

A 14-year-old Chinese teenager has developed a web version of "WIN12" that brings the UI and interactive experience of Windows 12 to the web browser.


The open-source project "win12" briefly made it to GitHub's Trending list and has been steadily gaining stars. The project was created by a 14-year-old middle school student and brings the UI and interactive experience of Windows 12 to the web browser. The project includes beautiful UI design, smooth and rich animations, and various advanced features. The author's team has made plans for the future development of the project, including establishing a file system, creating a custom executable file mechanism, converting and executing .exe files, providing more APIs for application integration, embedding a browser engine to become an application, and renaming the project to "Windows 12."


  • The author is a Chinese 14-year-old middle school student, going by the online alias Xing Yuan. They have won awards such as first place in CSP (Computer Science Principles) popularization group and third place in the Blue Bridge Cup national competition.
  • The author was born in 2009, currently attending the third year of middle school in Chengdu, China. They must have started exploring computers and programming at a very early age, with a strong passion for knowledge and technology in the field of computers.
  • The author mentioned that they are now in the third year of middle school and won’t be actively updating the functionality of the win12 project. Maintenance and updates will be handed over to other contributing members.
  • At the end of the article, they provide a link to experience the Windows 12 web version. Interested folks can give it a try.

14-year-old Chinese teenager have developed a web version of “WIN12”

Photo by Richard Horvath on Unsplash

Just yesterday, an open-source project named “win12” briefly made it to GitHub’s Trending list.

Screenshots from GitHub

Moreover, the project has been steadily gaining stars recently, boasting over 3.4k+ stars.


Out of curiosity, I clicked on it and took a look. Well, the project’s README states that it was created by a 14-year-old middle school student. That’s right: it brings the UI and interactive experience of Windows 12 to the web browser. Here are a few screenshots to give you a taste:

Login Page

Web version login page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”

Start Menu, there is booting music on boot.

Web version start menu page of xingyuan’s “win12”

File Explorer

Web version File Explorer page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”


Web version setting page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”

Terminal Command Line

Web version terminal comman line page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”

AI Copilot

Web version ai copilot page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”

Other Applications

Web version theme change page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”
Web version little compotes page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”
Web version lighting change page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”
Web version explore page of xingyuan ‘s “win12”

The inspiration for this project came from the author’s fascination with the concept of Windows 12. So, they decided to create a web version of Windows 12, similar to what was done for Windows 11, allowing users to get a sneak peek of Windows 12 online.

This project is primarily a front-end open-source project, implemented with standard front-end technologies (HTML, JS, CSS). You can download the code, no need to install anything, just open desktop.html to get started.

The project includes:

Beautiful UI design

Smooth and rich animations

Various advanced features (compared to the web version)

Furthermore, the author’s team has made plans and dreams for the future development of this project.

  1. Establish a file system. 2. Create a custom executable file mechanism. 3. Convert and execute .exe files. 4. Provide more APIs for application integration. 5. Embed a browser engine to become an application. 6. Rename the project to “Windows 12.” 7. Package it into the Windows operating system. 8. Set this application as the default launcher. 9. Remove unnecessary system features and encapsulate it into a standalone operating system. 10. Rename the project to “Doswin 1.0.” 11. Adapt it for quantum computers. 12. Integrate with ChatGPT. 13. Rename the project to “550W.” (An Intelligent quantum computer Chinese movie “Wandering Earth” )

As mentioned earlier, the README of this project reveals that the author is a Chinese 14-year-old middle school student, going by the online alias Xing Yuan. They have won awards such as first place in CSP (Computer Science Principles) popularization group and third place in the Blue Bridge Cup national competition. The author was born in 2009, currently attending the third year of middle school in Chengdu, China.

Looking at it this way, even though the author is quite young, they must have started exploring computers and programming at a very early age, with a strong passion for knowledge and technology in the field of computers. You can also see from the author’s personal homepage that they have quite a broad range of technical skills.

The author mentioned that they are now in the third year of middle school and won’t be actively updating the functionality of the win12 project. Maintenance and updates will be handed over to other contributing members.

At the end of the article, they provide a link to experience the Windows 12 web version: Windows 12 Web version (tjy-gitnub.github.io). Interested folks can give it a try.

I endured nine springs and autumns of rigorous study, And one day, I determined my destiny. Overcoming mountain peaks, dispersing clouds and mist, Finally, the dawn reveals countless paths.

Let’s reminisce about the past once more! We will meet again in the future, until next year. To all my friends, I bid farewell! - Xing Yuan, 30th August, 23/8/30

Finally, in retrospect, what were you doing at 14? I don’t seem to have realized that I need to learn computer. What about you?

Thanks for your reading, i have written some other posts.

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