avatarVeronica Llorca-Smith


The article provides insights into common writing challenges and offers practical solutions for writers to overcome them, improve their craft, and maintain consistency.


The author, an experienced online writer with a substantial following, addresses ten common issues that writers face, such as lack of clarity, time, cohesion, and engagement, along with solutions to combat these challenges. The piece emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision, prioritizing writing time, developing a content strategy, fostering creative thinking, and taking action without overthinking. It also suggests writing regularly, seeking feedback, creating efficient processes, building accountability, engaging with the audience, and taking breaks to prevent burnout. The article concludes with an invitation to explore further insights through the author's book and a recommendation for an AI service.


  • The author believes that a clear vision is crucial for focused and purposeful writing.
  • They suggest that reallocating time from social media consumption to writing can significantly improve productivity.
  • Strategic planning in content creation is seen as essential for maintaining cohesion and relevance.
  • Writing should be approached with a mindset of continuous improvement, embracing feedback and learning from mistakes.
  • The author advocates for a bias towards action, encouraging writers to publish content without excessive perfectionism.
  • Engagement is viewed as a reciprocal process, requiring writers to actively participate in their community.
  • Regular breaks and mental resets are recommended to overcome writer's block and avoid burnout.
  • The author values the role of mentorship and education in enhancing writing skills.
  • They promote the idea of repurposing content and using popular comments as a basis for new posts to increase efficiency.
  • Consistency in publishing is linked to making a realistic commitment and establishing accountability mechanisms.

10 Reasons Why You Struggle To Write & 10 Remedies

Overcoming writer’s block

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

I’ve been writing online for 17 months and have published over 1,000 pieces of content across LinkedIn, Medium, Substack, and X (Twitter) and built a community of over 12,000.

Many are writers, content creators, or professionals who see the value in writing online for their business, their brand, and their personal satisfaction.

I like to keep notes of their recurring problems and questions and turn them into solution-focused articles, so here we go:

10 challenges and 10 tips to overcome them.

1: Lack of clarity

“I don’t know what to write about”

Solution: clarify your vision

Go back to the basics and ask yourself the tough questions:

Why do you want to write?

What are you trying to achieve?

Who are you trying to help and how?

What’s your value proposition?

This is mine:

The Lemon Tree Mindset empowers you to build your thing and brand yourself.

I stay on my lane. FOCUS.

2: Lack of time

“I don’t have time to write”

Solution: re-prioritize

The average adult spends over 2.5 hours per day in the rabbit hole — social media (Statista). Can you transfer 30 minutes a day from consuming to creating?

Make writing a habit. Book an appointment with yourself and make it happen.

3: Lack of cohesion

“My content feels disconnected”

Solution: strategize

Most people start writing ad hoc, without a big picture. That’s fine when you are starting but after a while, you must connect the dots.

If you nail point 1 (clarity), it’s easier to make the connection because your vision is your North Star.

My newsletter, The Lemon Tree Mindset has 3 key strategic pillars:

Empowerment & Inspiration


Personal Brand

That’s my strategy and how my blog is built. Everything links back to my pillars and my vision.

Start with the strategy and build the layers around it.

4: Repetitive content

“I feel like I’m repeating myself”

Solution: nurture creative thinking

When my solopreneur friend Mel told me she was struggling to promote her podcast without sounding like a broken record, we talked about perspective.

There are at least 10 different ways to talk about the same topic: learnings, mistakes, similarities between x and y, before and after, personal story…

And at least 10 formats: listicle, article, LinkedIn Live, thought leadership, carousel…

Mix it up, experiment, try new formats and keep it fresh!

5: Overthinking

“I overthink before press publish”

Solution: have a bias for action

Reduce the time between writing and pressing ‘Post.’ Think of social media as a conversational channel where you show up as you are, sharing your ideas.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. I recently wrote ass instead of as in a LinkedIn carousel. When my friend Michael kindly pointed it out, I had a giggle, corrected it, and moved on. You are not writing a thesis: you’ll be fine.

6: Poor content

“My writing sucks’

Solution: write more and get feedback

It probably does. Mine does, too, sometimes, even after a year. Numbers don’t lie.

Writing is a skill like cooking, running, or playing music. Regardless of your talent, you need the miles on the keyboard.

If you are serious about improving, invest in it. I hired a writing mentor for my memoir, joined a course on personal branding and follow tips from top creators.

7: Inefficiency

“I’m not efficient and it takes me forever to write”

Solution: create processes

- Plan ahead (I plan my content calendar on Sunday)

- Repurpose across platforms (adjusting the format)

- Turn 1 long-form article into multiple posts

- Break 1 idea into sub-ideas

- Journal your thoughts before they vanish

- Turn your popular comments into posts

- Identify your readers’ key challenges and turn them into an article (like this one)

8: Inconsistency

“I struggle to find a cadence”

Solution: build accountability

My commitment to my subscribers is to publish once a week. Sometimes I send 2 issues weekly, but my promise to you is to show up on Saturday morning at 8 am Hong Kong time.

Be honest: are you ready to go to the gym daily, or is 3 times a week more realistic?

The symptom is a lack of consistency, but the root cause is a lack of commitment.

Tackle the root cause and sign an accountability contract with yourself.

9: Lack of engagement

“My content doesn’t create engagement.”

Solution: engage more

Engagement is a two-way street. Don’t expect people to flood your wall with comments if you are not supporting them back.

Dedicate some time to leave interesting comments, support others, and build your community. Join groups of your interest, participate in discussions and be creative. Insightful comments are an effective way to grow your audience too.

10: burnout and writer’s block

“I feel like I’m hitting a wall and I’m burning out”

Solution: take a break and reset

There are 2 things you shouldn’t chase: inspiration and love.

Instead, create the space for ideation to flourish: go for a walk, reconnect with nature, read a book, listen and observe…create mental space, and the moment you least expect it, inspiration will knock on your door!

Bringing it home

Here are the 10 remedies that will help you get unstuck when you struggle:

  1. Have a clear vision
  2. Reprioritize
  3. Build a content strategy
  4. Nurture your creative thinking
  5. Fuel a bias for action
  6. Write more and get feedback
  7. Create processes
  8. Build accountability
  9. Engage more
  10. Take a break and reset

If you are interested in inspiration and frameworks to build your thing and brand yourself, you will love my book, The Lemon Tree Mindset. 🌳🍋

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