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10 Uncomfortable Things You Should Start With Now.

Photo by Paulo Vizeu on Unsplash

It’s true; many people want to change things every year, achieve new goals, and implement good resolutions… Unfortunately, they often fail in the first weeks of implementation because people feel comfortable.

Humans are creatures of habit. We all like to choose the simplest, most comfortable, or most pragmatic way to avoid new or unpleasant situations as much as possible.

s o embark on the 11 uncomfortable things outlined below, initiating them immediately, and by the year’s end, realize a profound sense of achievement, exclaiming, “WOW! — This has been my year!”

1. Get out of your comfort zone regularly

At work, do you specifically take on tasks that you already know? Or have you been going to the same sports club for years, where you meet the people you have known there for years? Knowing what you’re getting into and knowing how to handle the situation gives you confidence.

The crux of the matter: how are things supposed to change if you always stay the same in your habits and preferences?

To change big or small things in your life, you need to have the courage to step out of your comfort zone every day, even if it feels uncomfortable at the moment.

But this is the only way to expand your horizons, see new opportunities seize them for yourself, and gain new impulses that can take you further in life! this may help you more.

2. Meet new people and get to know them.

Openness and interest: these two things can make interpersonal relationships truly enriching for you. New people bring you new things to think about, new inspiration, new ideas. Each person has their own story, experiences, values ​​, and attitudes.

Take advantage of this to get closer to people and get in touch with them for your personal development. Each person brings with them something that you can use positively for yourself.

3. Strengthen your confidence in yourself

Trust yourself and be aware of your personality, abilities, and successes. Only then can you achieve your goals. Think about it yourself and talk to others about it.

What have you accomplished in your life? What did you do well? What is important to you and what else would you like to create for yourself? What do others like about you? Why do you often receive positive feedback?

Be aware of your abilities and don’t wonder if someone else might think bad things about you.

You know who you are, what you can do, and what you want. You will thus be able to approach your projects with full energy and automatically convince those around you of your value.

4. Spend more time with important people

Do you sometimes find it difficult to get up from the comfortable sofa after a tiring day to have a glass of wine in the evening at the local bar rather than at home? Does the idea of ​​not only turning on the television after work but also chatting with someone, sometimes seem too exhausting? Understandable.

It’s probably not just you, and yet, as uncomfortable as it may sometimes feel, come out of your passivity.

Let the people you care about participate in your life. Talk about yourself and share it; This can help you manage your day and think things through.

Because the people who matter to you in your life know you well, give you strength, and make you feel how beautiful life is.

Listen to the people you love and participate in their thoughts; Do something good for them and you will see that it is good for you. Take these positive energies with you into your daily life and use them for yourself.

5. Increase your productivity and work more focused

Few things are as satisfying as the feeling of having accomplished something. So set realistic goals at work, turn off the disruptors (whether it’s your smartphone or your thought loops), and throw yourself into your next most important task or priority with vigor.

Give yourself breaks where you can do something good for yourself and disconnect, so you can get back on track with all your might.

At the end of each day, be aware of what you accomplished today and be proud of yourself. just increase your productivity.

6. Start making your happiness your priority

You are important. It’s not always about making other people happy. You can…yes, you must! — also about you. Consciously focus on yourself and allow yourself to prioritize your happiness.

What makes you happy? Be aware of this and actively integrate these things into your daily life. Only if you are happy and take care of yourself can you transmit your happiness to others and the world.

7. Stop living in the past or future

Focus on the here and now. Because today is yesterday’s tomorrow and tomorrow is tomorrow. Stop waiting for tomorrow or thinking about the past. Begin enjoying the moment since this is the time you waited for yesterday.

8. Start being kinder and more loving to yourself

Master your inner critic. In an age where performance has an extremely high value in our society, where we are expected to be efficient at all times and always be able to respond to demand and on short notice, the inner critic is often not far away.

It tells you that you need to be better, fast enough, and talented enough.

But to achieve your goals and make your ideas come true, you must silence the inner critic who acts as a barrier and holds you back. Don’t be too hard on yourself because you are good enough.

Do your best, that’s enough. Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself if you fail to achieve something the way you wanted. You have done your best and the next opportunity will present itself.

9. Start eating healthier

“Engage in positive activities for your body, and your soul will be inclined to cherish its dwelling. Teresa of Ávila said this in the 16th century.

Although it may be convenient in the evening after work to have a quick snack at the cozy local kebab shop, then eat it in front of the television with one or two alcoholic drinks after work… -But don’t let it become a habit!

Even if it seems inconvenient to come home after work and prepare a healthy meal, try to incorporate it into your daily routine as often as possible.

Healthy eating brightens your mind and soul and gives you the energy you need for your day. This way you can start each day feeling stronger, more efficient, and more vital.

10. Take full responsibility for your life.

No one else should be able to decide this except you, because ultimately you are the one living your life.

Think about the areas of your life that make you happy: it’s your merit! What areas are you currently dissatisfied with? — Change them! Because even if it may seem a little banal: everyone is the creator of their happiness!

It’s up to you to manage your life responsibly and change the things that make you unhappy. No one has the task of doing this but you. Only you can do this. Take responsibility and design your life the way you want to live it; after all, you only have one thing.


Well, chances are that implementing all of these points will seem like a challenge to you. However, most people would probably overlook the fact that it is not about answering every point perfectly. The only important thing is to start with this and not throw in the towel right from the start.

Be happy with the small successes you achieve along the way, and the implementation of big projects will become easier and easier. Get involved in some things that feel uncomfortable and you will soon see that they will bring big changes to your life that you probably never imagined.

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Self Improvement
Personal Development
Comfort Zone
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