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AI | Artificial Intelligence | Work

10 Things That Convinced Our Company To Incorporate AI at Work

And get things done faster and better.

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

AI is used in various areas of our lives, such as corporate business, medical care, and education, to make work more efficient.

Unlike conventional computers, which can only do what they are told to do in advance, AI can observe situations, make judgments, and make predictions just like humans. Therefore, AI has many benefits, such as making companies’ operations more efficient.

1. Increases productivity

Even if the task is simple, there is a possibility that human error will occur if humans perform it. However, since AI does not make mistakes, errors can be eliminated by having AI do the work in place of humans.

Additionally, AI is faster than humans and can perform repetitive tasks 24 hours daily. In particular, AI is good at completing tasks where repeating the same functions or making mistakes is not an option, so introducing AI for such jobs will significantly increase productivity.

2. Prevent accidents

AI has strengths in repeating tasks accurately and detecting abnormalities, so using AI can reduce the risk of accidents. For example, if self-driving technology equipped with AI becomes commonplace, it will be possible to reduce the incidence of accidents compared to when humans drive cars.

AI is also used for automatic infrastructure inspections to detect danger, such as river revetments.

3. Can reduce costs

If AI replaces tasks previously performed by humans, there will be no need to hire people. Therefore, it will be possible to reduce the labor costs that were previously incurred.

Additionally, by building an environment where data can be centrally managed using AIOps tools, it is possible to optimize IT resources and eliminate waste. In this way, introducing AI can reduce various costs and labor costs.

4. Supplement the labor force

Since AI is good at repetitive routine and simple tasks, replacing everyday tasks previously performed by humans with AI is possible. Introducing AI will help reduce the burden on people and supplement the workforce.

For example, industries such as agriculture currently face a labor shortage and could resolve the labor shortage by introducing AI to automate tasks such as crop harvesting and pesticide spraying.

5. Increased convenience

By using AI, various tasks can be continuously automated 24 hours a day. Therefore, it is predicted that what was previously provided as a service will become an infrastructure always stably supplied by AI, and the convenience of life will improve. Furthermore, as AI is increasingly used in the medical field, it will support people’s lives in all aspects.

6. Satisfaction level increases

By analyzing big data using AI, it will be possible to recommend products that customers are looking for and to perform appropriate inventory management by predicting demand. Utilizing AI will improve service quality, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Additionally, implementing AI in your call center can improve customer satisfaction by providing faster answers to questions.

7. Communication becomes smoother

Since AI has strengths in natural language processing, it can also help improve the quality of communication used in things like automatic translation and chatbots, helping to improve the quality of communication.

For example, if the accuracy of automatic translation services using AI improves, it will be possible to eliminate language barriers and interact with people from various countries.

8. You can streamline your work

If introduced, AI can perform tasks in all fields instead of humans. By entrusting many routine tasks to AI, it will become possible to streamline operations.

For example, in education, AI is used to automate grading and optimize learning tailored to each student. In addition, work efficiency can be improved in the business field by entrusting routine tasks such as data entry to AI.

9. Data analysis becomes easier

AI has strengths in data analysis and data prediction using big data. Since AI’s data analysis ability far exceeds that of humans, using AI in marketing will likely lead to increased sales of your company’s products and services.

In addition, in the medical field, AI analyzes data from CT images, MRI images, etc., to make diagnoses and support doctors’ diagnoses.

10. Leverage human strengths

If AI can replace the simplest tasks humans have traditionally done, people can focus on more important or creative tasks. As a result, we will be able to leverage people’s strengths more than ever before.

AI is not good at creative tasks, so entrusting routine tasks to AI will lead to more effective human resources.

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