brain from completely waking up. It even fantasizes that the sexual energy down below is female and that she is teeming with scary monsters — which is somewhat true, considering the evolutionary trauma that’s embedded in our subconscious programming…from countless eons of predators and other natural calamities. It should come as no surprise that in mythology, goddesses are notorious for giving birth to monsters.